داد خواه فاجعه ای ثبت شده در تاریخ میهن مان
حمله به کتابفروشی ها و بر پایی کتابسوزان از مشخصه های حکومت اسلامی ست. در آغاز" گروه های فشار" به رهبری هادی غفاری ها و محسن رفیقدوست ها وزهرا خانوم ها و ماشاالله قصاب ها و عباس قراضه ها , با شعار " حزب فقط حزب الله , رهبر فقط روح الله " امر به معروف تخریب کتاب فروشی ها و بر پایی کتابسوزان ها را پیش می بردند. بتدریج گروه های فشار و کشتار درارگان های اداری, امنیتی و نظامی حکومت اسلامی سازمان دهی شدند و اوامر و فتاوی را سازمان یافته تر انجام دادند.
Islamists have got only themselves to blame
I still remember the deep respect that people use to have toward Islam as a religion. Only one generation ago people and especially young Muslims and yes, young Iranians were inspired by Imam Ali's justice or Imam Hussein's bravery and sacrifice in Karbala. But now after only one generation, people cannot even stand these notions and even attach anybody who ever mentions it. So one question that comes to mind, and that is: What has changed? Why such radical shift?
تشکیل انجمنهای حمایت از "کمیته ی دفاع از انتخابات آزاد"
اپوزیسیون باید به جای صرف نیروی خود دربارهی جنگ، به امر تغییر رژیم از طریق انتخابات آزاد اهمیت دهد. اقداماتی که امروز از سوی اپوزیسیون در ایران میشود در تایید این هوشیاری است، طبیعی است که کار بسیار سختی در پیش است و رژیم جمهوری اسلامی به راحتی رخت برنخواهد بست. اگر هم برود ساختن این جامعهی باقی مانده از فقر ، هرج و مرج و فساد، کار یک فرد و یک جناح و یک سازمان به تنهایی نیست و نیاز به همکاری و همیاری همهی افراد و نیروهای اپوزیسیون و نیاز به یک همبستگی بزتگ میهنی دارد و این همبستگی چه بهتر که از امروزصورتگیرد.
If no good came out of this fire, at least my belief in human compassion has been revived
The phone in our quiet house comes back to life as friends and relatives call from all over the planet to make sure we’re safe. I picture them going through their drawers to find my number, a few still unsure of how to spell the name. However, the reports of the recent fire, especially the maps shown on TV, put us at right the center of this inferno. Callers are mostly worried, but a few sound so overwhelmed that I feel as if I have let them down by not having burned already. Assured that our neighborhood is in no imminent danger, it’s my duty to extend a helping hand
November 14-17; Interview with writer/creator Niloufar Talebi
Two nights of film screenings, three nights of theatre, food, dance parties, one black tie Gala (hosted by philanthropist Bita Daryabari, Mayor Gavin Newsom, and Ross Mirakrimi just to name a few) a book store, and a morning of panel discussions and keynotes about Iranian Literature. The timing, the genre, and even venue signify an edgy twist in the sensibilities of the (add) Iranian diaspora, hungry for the sort of cultural upgrade that is way overdue. ILAF offers just that, and it is refreshingly different from the same old style of the “tried and true”.
It was hot in the desert
a heat as sharp as the steel
of my financial defeat.
In the deep end of the bar
with sweats of alcohol
sticking my back to the seat.
می توان غمگین بود
بی آنکه گلی پژمرده شود
همیشه این تو هستی که
چیزی درون تو می جوشد
و حتی همبستر تو آهی نمی کشد
I can hear the splash of bliss
Beneath the wooden paddle of my dream
The dark night of my memories
In search of good old laughs
(The next is quite depressing, but then, so is the international situation)
As this year ends, as end it must,
As we must someday end in dust,
Salute the brave hours we have known
And not the cowardice we've shown
بعضی روزا وقتیکه دلم تنگ میشه
زندگی یه جور رکودِ، نعمت حساب نمیشه
عجیبه، ولی وجودم هم یه جورایی غریبه میشه
تمام دنیام مثل یک شبِ تاریک بی ماه و ستاره میشه
فاصله های یک وجبی بیشتر از چندین و چند سال نوری میشه
Stressing diplomacy instead of practicing it
Answering a question about her vote on recent resolution on Iran Senator Clinton offered a detailed description of the resolution, which she said
stressed robust diplomacy that could lead to imposing sanctions against Iran. French Foreign minister Dr. Kouchner told reporters that he believes in diplomacy. Secretary Rice also emphasizes the importance of diplomacy in dealing with Tehran and so does Prime Minister Brown and every European politician. The life is beautiful and the world seems sensible. Except for one tiny little bit of detail!
نقدی بر برخی سخنان خطر خیز رهبران جمهوری اسلامی ایران
by Ahmad Sadri & Mahmoud Sadri
چرا باید حرفی زد که نه از نظر تاریخی وزنی دارد و نه گره ای از مشکلات امروز مردم فلسطین باز میکند؟ چرا باید سخنی گفت که آبی به آسیاب نژاد پرستان سفید پوست آنروز و امروز می ریزد و اسلحه ای بدست دشمنان قسم خورده ایران و لابی های قدرتمند آنها می دهد؟ اصلاً این معمائی است که چرا برخی از سیاستمداران جمهوری اسلامی اینقدر دلشان بحال دولتهای جابر اروپای ابتدای قرن بیستم مانند آلمان و اتریش و ایتالیا و فرانسه سوخته است که گناه نا بخشودنی و ضد انسانی نسل کشی و یهودی ستیزی آنها را بقیمت منافع ملی خود می شویند؟
We definitely DO NOT like seeing our work turned into a toilet-paper by commentators
My suggestion is to give the contributors more power, to accept or reject some, or all, comments. You know what I dislike most? It is not the comments with the foul language but what I can call SPAM COMMENT. Comments that come from people who have nothing to say, who argue about nothing, who are sometimes non-Iranian (completely out of touch with the area we come from), and I need to say this again, it is NOT about the things that are addressed at the authors that bother the authors (or I am guessing) but more about seeing your work turned into a piece of trash by some people
“Pinecone, Pinecone. We’re here honey.”
People like my wife and I who have spent years of our lives in pursuit of higher education have through the years been indoctrinated to believe that things, events or phenomena which cannot be explained logically, rationally and scientifically are simply figments of weak, unstable or wildly imaginative minds. It has only been in the past month that what we’ve always believed has been turned on its head, and we’ve come to feel that there are things which we cannot easily, logically, or rationally explain, but are as real as anything we’ve ever known