McCain and Obama both offer change. But change is already here… without them
Just as Jim (Carrey) and Jeff (Daniels) made America laugh with their classic comedy back in 1994, “John and Barack “are also making us laugh as they act this 2008 drama in comedic fashion. Here is the nation falling apart economically, and here we have two senators contending for the highest office in the land who, instead of charging forward on white stallions ready to joust, show up riding side-saddle on decrepit mules. McCain totally clueless about the economy… ditto for his rival Obama. We truly have reached what could be termed as “bottom of the barrel” politics, with a duet of dumb and dumber politicians claiming leadership when they should be claiming ignorance. We need to be clear here. By dumb we don’t mean to categorize these two senators as stupid
Once again, the cowardice and ignorance of modern American journalism allowed the wrong idea to seem like a fantastic solution. Well, all I can say is, that I'm just glad I ate before I sat down to watch last week's CNN Larry King interview with Iran's pseudo President Ahmadinejad, or as I now call him A@*H&%$#. Hours before the interview, the "submit your questions" page of CNN that was sent around the internet for Iranians to fill in, was most surely filled in, with great submissions that King could have chosen any one of to really put the non-leader of Iran on the spot with, and grind the logic-failure of Iran's great Islamic proposition with. Instead though, King showed why he is the epitome of the lackluster, ignorant, lazy, and "feed the beast your children", of American journalism
So we decided to kill ourselves at the same time. “Hanging,” she said. I shook my head. “Too painful,” I said. “I like pills.” “No,” she said. “It’s typical coward’s kind of death. We want something spectacular.” Then we talked for hours about different ways of dying. Throwing ourselves under a train or a truck. Eating arsenic or burning ourselves. The final solution was supposed to be so original that nobody had never died from it. So unforgettable that everyone was going to remember how hopelessly we felt when we were alive. “We can’t live without hope,” Mitra said. “Suicide is our last hope,” I said.
Oh Billie, I dance with you
Holding your waist with my hand
I circle around on tiptoe
Your playful rhythm leaks into my veins
And the salt of your skin sinks into my blood
The sea is far but I hear its sound
The sea is big but fits in my body
Let us cast off our shoes
Obama and McCain made it clear that the U.S. could not tolerate a nuclear Iran
by Patrick Clawson & David Makovsky
McCain and Obama emphasized their differences on Iran when actually they have much in common. Both agreed "we cannot tolerate a nuclear Iran." Both supported reinforced diplomacy as the solution, with strengthened sanctions as the central instrument. Even regarding the issue on which they exchanged testy words -- namely, engaging Iran -- their differences were more about how to engage rather than whether to talk. For all his pounding McCain about direct talks, Obama agreed that meetings required preparation and would not start with a presidential summit
Part of being an immigrant in the US, is understanding that there is a period of time that one has to go through, as the rest of America begins to accept you and your culture into it's fold. Before you can truly melt into the pot. The concept of melting, depending on your culture and it's character might be a bit daunting to some, more easily accepted to others. For example, it certainly appears that Indians have been more willing to blend into American culture as they immigrate. They seem to have arrived recently, or certainly after we did, and they look far more comfortable with the process of Amercanizing their culture, than we seem to be
BAM! Love at first sight.
Dear Mitra Joon: Yes, you read the subject line correctly. I am getting married!!! I know, your jaw is dropping from the shock. Me? Getting married? Me, who had all but given up on love, and vowed to remain single forever. It has been a whirlwind, let me tell you. I guess it must be true what they say, that you find your true love only once you have stopped looking. I had all but given up on finding my Prince Charming especially after kissing so many frogs (remember Houman from Montreal? LoL). In my case, as you have guessed, I found my true love in the most unlikely of places: Iran
But even I know it needs guts
Imagine me going to a trip to say… Italy, then getting very emotional seeing this person who is very hot, and say… kiss him once, a deep French kiss, a very passionate kiss. Let’s also assume that it stays by a kiss and it does not go further (it’s just an assumption, we all know that if a kiss is that passionate, it can have some other implications…). Further, we can assume that I have a relationship and I decide not telling my partner about the KISS. In a very odd way though, the minute I arrive back home, my partner has an idea that something has happened. He will then ask me: “is there something you want to tell me?” I will then say: “no.” Let’s analyze this for a minute, shall we? What is the truth? Am I lying?
The status of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa
Too often Great Powers assumed that the world was their playground. They drew lines on a geographic map, creating political entities -“facts on the ground”. This meddling in regional politics has come to haunt the world in the form of multiple border disputes. The Powers ignored the fact that no inhabited land is a “clean slate” and an unacceptable line in the sand sows the seeds of future conflicts. Thus border conflicts have become part of the tradition of the postcolonial world. One such dispute is brewing between Iran and the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf over the status of three islands, Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb
The wealth of nations and the American economic crisis
One wonders at times what constitutes the wealth of a nation. How can one consider a nation wealthy, or not so? Is gold the yardstick? Precious metals? In truth, the tangible measure of a country’s wealth nowadays is the hard currency reserves of that country, and that information is conveniently published in certain magazines and newspapers, for instance, The Economist. So let’s go over these figures (and mines’ are not the most recent): At the top of the list stands China with more than a trillion dollars worth of hard currencies. Next to china … (yes you guessed correctly) is Japan with more than 800 billion dollars. We see the South East Asian countries dominating the top ten. At about number 11 stands Russia
Oil, mother of all troubles: part 2
During early 1970's, Arab nations among oil producing countries decided to impose an oil embargo against western nations for their support of Israel in the war against Arabs. This decision came a day after OPEC decided to increase the oil price by 17% for partial matching with the high prices of manufactured goods which were imported from those nations and nullify the effect of unjustified inflation rates in those countries on oil producing nations. In those years, I used to work in NIPC (National Iranian Petrochemical Company) which was a young organization created and operated by Iranian government to enter the nation into this amazing industrial field
"O, my shy teardrop,
Do you feel the invisible barbed wires
Tightening around the visible me?
Comfort me.
Come into being.
Tell being How harsh it is to breathe without love
And weep without tears."
I hear a teardrop, a voice From the lips of unamed oceans
نمایش "جادوگران شهر سیلم" و به خطر افتادن امنیت ملی
فردای دستگیری آيمی گودمن و زنان چپ فمینیست در آمریکا، ما در فرانسه به علت توفان، نه تلفن داریم و نه اینترنت، سر کار هستم و هنگام تنفس، به سالن استراحت کارمندان می روم و در حالی که سیبی گاز می زنم در سکوت به ایرن نگاه می کنم که مثل همیشه دارد روزنامه لوموند را از اول تا آخر می خواند. ازش می پرسم: "خبرای جالب داری برامون؟" و ایرن داستان "آنا گلدی" را به طور خلاصه برایمان تعریف می کند. سرگذشت آنا گلدی، ساحره ای سرانجام محبوب را در روزنامه لوموند ببینید. آنا گلدی، زنی که روزی به جرم جادوگری محکوم شد و سرش را با گیوتین از تنش جدا کردند حالا پس از دویست و بیست و شش سال پارلمان سوئیس به بیگناهی او رأی می دهد!