Give the Islamist Rapists a hearty attaboy>>>
30-Oct-2009 (one comment)
Yesterday and today, the Senate banking committee approved new sanctions legislation, the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act (IRPSA), designed to punish Iran for its nuclear program>>>
Manoucher Avaznia
29-Oct-2009 (one comment)

از نگاه دیگری اندر وجود

در درونم شوق بی اندازه بود

Passing Through
29-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
I decided to write this piece to encourage All My Iranian Brothers And Sisters, that the Greatness that was brought about by Cyrus (Kouroush), flows passionately within the veins and the spirits of all of us>>>
مزار هنرمندان ایران>>>
29-Oct-2009 (20 comments)
This video piece by Max Blumenthal of a Hagee Conference is unblievable.  The amount of hate in this gathering is not unlike a Nazi party rally.  >>>
29-Oct-2009 (95 comments)

Reza Pahlavi for Secularism and Democracy in Iran.

Why am I so confused?

Persian Cook
29-Oct-2009 (6 comments)
Another working man/woman's recipe. >>>
29-Oct-2009 (2 comments)

This is your captain speaking. We have just reached our cruising altitude.

اشهد تون رو بخونين

bajenaghe naghi
29-Oct-2009 (19 comments)
I sat in the passenger seat, got myself strapped in, and got ready to fly>>>
To my suprise my poem 'One who is Three' from my Divine Comedy of Neophyte Corax and Goddess Morrigan' has made it to the final of Llewellyn books Halloween Poetry Contest!>>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
 Abu Sofyan was one of these type of people, he saw that the people want Islam and they do not believe in the old fashion way. So he got also Islam and continues to rob people. >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
مشگل اساسی ما در شهر هرت شاید تمامیت خواهی و ارج ندادن به باورها و روشهای بقیه مردم باشد.   تمامیت خواهی و بی تفاوتی نسبت به دیگران و اجتماعی نبودن و فرد گرایی بلایی است که دامن گیر ما شده است.   >>>
29-Oct-2009 (9 comments)

Take a look at this photo. And who are the Emame Zaman Soldiers listed as the organization spionsoring this "protest"?

29-Oct-2009 (35 comments)
The Seyyeds have had sanctions on the Iranian nation. and yet US CONgressman Ron Paul says this.>>>