The hydra

The reality we live in is that a far worse creature than the legendry hydra is terrorizing the global village


The hydra
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.
-- Plato

Legend has it that the Hydra with the body of a serpent and numerous
heads, could never be harmed by any weapon, and if any of the other
heads were severed another would grow in its place.  Attacking cattle
and local villagers, it devoured them with its numerous heads, totally
terrorizing the vicinity for many years.  According to legend, Heracles
defeated the Hydra.

The reality we live in is that a far worse creature than the legendry
hydra is terrorizing the global village.   As one head is
de-commissioned, another replaces it; Rumsfeld with Gates, Casey with
Petraeus, and so on.  Its contemptuous greed unfulfilled, the Iraqi
devastation only vetted the appetite of the ungodly creature; and so
venomous lies spew out in preparation for an attack on the next country
– Iran, with 72 innocent lives waiting to be annihilated.    

Failing to prove Iran’s nuclear program as a threat to world security
as the IAEA would not be party to another mass murder and lie to
further the ambitions of the White House, Mr. Bush is now commanding
his generals to inform the American public that Iran is responsible for
arming Iraqis that are killing Americans.  Randomly, he takes pleasure
in having Iranian diplomats arrested by his thugs in Iraq, the same
people who murder Iraqi civilians, women and children.  

Having buried himself in the darkness of deception, the White House
occupant forgets that the truth occasionally leaks out and he ‘can’t
fool all the people all the time’.  Indeed, in the “Teicher Affidavit:
Iraq-Gate” of 1/31/95, it was revealed by former NSC official Howard
Teicher  that during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, the U.S. provided
Saddam Hossein with weaponry including anti-armor penetrators –  one of
the weaponry Iran is accused of providing to the Iraqis.

During the 8-year war, much of the weapons supplied to Iraq by the
United States and its CIA department, was through a cleverly devised
program called “Bear Spares”.   The program made sure that spare parts
and ammunition for Soviet or Soviet-style weaponry was made available
to countries which sought to reduce their dependence on the Soviets for
defense needs.  If the "Bear Spares" were manufactured outside the
United States, then the United States could arrange for the provision
of these weapons to a third country without direct involvement.  

Due to its various wars, Israel has a large stockpile of captured
Soviet weaponry and ammunition.   At the suggestion of the United
States, the Israelis would transfer the spare parts and weapons to
third countries or insurgent movements.  Egypt manufactured weapons and
spare parts from Soviet designs and provided these weapons and
ammunition to the Iraqis and other countries.  Egypt also served as a
supplier for the Bear Spares program. The United States approved,
assisted and encouraged Egypt's sale of weaponry, munitions and
vehicles to Iraq.   

Mr. Bush’s generals have been told to play politics instead of
soldiers.  Neglecting their duty to protect their country, they are
obeying a man who is jeopardizing peace in violation of Chapter VII of
the United Nations Security Council .   These generals, more versed in
lying than in protecting the Americans, as with their
commander-in-chief, would have the nation believe that weapons killing
Americans are coming from Iran. 

America and the CIA, masters
of deception, eager to start another war at any cost, even at the cost
of American patriots who are dying in Iraq, are hard at work convincing
the nation that Iran is arming Iraqis, attempting to make us forget the
190,000 assault rifles and pistols that the Pentagon ‘lost’ (while
under the watchful eye of KBR, Mr. Cheney’s old company).   One must
wonder what else may be ‘lost’ or otherwise, and blamed on Iran?

In the reality we live in, this Hydra too, has its weakness and its
strength.  What empowers and feeds it is apathy.   Its weakness is the
collective will of a well-informed nation.  The arrow that will rid
that nation of its destructive ways, is the Constitution of the United
States.  Failure to do this, will be the destruction of the U.S. as we
know it.

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich has studied in Iran, UK, France, and the US.
She obtained her Bachelors Degree in International Relations from the
University of Southern California, Los Angeles.  She has done extensive
research on US foreign policy towards Iran and Iran’s nuclear program. 
She is currently a graduate student, peace activist, public speaker,
and radio commentator.


Recently by Soraya Sepahpour-UlrichCommentsDate
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more from Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

Someone joon toham baleh?

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

So now we know that you think Ahmanejad is a Dr! Someone khareh I am not in politics like you and that bitch Soraya. So no point calling me names. I sleep with every good koss or good koon if I can. You seem to be a good koon. Soraya is not bad koss but she is married so out of the question for me. but you seem to fancy ahmadinejad so much you call him Dr. Dr my keer if he is a Dr then I must be noble prize winner in kossokoonkoni! call me when you need me.


RE: I nominate the singing dancing Soraya

by someone123 (not verified) on

Karim, DR. Ahmadinejad did very well in his last trip to the US specially in his debate with Bollinger despite a few mistakes including the one that he said in Iran we don’t have gays!
You clearly have rejected his claim by your example. You don’t need to beat this to death though. We now know that we even have some old SAVAKies, and old generals of Shah (like yourself) that are gay (frustrated gays though).
You have made your point very well, there is really no reason to continue these insults.


I nominate the singing dancing Soraya

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

Someone khoshgeleh you are simply a bache kooni who needs a good long keer in his koon but you are too coward to admit it. So I prefer to have Soraya (// the substitute for ahmandinejad. But listen, if you need a good back fuck, just let us know. There will be a long line of buggers waiting for you.


Who/what is the alternative to IRI?

by someone (not verified) on

Ok, I perceive this article as pro peace, therefore pro US and pro Iran. Some of you are looking at it differently and see it as anti Bush and get mad because you equate anti Bush to pro IRI, and then start using bad words in two languages.
I claim that regime change in Iran is bad for both US and Iran, and I don’t like that. Now instead of getting mad, you anti IRIs tell me who/what is your alternative for Iran, if IRI is gone tomorrow?


My favorite Soraya

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

Listen you all koss gandideh jendeh pirakia, I found my true Soraya. see my post here (// Now you can all back off to your smelly shitty corners and fuck off. None of you including this Ulrich the Bitch is a match for Soraya joonam. Ghorboonesh beram heza bar. Elaahi harchi dard daareh bokhoreh to sare Afsaaneh kossoo, Ashraf jendeh, Soraya Ulrich the Bitch, Someone kooni and all those who want to suck my keer.
Agha JJ thank you for giving us the singing Soraya. ghorboonet beram ba in khosh salighegy. you are number one when it comes to the choice of koss.


To: Karim (re: Ashraf Jendeh)

by Ashraf Pahlavi (not verified) on

Hey Karim Honey,

I think the "soozak" and "seflis" that you had gotten from my jendeh (Afsaaneh) has gotten to your head. You are totally confused now! That is how it was suppose to work after the person ages. My jendehs all had those diseases. The task of mine and Shahanshah Araygooz was to make sure all Iranian young men who visited shahrehno were diseased. I think we succeeded to a great deal. You are a living example. That original idea came from Tel Aviv. That is were you are now a koskesh, in case you have forgotten.
Why should JJ do me from "koon", I want you do to do me from "koon". I have offered you several times to do that. But since I am very old, you first should lick my "solakh koon" to make sure it is wet, open, and ready.



Ashraf jendeh= Afsaaneh kosoo?

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

Ashi you are the same as Afsi. Are you playing games with my keer? Ey jendeh koss poosideh. Now you are acting as an imposter. I know you jendeh khanom you can't fool me. I dare you to show your real identity. You are as before ye jendeh beesavad. You are not even worth an ass fuck. Get your gohi ass out of this respectable forum vagarneh migam agha JJ az koon bokoneteta.


RE: “ranian regime is a heinous dictatorship”

by someone (not verified) on

Even if we assume that is true, defending IRI and its actions are much easier than defending US “Democracy” under Bush, and necons. So, those of you bloggers that blog in drive by-shooting style, stop shooting your favorite English words and tell me who is your alternative for Iran? As I stated I believe Iran’s best and fastest path to a full fledged democracy is through evolution, and not regime change (genocide) Bush/Chenneey style.


to: Changiz Khan (RE: to some(follish)one

by Ashraf Pahlavi (not verified) on

I am sending an "aftabeh" full of water so you can put down your fire, you asshole. At Shahanshah Aryagooz time, we imported a lot of donkeys from Cyprus and Turkey. I think there were some "changiz" among them too!



to Some(foolish)one

by changiz khan (not verified) on

There are many Iranian Californians whose homes are up in smoke by now. I can't imagine Ulrich and her allies, like Someone, being among them. From their safe and comfortable positions they have the cheek to describe the Islamic Republic's Iran as a "not a heinous dictatorship." I suppose they expect us to be grateful for their conceding that the Islamic system is not a democracy either! No Someone I am not calling you any of those names you hope to be called. A fool is good enough.


Here it is, Islam at its best

by Babak7 (not verified) on


Re: @

by someone (not verified) on

Dan: says: “Iranian regime is a heinous dictatorship”.

I don’t agree with your statement, Iran is neither a full fledged democracy nor a heinous dictatorship. I believe the existing system will evolve into a full democratic system in time. This process will be faster if the external pressure and sanctions are eliminated.



by Dab (not verified) on

You really have a craving for being the subject of pejorative language, don't you? I already said you have not demonstrated the blatant ignorance others before you have, and you have the sanity to acknowledge a few things others continue to shun. But if you really "agree" you are "another of those who ought to be called" names, that's fine with me. Now to get to your point, "I believe Iran will only get better if the US does not create any more disasters there." What does this have to do with the fact that the Iranian regime is a heinous dictatorship, and that Ms. Ulrich continues to applaud them at every turn? Because last time I checked, that was the subject of my arguments.


RE: Edit

by someone (not verified) on

It seems that in your case visiting home has not reduced your anger. Unlike you, despite all the issues I have seen, I believe Iran will only get better if the US does not create any more disasters there.
As for our agreements, we seem to agree about the difficulties that ordinary Iranians face. I think we also agree that I am another one of those who ought to be called pig shit, scum, pompous dolts, …



by Dan (not verified) on

I'm sorry, I thought you were denying all those things you listed in the beginning of your comment. If you acknowledge the things you said, then what is it about my stance you disagree with? Or perhaps, as I said, you haven't seen enough.


@ someone

by Dan (not verified) on

I've visited Iran frequently over the past few years, and I understand where your perception is coming from. But you're wrong. You have only seen the cover of things, not what cesspool lies beneath the veil. I won't repeat myself, I've already said more than there needs to be said here, // If you care to learn a thing or two your relatives were kind enough to conceal from you, have a look. Oh, and there's no reason for me to denigrate you. You are really under the impression that things are going well, so you're merely not informed enough.


RE: How much...

by someone (not verified) on

I think you need to go visit home. I was recently there and saw many unpleasant things, wide gap between the rich and the poor, disappearing middle class, air pollution and many other urban issues, ..., I also saw many things that I like but will not mention them since that will just irritate you more and that is irrelevant to my main point anyway. Life in Iran has its difficulties and pleasures, things will get better or worse ... I am not sure which way they'll go, but one thing is clear to me that you are being tormented more than very many Iranians by simply not being there while being overly fixated with what is happening there! You need to go home and get ride of this load.
BTW feel free to call me pig shit, scum,...too, I am just someone...


How much shit have you had shoved down your throat?

by Dan (not verified) on

Mr. "ia," my point was that the author is a biased tool who turns a blind eye to realities. And if you had the same level of intelligence as a crock of pig shit, you would realize I demonstrated the fact quite well. Ms. Ulrich doesn't have to answer to ME. She should answer to fools like you who have devoured her poorly substantiated and shitty arguments to the point that they're regurgitating just that, shit. She should answer for her arrogant, ill-conceived, and asinine viewpoints, which I have already ripped apart in detail. I posted my comment so that you LA-based fuck-ups would maybe begin to see the torment the people of your country are being subjected to, while you sit on your ass bloviating about the ill-treatment your "country's president" received at Columbia. And the things I said aren't news to any real Iranian. You, nor Ms. Ulrich, nor a single one of the people fellating her have a fucking clue what's going on in the country you've only seen and heard about on the internet. And about writing "karim style," I don't even know who he is because I haven't bothered read his comments. But if you're protesting the obscenities in my posts, I will gladly apologize if you have the guts to challenge me on ONE, just ONE of the arguments I made in my commentary on the previous article, and I don't mean with the eloquence of a drunk eating his own puke (i.e., Ulrich style). If I have resorted to words you deem vulgar, it's because you bunch of pompous dolts have shown you deserve no better. So get used to it.


Did you say intelligent debate?

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

Intelligent my keer! There was more intelligence in my pillow talks with Pari Bolandeh (sister of Afsaaneh kosoo) than all the kosse sher you guys write here put together including the original kosse sher written by this teeke called Soraya. Pitty there is a little gheirat still left in me and I don't go after married women not matter how jendeh they may be.or I would have been the first to screw Soraya. And to Mr Someone and Mr Reza: if you two are kooni that's your problem. I am koon kon. period. (i mean in addition to the regular pussies). I am here because i saw a message by Afsaaneh kosoo and I remembered those hot and steamy afternoons in Siroos street in Afsi's room (vaakh chi bood). by the way i am not in tel aviv - i am where my Afsi is. Give me Afsi and I go.


to Dan Kasra

by ia (not verified) on

Dan, The writer of the article does not have to answer you. I don’t know where you got the idea that the writer has to treat your majesty differently or change her mind because of your writings.
How do you want to fulfill your quest for “critical inquiry” when you write Karim style?


At "iranian-american"

by Dan (not verified) on

I don't quite get what you're trying to say. I said I didn't bother read THIS article because the author has a history of spewing bullshit and then not backing it up in the face of critical inquiry. That is what I presented her with in response to her last article, and I challenge you to counter just one of my points. I gave her links to Amnesty International reports and links to lists of teenagers on death row in Iran. I gave her the statistics on inflation in Iran, the rise in housing prices and the cost of rudimentary groceries. I gave her a link to a documentary that follows the fate of a 16 year old girl executed in Iran for getting raped by a 53 year old man. But she was too busy blasting the United States and pushing the Ahmadinejad agenda to be bothered. And a scum like you praises her for that. Ms. Ulrich is simply one of many Los Angeles-based "peace activists" who have not a fucking clue what strains people are burdened with on the streets of Iran under the administration she has repeatedly applauded. The fact of the matter is, Ms. Ulrich is not a peace activist. She's a wannabe philanthropist who calls the miseries of the Iranian people as she sees them, from thousand of miles away in sunny California. And she enjoys the support of "Iranian Americans" like you who are equally as oblivious as she is to the pains and adversities of people in Iran. Oh, and one more thing, I'm not here for your affections. So I wouldn't give a fuck whether you missed me or not.


Maryam and Masoud Rajavi

by Mammd Mujahed (not verified) on

Mujaheen should be allowed to fvck mullahs in the asshole khoshk khoshk!


To: Karim (RE: Jendeh Khanoma)

by Reza Rahnama (not verified) on

I also suggest you follow "someone" advice. However, since you apparently live in Tel Aviv, your best bet might be to consult with Mr. Olmert. he is known to own several brothels in Tel Aviv with prostitutes imported from various old Soviet Bloc. At any event, this is the wrong forum for you. We have an intelligent discussion going on very important issues, thanks to a very smart and knowledgable Iranian lady, and you jump in "koonberahneh". This is not right. You have no respect within this community, and we don't know exactly why you are doing this. Perhaps you also need to consult a psychologist.



to Karim agha

by someone (not verified) on

Very good Karim, then you are in the wrong place. You need to get in touch with Jeff Gannon (// He can connect you, and I mean virtually connect you to current residents of White House. I hope that helps, and best of lock with Jeff and his clients.


Jendeh Khanoma

by Karim Keerkoloft (not verified) on

I do'nt know why some of you think I am a royalist. I never had anything to do with politics. I just like some koss to fuck. But political people like to fuck and get fucked as well. So I am happy to do the kossokooone of all politicians and political analysts. But for those who are against royals I give you this:


Don't miss the royal version called Kir Royale Amma for that jendeh khanum who pretends to be ashraf pahlavi I say suck my keer and chase it with kir royale. You will become a royalis overnite. :o))


chand kalame az ye aaber

by Raha (not verified) on

mamoolan bachehaaee ke ghodrate bayaan nadaaran, vaghti davaa mikonan va zooreshoon migire, shoroo be gerye va fohsh daadan mikonan.
haalaa in aghaayoon va khanoomhaaye "baalegh" ke injaa az bi-ghodrati va khosoosan bi-savaadi fohsh midan, hattaa az oon bachchehaa ham kamtaran. bevaaghe ke zalilan.
baa khoondane ettefaaghiye tedaadi az in comment-haaye aghaayoone do-paa ke az neveshtan faghat fohsh daadan ro yaad gereftan, aadam haalesh az har chi 'aadame' beham mikhore.
cheghadr khande-daare ke inhaa az solho doostio aazaadio in chiz-haa dam mizanan. va cheghadr gerye-daare ke inhaa az mardome mazloom va bighodrat defaa mikonan.
badbakhtan oon bachchehaaee ke zire dast in afraade "baalegh" bozorg mishan.
ayaa inha tooye khaanevaadehaashoon ham hamintori sohbat mikonan(?) in ino neshoon mide ke che chehreye zeshto lajani poshte tedaadi az soorathaa penhaane ke injaa rooye internet khodesho khoob neshoon mide.
baraaye khodam mote'asefam ke bar khalaafe aadate hamishegi, majboor be neveshtan in chiz-haa shodam. in afraad aslan arzeshe yek lah'ze ta'amol ro ham nadaaran, che berese be javaab daadan.
ey kaash inhaa haghighatan mafhoome khoob-va-khatarnaake "nothing is sacred" ro mifahmidan.



by someone (not verified) on

Read what I said before you write. I said many AMERICANS blame bad US policies for disasters around the world (which by the way become disasters for US later on). These Americans/politicians range from right to left, in CIA and elsewhere. You are lazy my friend (at least a lazy reader!).


Re: Someone

by SomeoneElse (not verified) on


STOP blaming the US. How come the Germans, the S. Korean, the French and so on do not have as many problems with the US as Iran does?
Answer: Because us Iranians are to be blamed more than anyone else for our problems.
You remind me of those lazy bums who instead of blaming their own shortcomings, they blame everyone else and the socieity for their ills.


RE: Blaming..

by someone (not verified) on

l can answer all your questions in time (today is a working day for me), however for the time being let’s stay with your topic of “blame”. My point to you was that it is not us Iranians (or Iranian-Americans) who blame extremist groups and lobbies such as AIPAC, right wing Christians, and the oil junkies for many of the disasters happening in the world and in particular Middle East.
My point to you was that many Americans from left to right that have some level of integrity are blaming bad US policies for many disasters, I gave you examples of Greenspan, Michael Scheuer, and Path Buchanan, three totally different people. I can give you many more examples, and in time I will just do that. One thing this country (US) has plenty of, is people with integrity, some of whom I just named.


Enough Blaming

by Fredy (not verified) on

Dear Someone, people complain that the NRA has to much influence, the conservative right has to much influence. Big deal. AIPAC, uses the democratic tools (legally available to all groups in the US to lobby on behalf of Israel). The Jews in this country are organized an care about the welfare of Israel. They have the money to bring their agenda at the front of the line. You are free to do the same. This is how this country runs.

The point is (that you failed to answer), the international community has concerns about Iran's nuclear program (not just the zionists- its not a zionist agenda). Yes its all about oil We all know its about oil. What the hell does zionizim have to do with oil? Or is there a zionist agenda to rule the world economy? Zionisim is concerned about the anti semetic garbage that is part of the IRI policy. You call it "anti zionist" but its the functional equivalent of anti-semitisim to many here and denying the holocust and Israel's right to exists does not help IRI's stance in nuclear negotiations either.

The Iranians alway blame somebody else for their problems. Its either "Kareh engelisha bood" (or now the mullahs like to say "kareh zionist ha bood" kareh "america bood".)

People still insist that the nuclear program is peacfull. The world wants proof and security assurances because the mullahs have other agendas for the region. If the world does not have proof or security about Iran's intention, I am positive that America will respond. The first gulf war was because of oil (yes the zionists were happy but so were the Iranians). So is the current war in Iraq. It will be the same if Iran is attacked. OIL. The world needs a steady supply because its oil is the water of worlds economies. Is this a Zionist AIPAC plot? If Iran has nukes tomorrow and tells the Saudis "raise your oil prices or we attack and by the way if your US allied protect you we will nuke the crap out of the US forces and your oil fields" what do you think will happen to the oil prices? What do you think will happen to the world economy? That is what saddam was trying to do with Kuwait. Imagine if he had a nuke (remember the zionists got rid of his plans after the IRI failed to do so in 82).

No one here has answered these questions and no one has offered a solution here. Its the easy way out. Just blame Jews, mossad and Israel.