what box got to do with sanity.
مجاهدین از شکست های پی در پی خود درس نمی گیرند و با حمایت اسرائیل اصرار برادامه اقامت خود به عنوان مهمانان ناخوانده در اردوگاه نظامی اشرف دارند .
Bebin TV's Excellent Historical Updates on Major Historical figures and events explained in 60 seconds. Here is one on Amir Kabir's life and contributions.
Hunky Men and Sexy Women Go Sexually Wild in this Persian Dubbing for the classic Italian American Sword and Sandals co production of the late 50's. Starring Steve Reeves,Sylva Koscina,and
Sylvia Lopez.
A poem dedicated to Rabia Balkhi, the first known Persian woman poet
نخستين زن شاعر فارسي گوي...
Is Shimon Peres telling Obama what to do vis a vis Iran?
American Citizen of Syrian Heritage Wafa Sultan also a psychologist criticizes Political Islam as no other has to date and in the light of the day. See some of her thoughts and debates with her Muslim brothers on Arab TV (English Subtitles)
Who is the liar, Mr. Ahmadinejad?
Different Times, Different Behavior ... Shah of Iran Greets Queen Elizabeth II of England at Iranian Embassy in London during Farewell State Dinner 1970's.
Pope Paul VI is welcomed in Tehran by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, circa 1960's
Evangelical Pastor Rick Warren delivers the Keynote Address at the 8th Annual Convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council