"رابعه قزداري" نخستين زن شاعر فارسي گوي، مشهور به مگس رويين و ملقب به "زين العرب"، دختر کعب، امير بلخ و از اهالي قزدار (قصدار، خضدار، شهري قديمي واقع ميان سيستان، مکران و بست) و معاصر "رودکي" بود.
تذکره ها شرح حال و نمونه هاي شعر او را بعنوان نخستين زن شاعر فارسي گوي آورده و مقام بلند او را در طلوع شعر فارسي ستوده اند. "محمد عوفي" در لباب الالباب، از او چنين تجليل ميکند: «دختر کعب اگر چه زن بود اما به فضل بر مردان جهان بخنديدي. فارس هر دو ميدان و والي هر دو بيان، بر نظم تازي قادر و در شعر فارسي به غايت ماهر بود.»
عطار نيشابوري، نخستين بار شرح احوال او را در 428 بيت شعر در "الهي نامه" خود آورده و تذکرده هاي بعدي همگي با کم و بيش تفاوتهايي و به صورت نظم و نثر به نقل زندگي و اشعار وي پرداخته اند. گرچه داستان عطار از اغراق و مبالغه گوييهاي عارفانه تهي نيست اما تا حدودي مبين زندگي اوست.
به نوشته عطار، پس از کعب، پسرش حارث که به جاي پدر امير بلخ شده بود، سرپرستي رابعه را بر عهده گرفت و او در نزد حارث زندگي ميکرد. رابعه دلباخته يکي از غلامان زيبا روي برادرش به نام "بکتاش" شد، اما عشق خود را پنهان داشت و رنجور گرديد. پيرزن دنيا ديده اي دليل رنجوري او را پرسيد، وي ابتدا خودداري کرد و بالاخره راز خود را برايش آشکار نمود و توسط او اشعار عاشقانه اي براي بکتاش ميفرستاد.
بکتاش نيز به عشق رابعه مبتلا شد. يک ماه بعد در جنگي که براي برادرش روي داد بکتاش زخمي شد و نزديک بود اسير شود که ناگاه زن روبسته اي خود را به صف دشمن زد و تني چند از آنان را کشت و بکتاش را نجات داد و لشکر حارث پيروز شد.
زماني نيز رودکي شاعر در حال عبور رابعه را ديد. اشعارش را بر او خواند و رابعه نيز اشعار خود را برايش خواند. در جشن باشکوهي که "اميرنصر ساماني" در بخارا ترتيب داده بود، رودکي اشعار رابعه را خواند. اميرنصر پرسيد که شعر از کيست و رودکي پاسخ داد که از دختر کعب است که دلباخته غلامي گرديده است و به سرودن شعر روي آورده و اشعارش را براي او ميفرستد. حارث که در جشن حضور داشت به راز خواهرش پي برد و به اشعار او دست يافت. از اين رو بکتاش را به چاهي و خواهر را نيز در گرمابه اي افکندند و رگ دست او را بريدند و در گرمابه را با سنگ و خشت و آهک بستند. رابعه با خون خود بر ديوارهاي گرمابه اشعار خود را مينوشت تا اينکه ضعف بر او غلبه کرد و درگذشت.
تذکره نويسان پيرامون عشق رابعه به بکتاش اختلاف نظر دارند: "جامي" در نفحات الانس از قول "ابوسعيد ابوالخير" عشق رابعه را عشق مجازي نميداند و داستان بکتاش را بهانه اي براي طرح عشق حقيقي دانسته است. "هدايت" نيز در روضةالصفا، رابعه را "صاحب عشق حقيقي و مجازي" ميداند و داستان دلباختگي او را در "گلستان ارم" به نظم درآورده است. بسياري از تذکره ها نيز عشق او را، صرفاً عشق مجازي دانسته اند.
از اشعار او :
ز بس گل که در باغ ماوي گرفت
چمن رنگ ارتنگ ماني گرفت
صبا نافه مشک تبت نداشت
جهان بوي مشک از چه معني گرفت
مگر چشم مجنون به ابر اندر است
که گل رنگ رخسار ليلي گرفت
بمي ماند اندر عقيقين قدح
سرشکي که در لاله ماوي گرفت
قدح گير چندي و دنيي مگير
که بدبخت شد آنکه دنيي گرفت
سر نرگس تازه از زرّ و سيم
نشان سر تاج کسري گرفت
چو رهبان شد اندر لباس کبود
بنفشه مگر دين ترسي گرفت .
دعوت من بر تو آن شد کايزدت عاشق کناد
بر يکي سنگين دل نامهربان چون خويشتن
تا بداني دردعشق و داغ هجر و غم کشي
چون بهجر اندر بپيچي پس بداني قدر من .
منابع :
کليات اشعار رابعه قزداري :
Recently by ebi amirhosseini | Comments | Date |
Simin Daneshvar: Influential author has died | 22 | Mar 08, 2012 |
ایران 1973 | 5 | Oct 18, 2011 |
حافظ | 1 | Oct 12, 2011 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Endangered Species Act!
by Persian Patriot (not verified) on Sat Dec 27, 2008 02:03 PM PSTHurry, I suggest that we start a petition for congress to put the "Aryans" on the Endangered List!
Thank you Samsam1111 and Mrayam Hojjat
by Sassan11 (not verified) on Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:46 PM PSTThank God for people like Samsam1111 and Mrayam Hojjat to keep our great legacy alive. Sometimes I feel we are becoming endangered species and those true Persians are disappearing. Unfortunately majority of the comments left by spectators here emphasis on forgetting and forgiving the greatest crimes and oppression imposed on us by the Arabs then & now and their Omatti lackeys at present time. Samsam jaan you are a shiny icon of a true Persian patriot. Payandeh Iran.
Dear friends....
by ebi amirhosseini on Sat Dec 27, 2008 06:43 PM PSTI appreciate all your inputs !.
1-Samsam Jaan,you're right about the " magas " tribe,no question about it !.I believe even if we don't consider her a pure Iranian,still this is a good example of our all inclusive Iranian culture that she has most of her poetry in Farsi .
2- Maryam Hojjat aziz,none of us here is forgetting anything about Iran & she has not deteriorated our language but saved it by her Farsi poetry.Language is a "progressive & transformational phenomenon".
3-Monda Jaan,
a-It is proud days after the Izz el-yoke ?! b-from "ghazdaar",like Tehrani.
4-Dear Azadeh,Arash Jaan & Manucher aziz, very well said arguements,can't agree more. I really hope all of us can put more info in this blog about her & other poetesses of Iran,rather than fighting about Iran & Arab historical differences !.Ebi aka Haaji
I, too...
by Princess on Sat Dec 27, 2008 01:19 PM PSTwould like to second the comments made by Messrs. Monzavi-Kia and Avaznia. Last time anybody talked about purifying their race and culture led to so much pain and destruction in the world. For what? What exactly is the virtue of "purity"? I wonder if all these Iran-Parasts really understand the implications of what they are advocating. Hatred has NEVER been a constructive force.
Aarash Jaan;
by Manoucher Avaznia on Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:06 PM PSTTo support your stand, I would just say that every kind of extreme nationalism leads to Fasism that unfortunately has been displayed in great details by some so-called Iran-Parasts. Every kind of Fascism has an element of racism(gowhar, khoon, gene...) in it. One of them has gone so far to claim that Iranian culture and language has detriorated after seventh century. Who is the knowledgable person to say Raazee, Ferdowsee, Naseer-odeen Toosee, Eshaagh Mooselee, Khawrazmee; Baazaar Vakeel; Meidaan Naghsh'e Jahaan were deterioration? How the Modern Parsee can be compared to Pahlavee which has sixteen letters only and even scholars have trouble properly reading it? Do they know what they talk about? How many years did they spend on studying their pre-Islamic and Post-Islamic history, leave alone language, architecture, literature, ...? Can they even name a few of those outstanding scholars before Arab invasion except for a handlfull of names like Borzooyeh'e Pezeshk and Barbad? With this much hatred that has been displayed here, I believe if these people get to power they will commit horrific genocides to purify what they claim to be Iranian pure blood. Are they sure they have pure Persian blood and culture and language themselves? Did they forget Bahraam V famed as Goor was raised by an Arab No'maan ben Monzar and was helped to throne by their troops while the pure Persians opposed it? Then, he became the legendry Shaahanshaah. Did they forget the words "sharaab" and "sham'a" are Arabic words in the ancient Haft-Sheen Table held before Islam. These are centuries before seventh century invasion of Arabs. By the way, what happened to the first Declaration of Human Rights? Descendents of Koorosh turned racists and revoked what they claim their father issued?
All the anti-Arab remarks of yours are very disturbing, Samsam
by Arash Monzavi-Kia on Sat Dec 27, 2008 08:42 AM PSTAll the anti-Arab remarks of yours are very disturbing, Samsam. How would you feel if all the peoples around the old Persia (Assyrians, Greeks, Egyptians, ...) keep hating us, because our great great ... great grand parents looted, raped and occupied their nations?
Give it up; your one-song only posts make a mockery of our true Iranian heritage and an ugly caricature of our cultural wealth! Have tolerance; as I have already told you, no culture is pure. For example, the mighty English culture with its global language is a hybrid of so many different languages (Danish, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and French). The Norman French occupied England for 300 years, forbidding them to even use their langue. But do you see the English scholars running to ‘purge’ their tongue of French words? Yes, one can write English without using any French words, but somehow it is not as rich and artistic.
The mixing of ancient peoples, the raids and capturing is an inevitable part of the ebb-and-flow of history. We have done it and others too. Iranians are a mixture of Persian, Arab, Turk, Kurd, Baluchi, Lor, Gilak and Turkman etc; if we only emphasize our Persian heritage to the dismissal of all the contributions of all the other peoples of Iran, then we turn into racists and haters, who will make racists and haters of all the other groups and ethnicities.
Is this what you are trying to achieve; to make us hate the Arabs and for Arabs to hate us in return?
Arash M-K
Dear Maryam
by samsam1111 on Sat Dec 27, 2008 06:54 AM PSTI thank you & glad to see open minds without prejudice toward our heritage such as patriots like you .
Cheers & keep well !
Hajminator jaan;
I don,t see how my argument is confusing you . I have nothing against foreigners writing poetry in Parsi . How ever there is a difference between that Afghan Ethic Rahimi & Rabehe . The difference is that Ethic Rahimi is not importing ton of Afghan words into French & present it as French poetry but simply writing french poetry . But in the case of Rabeheh & many other shaikhist poets post-Sassanid, poetry became a tool to further infest Parsi with Arab words(you need Arab dictionary some times too) so now we have a language that is practicaly a dialect of Arabic , with over %80 Arabic content thx in large to them . btw* She is no guest but a daughter of an Arab khallife occupier .
Ebi jaan
by Monda on Sat Dec 27, 2008 06:23 AM PSTI had only heard of her, thanks for the poems. I learned from everyone's shares as well. She was a brave soul indeed!
What does she mean by: فمن تکبر يوماً فبعد عز ذل and what does قزداريmean?
صمصام جان
HajminatorSat Dec 27, 2008 05:33 AM PST
این خانم عرب بود درست... ولی شعر گفتن به زبان فارسی اش مشهور بود. این فرهنگ غنی فارسی ما بود که بر نهوهء فکر کردن رمانتیک ایشون اثر گذاشته بود. به اصطلاحی دیگر زبان فارسی زبان عشق است و ایشان برای ابراز احساساتشان از این زبان استفاده میکردن.
چو آب میرود اين پارسی به قوت طبع نه مركبيست كه از وی سبق برد تازی
پس اگر کسی باید این وسط گله مند باشه، این تازیه های امتی اند، نه ما!
نکتهء دوم، چندی پیش همین سال میلادی ۲۰۰۸، بالاترین جایزهء ادبی فرانسه از آن اتیک رحیمی یک نویسندهء افغان شد و ایشون آلان بعنوان نویسندهء فرانسوی شناخته شدند. فرانسویها در این زمینه که دیگر ملتها به زبانشون حرف و فکر کنند خیلی تلاش میکنند.
با دوستی,
I agree with you Samsam1111
by Maryam Hojjat on Sat Dec 27, 2008 02:32 AM PSTI feel the same about this fact. We Iranian must never forget that our culture & language has been deteriorated since Arab invesion. We must try to prevent this deterioration at any cost.
Payandeh Iran
Einollah should
by samsam1111 on Sat Dec 27, 2008 01:58 AM PSTstop copy pasting big empty words from other comments . As i noted before this illiterate, ommati ,waneh be progressive is clueless so I will move on before his shaikh master delete my comments .
Azadeh khanoom;
I repeat, I simply stated the facts that she can,t be the 1st persian female poet since she was born to an Arab khallife occupying chunks of Iran . As well "Magass" is a name of a tribe and not a deragatory name . Now you can call me racist or what ever tags you have in your progressive disposal but facts don,t change . And as for your culture , I,m not stopping you to enjoy your status quo culture & all ommati icons/poets/writers/philosophers post Arab-conquest . I have my vision for Iran & unfortunatley the female gender in our land suffers from stockholm syndrom & tend to be the most fierce defender of status quo Pan-Arabi culture . I,m not against Arabs but Arabization of our culture/language & if you call that racism then be it . It,s my heritage & I shouldn,t appologize to no one trying to preserve it from forced elements of past & present .
Haft Shahr e Eshgh...
by Khar on Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:14 AM PSTRaa Attar Ghasht Ma Hanooz Andarkham e Yek Koochehim! Some of us through mental-masturbation are still thinking they are better than others! Look at yourself in the mirror you are what you see and as Hajj Ebi indicated YOU MIGHT BE AN ARAB (who are people as you and I)! Please stop the Gondeh Goozi!
Thanks Hajj Ebi for sharing, we grow as people when we are involved with the whole world!
For Ebi and Samsam
by Azadeh Azad on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:50 PM PSTThanks Ebi jan. No offense was taken, we're just having a dialogue! Please don't apologise :-).
Dear Samsam,
No need to get so defensively offensive :-). As I said before, in the 21st century, it is our cultures that matter, not our RACES - the latter being simply a figment of "some people"'s imagination. As a woman, I dislike Persian conquerors/looters/rapists as much as Arab conquerors/looters/rapists. And as an intelligent and progressive person, I am against *racism* of all kind. So, I hope your "chosen" and "identified" culture does not include racism against Arabs.
Ebi jaan !
by samsam1111 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:49 PM PST""If we look at it that way my friend,I am also Arab!.""
I beg to differ my friend unless you insist . There is a big difference between a Seyed like you who may or may not be a real seyed(no offence intended) & a 1st generation Arab woman daughter of an Arab governor invading force writing her half Arabic poetry . In your case your alleged Arab heritage & genetics has mixed into the greater Iranian stock after 1300 years, you don,t wear your Seyed heritage on your sleeve like some folks & mullahs do, You chose Iranian studies as your major & you named your son Khashayar , so you are an Irani for all argued purposes . Even if you insist to this day that you are an Arab yet stand up for the cause of true Iran, then in my eyes you are an Iranian . It,s mostly about the psyche & not all genetics . and thats why there is a difference between Ferdowsi vs the types of Massudi or Ishragh.
any how, again pardon my uninvited forray .
Cheers !
Samsam Jaan!!
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:30 PM PSTIf we look at it that way my friend,I am also Arab!.
Regardless of her genetic background ,she was a brave woman who happens to be(After the Sassanid era) the first known poetess whose poetry was in Farsi.
Ebi aka Haaji
Azadeh jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:33 PM PSTSure thing,A blog opens up a small forum for discussion.I think whatever the intention of a nick name ,you cannot ignore it when you want to introduce sb to the readers.Definitely when one introduces Shapur the Sassanid king,he has to mention his nickname " Zol aktaaf",though it might sound unpleasant ( since it reminds us of how he treated his POWs).
If I have offended " Jaame' e Baanovaan",accept my apologies.
Arash jaan,I'll always welcome your comments specially the ones that make me think.
Ebi aka Haaji
Azadeh khanoom , I,m just stating the facts
by samsam1111 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:23 PM PSTNo need to get defensive . You can welcome her as part of your culture but pls show me the courtesy of choosing & identifying my own culture. Again "Magass" was not a deragatory term . let,s not jump to conclusion so fast next time .
Regards !
btw* keep in mind She(offcourse innocent on her own) was not a mere immigrant to Iran but a by-product of a massive invasion of our land by her father(Arab governor) & forefathers . dropping tears for her love story is not my cup of tea .
Best regards # 2 :)
For Samsam
by Azadeh Azad on Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:12 PM PSTDear Samsam,
If Rabia Balkhi was genetically Arab (although I don't know about her mother's genes!), she was nonetheless culturally Persian. She wrote her poetry in Persian. In the 21st Century, people (past and present) belong to cultures not to races - "race" being a non-operative concept, rejected by all serious social scientists over 40 years ago.
Ebi jaan, She was an Arab not persian
by samsam1111 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:48 PM PSTMy appology to barge in your blog . 1st off "Magass" is a name given to an Arab tribe in Saravan area of Sisstan & Baluchestan area . As well she was an Arab . Her dad was Kaab from Arab origin who named her "Zain-al-Arab"
رابعه ٔ قزداری . از نسوان و ملکزادگان است پدرش کعب نام در اصل از اعراب بوده در بلخ و قزدارو بست در حوالی قندهار و سیستان و حوالی بلخ کامرانیها نموده . کعب پسری حارث نام داشته و دختری رابعه نام که او را زین العرب نیز میگفتند. رابعه ٔ مذکوره درحسن و جمال و فضل و کمال و معرفت و حال ، وحیده ٔ روزگار و فریده ٔ دهر و ادوار صاحب عشق حقیقی و مجازی و فارس میدان فارسی و تازی بوده
Best Regards pal
For Ebi and Arash
by Azadeh Azad on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:44 PM PSTDear Ebi,
I agree with Arash that the nickname Megas is derogatory and that it has probably been a nick chosen by the "Boys club" - the same "Boys Club" that is still ruling over women's lives after one thousand years. I think you need to be more critical of our patriarchal heritage! Thanks again for your post.
Dear Arash,
I don't believe you need to be so apologetic towards Ebi. I am sure he is an enlightened man who does not mind differing or opposite views. It is about time that we stop perpetrating hierarchies. Don't you think? :-)
Arash jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:33 PM PSTOf course you're not a gadfly !.Thanks for input.
I believe what you mean is " Takhallos" of a poem/writer,like Dakho, Shahriar,Saayeh....What I mean is that others also choose nicknames for poets like : Lessan ol Gheyb for Hafiz,Malek ol shoa'raa for Bahar & for that matter " Magas rueen" for this brave poetess .
Ebi aka Haaji
ebi jaan: sorry for me being a gadfly :)
by Arash Monzavi-Kia on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:10 PM PSTNot to disagree with you dear friend, but of course Saadi, Hafez, Tahereh, Sayeh, etc call themselves with a nick in their own poems, but I don't see her calling herself Magas. I doubt that any lady would call herself that.
She rather says that if Job deserved golden locusts for his patience, then she would at least deserve zinc Magas falling from the heavens for her. Well, it may just be my suspicion, but I can imagine the 'good old boys' seeing that verse and laughingly call her the zinc Magas. If she has not called herself with that nick, it may be unkind to call her that.
Albateh, Fozoli Man Az Hoseleh To Aziz Kharej Ast; Omidvaram Keh Mojaddadan Bebakhshi.
Arash M-K
Arash jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 09:51 PM PSTSurely nobody picks up a nick name for him/herself . It is not a derogatory one & wasn't given to her by the "boys club".Rest assured dear.
Ebi aka Haaji
Ebi Jan:
by Nazy Kaviani on Fri Dec 26, 2008 09:47 PM PSTTake a look at this clip which talks about Rabia's life:
ebi jaan, seems that she may not have picked that nick herself
by Arash Monzavi-Kia on Fri Dec 26, 2008 09:43 PM PSTThanks for the story behind the nick. Her poem does not indicate that she picked the nick, as she does not call herself Magas. Could it be that the 'boys club' put that nick on her, in an unkind fashion? You may want to consider removing it from the first line of introduction, as it seems derogatory. Albateh Fozoli Hast, Omidvaram Keh Bebakhshi.
Arash M-K
Nazy Jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 08:22 PM PSTI think it is the place to talk about another Iranian poetess;Ghorratoleyn/Tahereh.The first poem from I read from her was:
گر به تو افتدم نظر چهره به چهره رو برو
شرح دهم غم تو را نکته به نکته مو به مو
از پی ديدن رخت همچو صبا فتاده ام
خانه به خانه در به در کوُچه به کوچه کو به کو
ميرود از فراق تو خون دل از دو ديده ام
دجله به دجله يم به يم چشمه به چشمه جو به جو
دور دهان تنگ تو عارض عنبرين خطت
غنچه به غنچه گل به گل لاله به لاله بو به بو
ابرو و چشم و خال تو صيد نموده مرغ دل
طبع به طبع دل به دل مهر به مهر و خو به خو
مهر تو را دل حزين بافته بر قماش جان
رشته به رشته نخ به نخ تار به تار پو به پو
در دل خويش "طاهره" گشت و نديد جز تو را
صفحه به صفحه لا به لا پرده به پرده تو به تو
Ebi aka Haaji
Ebi aziz
by Hajminator on Fri Dec 26, 2008 08:13 PM PSTتشکر.
Hajminator aziz..
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 08:04 PM PSToops !..
Del be del raah daareh !.
Sorry I posted the same poem !.
Ebi aka Haaji
For all Brave Iranian Ladies...
by ebi amirhosseini on Fri Dec 26, 2008 08:00 PM PSTAnother poem from her :
مرا بعشق همي متهم کني به حيل
چه حجت آري پيش خداي عزوجل
به عشقت اندر عاصي همي نيارم شد
بذنبم اندر طاغي همي شوي بمثل
نعيم بي تو نخواهم جحيم با تو رواست
که بي تو شکّر زهر است و با تو زهر عسل
بروي نيکو تکيه مکن که تا يکچند
به سنبل اندر پنهان کنند نجم زحل
هرآينه نه دروغ است آنچه گفت حکيم
فمن تکبر يوماً فبعد عز ذل .
Ebi aka Haaji
Ebi jan
by Hajminator on Fri Dec 26, 2008 08:04 PM PSTبسیار زیبا یاد آن فرخنده شاعره را کردی. در دفترچه ام این شعر را هم من از ایشان مندرج کرده بودم:
مرا بعشق همی متهم کنی به حيل چه حجت آری پيش خدای عزوجل
به عشقت اندر عاصی همی نيارم شد بذنبم اندر طاغی همی شوی بمثل
نعيم بی تو نخواهم جحيم با تو رواست که بي تو شکّر زهر است و با تو زهر عسل
بروی نيکو تکيه مکن که تا يکچند به سنبل اندر پنهان کنند نجم زحل
هرآينه نه دروغ است آنچه گفت حکيم فمن تکبر يوماً فبعد عز ذل