And the basic reason for Hillary's fizzle was the fact that she forgot the most important rule of American electioneering.
Warmongers are sad not to have a future war set!
محمد مصطفايي
نبود قانوني جامع و كامل در راستاي حقوق كودكان،
مشكلاتي را در روند قضايي و نيز روابط بينالملل به وجود آورده است كه در
شرايط كنوني ميطلبد در اسرع وقت و به فوريت تصويب گردد
A blessing in disguise perhaps.
Why do young people think nowadays that everything should be about them only because they are YOUNG ?
پرسشگر: سحر تحویلی, دبیر گفتگو با اهل نظر
To speak or not to speak? And in which language? Those are the questions.