Two weeks have passed since the arrest of the 6 Baha'i leaders in Tehran on May 14th 2008. They are members of an informal, coordinating group that sees to the needs of the Iranian Baha'i community
There is so much smoke around the Iranian Mullahs’ bomb that it makes Tehran’s smog feel like a fresh ocean breeze, by comparison
May 29 marks the anniversary of the Ascension of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith
يکي از سخت ترين پرسشها که در اين چند سال اخير در گير و دار پرونده زنان يا نوجوانان
اعدامي با آنها درگير بوده ام اين گفته است: "تو خودت را بگذار جاي پدر و
مادري که فرزندشان به قتل رسيده است. چه احساسي پيدا مي کني؟ چه خواسته
اي در برابر قاتل آنها داري؟
Dr. Abbasi addressing a girl's critiques at the University of Ahvaz over Iran's ideology of Martrydom and its global influence
Today in Las Vegas , Nevada Senator Barack Obama addressed the housing foreclocure crisis:
حجت الاسلام محسنی اژه ای در حاشیه جلسه هیئت دولت در جمع خبرنگاران اعلام داشت که انفجار حسینیه ای در شیراز ارتباطی با دستگیری اخیر رهبران جامعه بهائی در تهران و مشهد نداشته است.
Follow up to the previous blog post about the ties between modern extremist Islam-based ideologies and Nazism
My Favorite Syndey Pollack Movie
He believes in living only for today
With Memorial Day and the official (American) opening of summer, legions of manly men move to their backyards and decks with barbeque forks in hand, cooking meats and vegetables outdoors, the way god intended it and cave men and families lived it!
نوری تا ابدیت - آهنگ دوستت دارم
A must see vide showing what the future holds
for the USA.
Have a good laugh or good cry!