

War against people

War between US and political Islam will hurt people in Iran most

12-Nov-2007 (30 comments)
The risk of a military attack against people in Iran is imminent. The US administration is adamant about an attack against Iran. The US government is trying to gain support of other states and the public opinion in the US for the attack. The French foreign minister has defended military attack against Iran. They claim war is inevitable if Islamic regime is to be prevented from producing nuclear weapons. On the other hand the Islamic regime is flaring up the fire of war. Both sides have escalated their war propaganda. Economic sanctions against Iran too are adding to the prospect of death and devastation.>>>


بلاخره باید ازجایی شروع کنیم

نویسنده مستقل تن به قوانین احمقانه و خنگ کننده قدرت نمی دهد

زمان نشان داده است که نظام سیاسی کشور ما فقط می تواند چهارشنبه سوری راکه نشانه صلح و دوستی بود به چهارشنبه سوزی تبدیل کند دندان طمع از سیستمی که تمام این سالها خودی و غیر خودی کرده را باید بکشیم برای زبان مادریمان کاری کنیم این عمارتی است که از سالیان سال پیش به ما رسیده حداقل به اندازه گذشتگانمان تلاش کنیم و این زبان را به ایندگان بسپاریم امید بسازیم در مقابل این همه ناامیدی که دامن مردم کشورمان راگرفته >>>


We have to start somewhere

A conversation with novelist Moniru Ravanipor -- in San Francisco

11-Nov-2007 (10 comments)
Time has shown that the political system in our country can only change our holiday “Chehar-shanbeh Soori” (literally means ‘Wednesday celebration’) which is a sign of friendship and peace into “chehar-shanbeh Sooozi” (which translates to Wednesday inferno). The system that has created the conniving mentality of pitting “us” against “them” and it has to be removed by the root, before we can do something for our own language. This language is a gift that has been handed down to us and the least we can do, is as much as forefathers did, which is pass it down to the next generation. We need to build hope against all this hopelessness that’s so rampant in our country.>>>


How, Where, When and What?
11-Nov-2007 (2 comments)
How do you measure the weight of a second, felt upon your heart?

How do you count the miracles contained in an hour, witnessed by your eyes?

How do you price and pay for the moment of a first encounter, with your life force?

How do you define the feeling of the first kiss, and comprehend it?


نقش تبعیدیان در تحولات درون ایران

در حاشیه ی گفت وگوی ناصر زرافشان

11-Nov-2007 (14 comments)
دو نام , ناصر زرافشان و اکبرگنجی , امروزه مطرح ترین و پر آوازه ترین نام های جنبش روشنفکری و روشنگری " سیاسی" ایران در داخل و خارج از ایران هستند. می دانم عزیزانی از جریان های فکری و سیاسی" چپ و راست و میانه "خوش ندارند این نظر را بشنوند و به عنوان واقعیت بپذیرند, اما کاری نمی شود کرد, خوش آمدن یا خوش نیامدن این و آن تغییری دراین واقعیت نخواهد داد!>>>


Iran’s strength comes from perseverance in defending its legitimate national interest

10-Nov-2007 (36 comments)
A major new development in the 2008 electoral campaign has been that the presidential candidates, aware of the public’s peace sentiment, have been breaking taboos that the neo-cons had erected, such as imposing pre-conditions for talks with Iran and the policy of regime change. For example, Senator Barak Obama is promising to sit down for diplomatic meetings with countries like Iran, Syria and North Korea and not to seek regime change. These positions are qualitatively different from "all options remain on the table.">>>



Be Alive! he yells to me

10-Nov-2007 (3 comments)
He fans the embers with a paper plate,
atop the balcony of his remote refuge,
many miles away from the Holy City,
and the surrounding hills are protective cloaks.
I stand in the outskirts of a city,
in a nation behind the scenes,
with a double scotch in one hand,
and a jujeh kabob in the other. >>>


ماه مشوش میشود
10-Nov-2007 (one comment)
آه – چقدر
با فریب نشسته ایم
با فریب به رویا رفته ایم
با فریب نگاه کرده ایم
چقدر – ظلمت را
پاداش آسمانی دانستیم


One more today
10-Nov-2007 (4 comments)
And sometimes we sit
thinking as others shuffle in
order coffee
chat about the election
and shuffle out
and sometimes we sit
just to get out and feel
somewhat un-alone >>>


آيا بابک خرمدين مال من هم هست؟

آنان که براستی تنوع ملت ايران را تحمل نمی کنند همين تجزيه طلبانند

10-Nov-2007 (40 comments)
من می گويم هرکس که «می خواهد» جزو «ملت ايران» باشد نمی تواند شهريار شاعر و کورش پادشاه را از «هويت ملی» خود بزدايد و يا، بر عکس، هر کس بخواهد اين ها را از هويت ملی خود طرد کند ديگر ايرانی نيست و بايد برای مليت خودش فکری بکند و، تا زمانی که نتوانسته است تکه ای از خاک ايران را برای خودش «مستقل» کند، برود و به يک جائی از اين عالم آويزان شود تا از دست «فارس های خونخوار!» در امان بماند. >>>


Dirty business

Excerpt from "A Path To Nowhere"

09-Nov-2007 (one comment)
I was spending my third night at the front line. I had already received a Klashinkov rifle with a magazine that could hold thirty cartridges and a few blankets to sleep in as Neekvarz had promised. That night it was cold and foggy. A storm was blowing from northwest raising sand and dust; making the air dark. Apprehensive about my sentries, I had visited all of them twice earlier at night either in Karamee‚s company or on my own. All of them were awake and vigilant; everything seemed normal except the storm that was lashing across the plain and the hill.>>>


Good question

When is the next war with Iran?

09-Nov-2007 (34 comments)
Recently, I visited one of my relatives who had returned from Iraq to Iran for good. I asked about a limited war like “surgical strike” by Israeli or American air force. He said, “That will not happen. Israelis know not to engage directly with Iran, since they know they will instigate the wrath of Iran. If Israeli’s attack Iran, the Iranians have quite good map of all the Israeli nuclear installation and they know where to hit it with great accuracy and minimum charge and cause great pain to them. They always can say you attacked our civilian nuclear program, we attacked your military nuclear program. Besides that, Israelis have the Americans in their hand and they can force the American to do what they want to do.>>>


روز های آفتابی

نگاهی زیبا و موشکافانه دارد به دوره ای از تاریخ ِ گوشه ای از کشور مان

قاچاقچی های مسلح، که سیگار و مشروب حمل می کردند، برای رهائی از تعقیب قایق های حفاظت شرکت نفت، شروع به تیر اندازی می کنند، ولی به دلیل رسیدن نیروی کمکی کاری از پیش نمی برند و با محموله ی خود به دام می افتتند ....اما حاصل اندوهبار آن از کار افتادن قلبی بود که شور عشق در ترنم طپش های آن جاری بود وجز عطوفت و مهر ذخیره ای نداشت، و شوق انتظاری شیرین در آن موج می زد. >>>


Speaking of Angelina Jolie

The concept of extreme beauty and its power

09-Nov-2007 (22 comments)
One of the things we as Iranians have in common with the West (surprised?) is the appreciation and an almost religious worship of extreme beauty. So strong is this in Iranians, that many of us can feel outright physical pain when we are confronted with "heavy duty beauty". To Iranians, the attainment of beauty is looked at as a birthright that even God (or Allah) cannot take away. Historically the pursuit of beauty has been well documented. In books and literature, art and architecture, and even as we have seen recently, Tehran has become the plastic surgery capital of the world, as big nosed beauties, do anything to mend the seemingly singular defining (obvious at least) flaw between their flawless doe eyes.>>>


When CDOs kill CEOs

Crises in subprime mortgages

Up to now two CEOs of fortune 100 companies have fallen from grace because of the collapse in CDO markets and more shoes may have to drop before this crisis is over! So what is going on?! This is my take of the situation: CDO stands for the Collateral debt obligation. We don't need to get to the technical definition of it. So much to say that it is a financial derivative instrument. Now, since Black and Scholes published their paper in mid 70s people know how to price the derivatives. Here is finance 101. >>>