"رابعه قزداري" نخستين زن شاعر فارسي گوي، مشهور به مگس رويين و ملقب به "زين العرب"، دختر کعب، امير بلخ و از اهالي قزدار (قصدار، خضدار، شهري قديمي واقع ميان سيستان، مکران و بست) و معاصر "رودکي" بود.
تذکره ها شرح حال و نمونه هاي شعر او را بعنوان نخستين زن شاعر فارسي گوي آورده و مقام بلند او را در طلوع شعر فارسي ستوده اند. "محمد عوفي" در لباب الالباب، از او چنين تجليل ميکند: «دختر کعب اگر چه زن بود اما به فضل بر مردان جهان بخنديدي. فارس هر دو ميدان و والي هر دو بيان، بر نظم تازي قادر و در شعر فارسي به غايت ماهر بود.»
عطار نيشابوري، نخستين بار شرح احوال او را در 428 بيت شعر در "الهي نامه" خود آورده و تذکرده هاي بعدي همگي با کم و بيش تفاوتهايي و به صورت نظم و نثر به نقل زندگي و اشعار وي پرداخته اند. گرچه داستان عطار از اغراق و مبالغه گوييهاي عارفانه تهي نيست اما تا حدودي مبين زندگي اوست.
به نوشته عطار، پس از کعب، پسرش حارث که به جاي پدر امير بلخ شده بود، سرپرستي رابعه را بر عهده گرفت و او در نزد حارث زندگي ميکرد. رابعه دلباخته يکي از غلامان زيبا روي برادرش به نام "بکتاش" شد، اما عشق خود را پنهان داشت و رنجور گرديد. پيرزن دنيا ديده اي دليل رنجوري او را پرسيد، وي ابتدا خودداري کرد و بالاخره راز خود را برايش آشکار نمود و توسط او اشعار عاشقانه اي براي بکتاش ميفرستاد.
بکتاش نيز به عشق رابعه مبتلا شد. يک ماه بعد در جنگي که براي برادرش روي داد بکتاش زخمي شد و نزديک بود اسير شود که ناگاه زن روبسته اي خود را به صف دشمن زد و تني چند از آنان را کشت و بکتاش را نجات داد و لشکر حارث پيروز شد.
زماني نيز رودکي شاعر در حال عبور رابعه را ديد. اشعارش را بر او خواند و رابعه نيز اشعار خود را برايش خواند. در جشن باشکوهي که "اميرنصر ساماني" در بخارا ترتيب داده بود، رودکي اشعار رابعه را خواند. اميرنصر پرسيد که شعر از کيست و رودکي پاسخ داد که از دختر کعب است که دلباخته غلامي گرديده است و به سرودن شعر روي آورده و اشعارش را براي او ميفرستد. حارث که در جشن حضور داشت به راز خواهرش پي برد و به اشعار او دست يافت. از اين رو بکتاش را به چاهي و خواهر را نيز در گرمابه اي افکندند و رگ دست او را بريدند و در گرمابه را با سنگ و خشت و آهک بستند. رابعه با خون خود بر ديوارهاي گرمابه اشعار خود را مينوشت تا اينکه ضعف بر او غلبه کرد و درگذشت.
تذکره نويسان پيرامون عشق رابعه به بکتاش اختلاف نظر دارند: "جامي" در نفحات الانس از قول "ابوسعيد ابوالخير" عشق رابعه را عشق مجازي نميداند و داستان بکتاش را بهانه اي براي طرح عشق حقيقي دانسته است. "هدايت" نيز در روضةالصفا، رابعه را "صاحب عشق حقيقي و مجازي" ميداند و داستان دلباختگي او را در "گلستان ارم" به نظم درآورده است. بسياري از تذکره ها نيز عشق او را، صرفاً عشق مجازي دانسته اند.
از اشعار او :
ز بس گل که در باغ ماوي گرفت
چمن رنگ ارتنگ ماني گرفت
صبا نافه مشک تبت نداشت
جهان بوي مشک از چه معني گرفت
مگر چشم مجنون به ابر اندر است
که گل رنگ رخسار ليلي گرفت
بمي ماند اندر عقيقين قدح
سرشکي که در لاله ماوي گرفت
قدح گير چندي و دنيي مگير
که بدبخت شد آنکه دنيي گرفت
سر نرگس تازه از زرّ و سيم
نشان سر تاج کسري گرفت
چو رهبان شد اندر لباس کبود
بنفشه مگر دين ترسي گرفت .
دعوت من بر تو آن شد کايزدت عاشق کناد
بر يکي سنگين دل نامهربان چون خويشتن
تا بداني دردعشق و داغ هجر و غم کشي
چون بهجر اندر بپيچي پس بداني قدر من .
منابع :
کليات اشعار رابعه قزداري :
Recently by ebi amirhosseini | Comments | Date |
Simin Daneshvar: Influential author has died | 22 | Mar 08, 2012 |
ایران 1973 | 5 | Oct 18, 2011 |
حافظ | 1 | Oct 12, 2011 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
cheer up, chin up, drink up, other things up too!
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Jan 01, 2009 07:35 PM PSTDon't worry about that Samsam; they have censored my comments beyond recognition too. Also, put my account in freeze last week.
But hey, it's the new year; so how about pulling your chin up, your drink up, etc and have a cheerful time. I hate your guts, but you're still a fellow foolish countryman :)
Let's drink to the ancient Iranic tradition of 3 days of binge drinking before any serious talk!
S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)
Yes happy new year to you 2 shazdeh
by samsam1111 on Thu Jan 01, 2009 06:46 PM PST& moderator 1+2+3+4 hasn,t replied to my inquiry since 2008. It,s now 2009 .cheers!!!
happy new year, samsam
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Thu Jan 01, 2009 02:19 PM PSTهوی، تو کو هنو اینجای! وخی وخی تا بلاگ جدید این بد حاجی (ابی)، یه کم ک...س شعر بگیم بخندیم! ای حاج آقا دوباره ویرش گرفته و داره سنگ عرب سوسماری به سینه میزنه؛ وخی تا همه ما رو از بیخ عرب نکرده!
uhmmm, 2nd Notice, Moderator 1234
by samsam1111 on Wed Dec 31, 2008 01:06 PM PSTWould you kindly reply to my inquiry ? . Thanks in advance .
one last question
by samsam1111 on Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:38 AM PSTI didn,t pay much attention 1st time to that annonym comment but checking it later noticed a not so subtle threat . Since you quoted that so called anonymous ommatist ,,eventhough I know who that person is and here trying not to give excuses to this site for deletion wont name any one and not even gender. I have a question for you ;
When commentator threatened me (among other things & insults) with this sentence in Farsi ;
""We have been tolerating you even though you have made our work hard for us up to now...a word of advice & if you don,t listen (and do what we say) you are not going to have a easy time on this site....it,s up to you to do whats good for you""
Now , mind you I am a dude with IQ of 158 :) & a half finished background in law . Was commentator talking on behalf of the site admin ?. it sure sounded very authoritative to me & if not , how could commentator get away from expressing such naked intimidation (mind you in Farsi) through comment preview filter ? .
This is a legitimate question & I gather for Moderator 1234 as well . A while back, another user unfairly acknowledged my name responding to another annonymous comment yet my objection was ignored . How is it that there is a double standard for users .
btw* moderator ; I have taken copy of this comment & no site rules are broken . please do not delete .
User Zion-2nd Notice
by Moderator 1234 on Mon Dec 29, 2008 05:14 PM PSTPlease stay on the topic of discussion, refrain from addressing other registered users who are not on this thread, and using insulting language. Unrelated and insulting comments will be deleted.
Samsam Jaan!!
by ebi amirhosseini on Mon Dec 29, 2008 03:37 PM PSTDar khaaneh maa ronagh agar nist,safaa hast!
Har jaa keh safaa hast dar aan noore khodaa hast !
"since you have basicaly done the same to mine . I,ll return to that routin from now on pal . cheers!!! ".
please don't return to that routine ! your comments ( & everybody else for that matter) are always welcome in my blogs !.
Ebi aka Haaji
baba jaan
by samsam1111 on Mon Dec 29, 2008 01:40 PM PSTMan beh kareh kassi kar nadaram . donbaleh kassi ham nistam .doost daran mian . beh man cheh. mageh man mahd koodak baz kardam . beh yaroo begam boro gomsho . akheh in dorosteh hajii shazdeh . khosh nadarish beh khodesh begoo . maro in mioun fardin nakon . beh gofteh araba ghaibat khoob nist :) .
shad bashi
Party girl ;
go read my mumbo , it,s done . cheers!!!
Amoo Asdolla aziz
by IRANdokht on Mon Dec 29, 2008 01:23 PM PSTHar ki migeh "Shazdeh" keh manzooresh be shoma nist... lotfan pay attention konin o bikhodi az dasteh kassi delkhor nashin keh khoobiat nadareh ;-)
speaking of the devil
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Mon Dec 29, 2008 01:18 PM PSTخیر نبینی سمسم، که پای این عجوزه رم تو محفل ما باز کردی!
این ی. ک. هم مثل اینکه از هوا خواهاته، که به جون گفتن من حسودی میکنه.
داداش دست هر دو رو بگیر و برو، که خیرشونو ببینی!
by YT (not verified) on Mon Dec 29, 2008 04:55 AM PSTI am gonna hold you to your promise, show me what you got- if any...
have good one dude
p/s shazdeh, calling a middle aged man sweetie is not so intelligent, thought you needed to know that. LOL
Dear Party Girl,
by Zion on Mon Dec 29, 2008 02:12 AM PSTIs this about me?
'I have the same questions about what you are really saying and your siding with people whose venom and lack of respect for other users on the site is apparent. I know you are a true Iran lover and that is why I get confused when I see those inexplicable alliances in the comments section.'
If you are referring to me, you could have specified it or better yet addressed me directly. You don't have to bring Sam into it, and wouldn't you say talking of "alliances in the comment section" is rather childish and beneath you? People can agree on particular subjects. Just because certain ideas here are under heavy hate attacks that include character assassination of those holding them, to which they react more or less the same way as is completely understandable, it does not necessarily mean the targets are in any kind of alliance. I usually ignore those who make such allusions,but I'd be happy to go over it with you, since I do respect you and your contributions in this website. So please let me know. OK?
To Ebi &
by samsam1111 on Sun Dec 28, 2008 09:18 PM PSTEbi jaan ; Sorry about barging in . My 1st comment was not to cause you any pains & no offence was intended . And as you know "friends house is the best place to bicker " . I,ve always taken exception to your blogs with 2 methods of commendation in case I agree & silence in case I disagree :) since you have basicaly done the same to mine . I,ll return to that routin from now on pal . cheers!!!
Party Girl & princess ;
Since it,s holidays & I have a bit more time for mumbo jumbo , I,m going to explain myself in more details in a 2 part blogs covering first " What true Iran & her legacy means" & " what ailes us, the Ommati virus " . In em , I will give a short overview of our gradual journey from the Arctic & Aryeanam Vajeao to our final destination Iran & how she evolved, her message, glory , values & later will turn my attention to elements post-Sassanid that took away our sense of self-worth , self-confidence, challenge & adventurism and transformed us into nation with dual-identity who seek our lineage to hordes of subjugators & seek our deliverance like hopefull idiots thru foreign entities be it Arabs, Mongols, Tatars, Turks British or Russians ..I will also talk about among other items the cancerous effects of the conmen/philosopher writers such as Sanaii, Ohadi, Shams tabrizi ,Abu bakr razi & so on whose work like a virus encouraged the spirit of do-nothing & wait for messiah mentality of sufism,kharabatigary for generations after generations post Qadesiyeh & yes Godfather of them all Ommatism(not Islam) ..Cheers & keep well
Jakarta ;
Remember it,s from the mother that the kid learns 1st about Dakhileh Imamzadeh Davood, Sofreh Abolfazl, Story of Ashura & Tasua , Haftado do tan , Asbeh imam hussein , dastaneh hazrateh Roghieh & ali Asghar, Ajileh moshgel gosha, falleh Hafez al Koran, doayeh jibbi molla , ...now to be fair as a godly person I find it to be all bot parasti & Paganism and little to do with Islam but you should know the female gender for 1000 yrs has had only Imamzadehs to escape to outta hopelessness to get away from brutal men & culture to hope for some thing better . So now we have a majority even progressive section of that oppresed gender who still carry that core identity of khorrafat . take care pal !
"An Iranian" wishful thinking
by KavehV (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 07:32 PM PSTWhile it is great to think of ourselves as: "WE ALL are children and descendents of that great man of our common history, The Great Cyrus." How can you be inclusive with regard to the inside enemy that is ruling Iran and is exclusively Islamic and hell-bent on eradicating signs of the great Cyrus and Iran ?
Eradicate Islam !
شیخ فرید الدین عطار در الهی نامه ......
ebi amirhosseiniSun Dec 28, 2008 06:41 PM PST
زلفظ بو سعید مهنه دیدم
که او گفتست من آنجا رسیدم
بپر سیدم ز حال دختر کعب
که عارف گشته بود او عارف صعب
چنین گفت او که معلومم چنان شد
که آن شعری که بر لفظش روان شد
ز سوز عشق معشوق مجازی
نبگشاید چنین شعری به بازی
نداشت ان شعر با مخلوق کاری
که او را بود با حق روزگاری
کمالی بود در معنی تمامش
بهانه بود در راه آن غلامش
Ebi aka Haaji
Party Girl
by ThePope on Sun Dec 28, 2008 06:33 PM PSTYes, I'm totally aware that you were addressing your comment to Samsam, but in that same comment you were referring to people Samsam is "siding"(!) with....:
"...and your siding with people whose venom and lack of respect for other users on the site is apparent."
"....that is why I get confused when I see those inexplicable alliances in the comments section."
Now, with my poor knowledge of English and weak understanding of it, I thought you were refering to one us three (moi, and two other characters).... -Probably, my misunderstanding!
Anyway, there's absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever,,,
And no need for any kind of apologies...
BTW, we're not into "siding"(!) and these childish games.
Shab Khosh
غزلی از رابعه ....
ebi amirhosseiniSun Dec 28, 2008 06:35 PM PST
الا ای باد شبگیری پیام من به دلبر بر
بگو آ ن ماه خوبان را که جان با دل برابر بر
به قهر از من فکندی دل به یک دیدار مهرویا
چنان چون حیدر کرار در آن حصن خیبر بر
تو چون ماهی و من ماهی همی سوزم بتابد بر
غم عشقت نه بس باشد جفا بنها دی از بربر
تنم چون چنبری گشته بدان امید تا روزی
ززلفت برفتد ناگه یکی حلقه به چنبر بر
ستمگر گشته معشوقم همه غم زین قبو ل دارم
که هرگز سود نکند کس به معشوق ستمگر بر
اگر خواهی که خوبان را به روی خود به عجز آری
یکی رخسار خوبت را بدان خوبان برابر بر
ایا موذ ن بکار و حا ل عا شق گر خبر داری
سحرگاها ن نگاه کن تو بدان الله اکبر بر
مدارای ( بنت کعب ) اندوه که یار از تو جدا ماند
رسن گرچه دراز آید گذردارد به چنبر بر
Ebi aka Haaji
My fellow Iranians:
by An Iranian (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 06:12 PM PSTThe Iranian tapestry is woven together with the idea of respect for the fellow human beings, as it was proclaimed by the early Iranians more than 2500 years ago. Our purity is not because of hate and racism but from respect toward other nations within or outside of Iran and our goodness is a direct result of our diversity! We are; Jewish, Bahia’s, Armenians, Assyrians, Arabs, Persians, Balouchis, Lurs, Azaris, Turkmens, Bakhtiaris, Bandaris, and many others Black/White/Brown calling themselves IRANIANS. The fact of the matter is how ever persistent the idea of attaching hate and racism on to this beautiful tapestry of nations which we call Iran, it will not succeed because WE ALL are children and descendents of that great man of our common history, The Great Cyrus. Let's go forth spend our positive energy and time to be inclusive and bring out the best of our Iranian heritage & people have to offer.
-Payandeh Iran e Bozorg!
damet garm samsam
by jakarta (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 05:21 PM PSTYou know when there is a thought, not yet complete, forming in the back of your head but it doesn't become a full conscious thought until someone articulates it for you? That's what occured to me when I read this from one of samsam's posts earlier in this discussion:
"I have my vision for Iran & unfortunatley the female gender in our land suffers from stockholm syndrom & tend to be the most fierce defender of status quo Pan-Arabi culture ."
God that's SO true. I've always noticed among iranian women that no matter how irreligious they are, they are still so islamic. What does that mean? Well I'm in my 20s...I've met hundreds of iranian/iranian-american women in my life, maybe 3 or 4 at most actually pray five times a day and fast during ramadan. But they all wear an Allah necklace when they go out clubbing (it's especially funny/ironic when it dangles over their cleavage). Jokes aside, they all defend hte islamic culture no matter how much they HATE it.
Let me tell you a specific example to clarify. I know a girl, I won't give out her real name, let's just call her Mona. Mona is a little younger than me. I met her at school. When she was a teenager she lived in Sweden for a year and this completely changed her perspective on politics/culture/economics etc, making her much more progressive, because she just loved hte system and culture and freedom there. Now shes in LA. I've had many discussions with her. She's an ardent feminist and an agnostic. She HATES religion. She doesn't just oppose the regime in Iran, she HATES ISLAM itself. She's said things about the Prophet that would make a Danish cartoonist blush. I actually like Islam so I was offended. She thinks the Qur'an and the Bible are the worst books and have halted the progress of humanity. Although very proud of her Iranian culture and background, she also dislikes Zoroastrianism because of its influence on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, saying it contributed to the ignorance in the world. To her a woman should have unlimited freedom in her sexuality and any attempts to control it are backwards caveman behavior. No matter how many guys a girl sleeps with, she is never a "slut" or a "whore." She is very open about her own sexuality and feels no shame in her body and using it as she pleases. Her biggest hatred is for Saudi Arabia. She refers to it as a degenerate country, and says they have the worst culture in history, and she can't believe we follow a religion that comes from there. She has straight up said she hates Arab CULTURE itself and thinks they are hte worst countries because of their views on women, human rights, etc. Now what is all this leading to? You might wonder to yourself: what does this passionate, opinonated girl plan to do with her life?....
Bellydancer in Dubai. I'm not exaggerating folks. She currently belly dances in Mideastern cafes and she is good at it. Well her plan is to move to Dubai, become a famous dancer, and marry a rich guy there. I'm not making this up. I asked her if she sees the contradiction in this. She does. Oh and she also dated a Saudi prince once. I asked why she would do that when she openly declares her hatred for them and their culture, and how she always brings up how Arabs destroyed iran etc....she said they just turn her on, she can't help it. Oh and all her scandanavian feminist beliefs out the window...to attract a rich man there she will pretend to be a pious muslim and get hymen-restoration surgery...That's how much this "Ommati syndrome" pierces our women as Samsam pointed out. Sam, why do you think that is?
by Princess on Sun Dec 28, 2008 09:35 PM PSTWith apologies to Mr. Amirhosseini, now that this blog has been hijacked to the point of no return, I would also like to ask you a specific question that i've been holding back. Could you please enlighten us - either here or on a different blog - as to exactly what you mean when you say "our unifying true Iranic values"? And what is the difference between Iranic and Iranian and the way you use them? Thank you.
by samsam1111 on Sun Dec 28, 2008 03:26 PM PST""I'll be damned if this guy can write one sentence without using the words [Ommati, shakhist, Ilk] and crap like one LINE comedian. lol""
hiiih ...okay half-wit dolt , I promise to have zero usage of such words only if you stop writing your zero intelligence comments . see there!! How is that for a sentence sweety :) ! now go hike a walnut tree .
T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified)
by Party Girl on Sun Dec 28, 2008 02:32 PM PSTOh Boy! How did I manage to hurt your feelings? I addressed a comment to Samsam directly and clearly and he understood my meaning and replied to me. Nowhere in my comments to Samsam was I talking about you at all. How did you come into the equation? Well, if I did or said anything to offend you, I'm sorry. No offense was intended.
by T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 02:02 PM PSTSorry for the typo; Party Girl.
Parti Girl
by T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 01:40 PM PSTAz Shomaa yeki tavagho nadashteem.
Maa na neesh daareem na "zahr", keh khodaayi nakardeh baa'es-e "bee-ehteraami" yaa "beehormati" nesbat beh deegaraan baasheh...
Bar aks-e Shomaa, agar harfiam daashteh baasham MOSTAGHEEMAN beh khodeh taraf meegam, bedoon-e heech taarofi (albateh agar taraf 'ghaayem' nasheh)
Agar Shomaa, kami shahaamat beh kharj meedaadi behtar bood; chon baraayeh yek 'khabarnegaar' kheily oft daareh natooneh harfesho mostagheem, rok o beepardeh bezaneh. (beh del nageeri; doostaaneh behet goftam....:o) -albateh meedoonam janbasho daari.
Beharhaal, omidvaaram keh takhliyeh shodeh baashi.
-Rooz khosh
ps Khaan Ebi, maa kheily sharmandeh'eem...
Party Girl aziz !
by ebi amirhosseini on Sun Dec 28, 2008 01:15 PM PSTI already did,if you check my early comments:
"I really hope all of us can put more info in this blog about her & other poetesses of Iran,rather than fighting about Iran & Arab historical differences !. "
I assume nobody wanted to leave comments about her anymore for whatever reason!.
This is a free forum & everybody is welcome!.
I live,learn & always try to love!.
Sepaas my dear friend for your support.
Ebi aka Haaji
by YT (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 01:12 PM PSTBut master Ebi, love your piece. Thanks for sharing.
by YT (not verified) on Sun Dec 28, 2008 01:10 PM PSTI'll be damned if this guy can write one sentence without using the words [Ommati, shakhist, Ilk] and crap like that.
Dude there are other words that u can use. Give them a shot. you are what i call one LINE comedian. lol
Good day
shazde jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:57 PM PSTThanks for you support,everybody is welcome here;after all we're all Iranians with various sub-cultures!.
Can anybody remember what the original subject of this blog was?!
If yes,I welcome your comments on it.
Ebi aka Haaji
Thank you Dear Samsam.I
by Party Girl on Sun Dec 28, 2008 01:04 PM PSTThank you Dear Samsam.
I can't speak for others to say how come they get what you say. I can only speak for myself. I would welcome reading your viewpoints in a simplified and clear fashion, so that I can understand them and make up my own mind.
As someone who has received many comments of praise and many comments of objection and criticism on this site, I can tell you that though it's great to be praised, it is infinitely more important to be understood. When I make a video recommendation and people challenge me for the recommendation, I don't mind coming back and replying to explain the reasons I thought something was artistic, or attention-worthy. I have learned and grown as a result of the criticism and having to explain myself. As more experienced users of the site, by now we should know that other registered users of the site are more prone to "bah bah o chah chah" other registered users than to criticize them. I think it's brave and appropriate to criticize and be criticized, for how elese will we grow?
My two cents, and looking forward to reading your thoughts dear Samsam.
Later Note: LOL! How could you tell about my studying Keshavarzi?! Actually, I didn't study Keshavarzi, just Khaneh-dari, and Tazeen-e-otaagh-e aghd! Can't you tell?! But seriously, I don't think this post has become chaleh meidoon at all! Far from it, it has been quite a learning experience for me.
Ebi Jan: Thanks for trying to bring us back to Rabia, but it's too late. You should have stepped in a lot earlier when your post was being derailed! Live and Learn, but don't forget to Love!
No shazdeh Ebi loves me
by samsam1111 on Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:42 PM PSTin hameh kharidar & comment avordam brayeh foroushgash . & I only made a polite correction . inna kardanesh challeh meydoon.... okay pahlevoon... . bebin in molla chi kar kardeh baa mokheh in mardomeh bad bakht ma too in sii saleh .
beh gofteh party girl keh keshavarzi khoondeh
kolanget beh paa , billet beh sar, daasset be kammar ay javoon . cheers!
party girl ;)p