Although they both intend to divide the powers among the three divisions of legislative, judiciary and executive powers but all three branches remain to be under full control and supervisions of the clergy and/or royalty
A stunning opinion piece by a Chilean Jew about the Gaza bombings today. Simply a must-read.
Surfing YouTube on vacation in Puerto Vallarta
نگين سبز کوير کرمان و شهر نخلستان هاي آباد در صبحدمي که باردار فاجعه اي به عظمت کشته شدن بيش از 40 هزار نفر بود در 12 ثانيه فرو ريخت و مصيبت و ماتم را تا هميشه مهمان دل مردمانش کرد...
Glimpse Persian Classical & Contemporary Concert:
If you don’t want to lose your freedom of speech, be aware of this foolish strategy known from the beginning of human history as Divide to Conquer.
What do we know of Iranian wedding customs?
Dégénération (English Subtitles)
by Anonymous
MUSIC -Dont cut the MIC when it comes TO ISRAELS CRIMES.
CSUN graduate student Esha Momeni was arrested in Tehran and was taken to Evin prison where she was incarcerated for charges of "propaganda against the state". She has since been released from prison...
The superficial and selective condemnation of terrorism and violence will not do. It is like the patient has brain cancer and we recommend aspirin. We need to discuss the root causes of terrorism and violence especially by the fundamentalist terrorist regime....
معماران چيرهدست ايراني كه در زمان ساسانيان با سنتهاي كهن معماري آموخته شده بودند، هنوز ميتوانستند شاگرداني تربيت كنند كه تا قرنها بعد ساختمانهاي اعجابآوربنا كنند
Respect for universal human rights begins at home and not through PR campaigns to promote such rights in Iran or any other country.