25-Jun-2008 (one comment)
25-Jun-2008 (one comment)
Pinky needs a good home. >>>
25-Jun-2008 (27 comments)
The objective of forging a lasting peace to the Israel-Palestine conflict has, at least on the surface, acted as a kind of Holy Grail for a number of American presidents – Kennedy, Carter and Clinton all made gestures toward peace and all failed on the count of co-birthing a Palestinian state>>>
25-Jun-2008 (16 comments)
I would say that ""The regime that has no national & historic legitimacy to the land it governs, is considered a foreign entity & will ultimately lose it,s power"" . Now 2 Questions!! >>>
25-Jun-2008 (one comment)
منی مادر یعنی چی؟ >>>
Jahanshah Rashidian
25-Jun-2008 (23 comments)
اسلام زنده به گور کردن دخترر را ممنوع ولی از طرفی زن ستيزی را حفظ و در اسلام قانونی کرد >>>
25-Jun-2008 (9 comments)
Rise of Reza Khan, The Times, 1925>>>
bajenaghe naghi
25-Jun-2008 (13 comments)
I just finished a comprehensive course in Heimlich maneuver.>>>
SCE Campaign
25-Jun-2008 (2 comments)
پدر محمد در اين‌باره مي‌گويد: ما اصلا‌ خبر نداشتيم محمد را اعدام كردند. يكي دو روز پس از اينكه پسرم را به دار آويختند در ده اهالي از اينكه پسرم اعدام شده است، حرف مي‌زدند. من باور نمي‌كردم.
25-Jun-2008 (65 comments)
While political scientist, Norman G. Finkelstein discounts the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran as posturing it seems that the hawkish brute John Bolton begs to differ in a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph and regards it as a near certainty, before Bush leaves office in the fall. >>>
25-Jun-2008 (3 comments)
Narrated by Lord of the Rings star, Viggo Mortenson, this video retells in the first-person, world-renown American historian, political commentator and activist, Howard Zinn's political awakening>>>
25-Jun-2008 (2 comments)
The technique of namad mali (felt beating) is a very primitive craft dating back to early man>>>
Hossein Bagher Zadeh
25-Jun-2008 (2 comments)
در فضای مأیوس‌كننده سیاسی ایران تنها نقطه كورسویی‌ كه وجود دارد، جنبش جامعه مدنی است: جنبشی‌ كه زیر ضربات شدید و بی‌رحمانه عوامل حاكمیت قرار گرفته است. محكومیت‌های عبدی و كبودوند نشانه‌ای از شدت این سركوب است. >>>
25-Jun-2008 (one comment)
It’s only been 2 working days since I officially resigned and some how it feels like a whole year. That’s a side of working I will never miss, my days are slower and I have time to do so many things>>>