This short video is very poignant and describes what is going on in the upper echelons of American society.
On the passing of Estelle Getty, who played Sofia Patrillo on the TV Show Golden Girls.
One of the best Annie Lennox songs. Out of "Diva", 1992.
The Islamic Republic terror machine once again has taken off at the speed of light in Iran and exemplifies a depraved, clerical system of government, which legitimizes its depravity through a series of terror, fear and intimidation of Iranian people
Much criticism has been perpetuated by Arabs / Muslims. Their sympathizers, such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, and anti-Semitic elements around the world, such as the Mullahs in Tehran, as to the nature of the U.S.-Israeli relationship.
On many occasions I have been accused of being too negative and harsh on Iran and Iranians...So to start with, on a relative scale, Iranians are smarter than most other nationalities. Specially Iranian women.
Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi the former empress of Iran speaks on VOA RoundTable with You for the commemoration of the Shah of Iran's demise in Cairo on July 27th 1980.
Question: " Are you pro a Democratic-Republic or Theologist-Republic for Iran?" My answer ...
Shahrak Ekbtan Still Stands, And fight for freedom in Tehran Iran, against Muslims in the Republic of Iran.
بامدادی دیگر به گاه امرداد
The simple days!
Every day we hear from good and well meaning Arab & Iranian intelligent fretting about “Justice & fairness”. The main question is what is Justice, and what is fairness? PLEASE READ ON.
Jamshid Ghahremani Ghajar
دلا رسید موسم نغمه و ما هر دو خامشیم
گویی ز خیل نغمه سرایان فرامشیم
شاید که برف کهنگی بر ما نشسته است
چون کهنه باده ایم، بی جنب و جوششیم