MESA again calls on Iranian authorities to implement and guarantee the full rights of academic and intellectual freedom and the right to peaceful assembly on all university campuses
من خدا را در فهم و شعور و معرفت انسانی دیده ام... من از خدا ی کوچه و بازار میترسم
There is not virtually a single blog or news post on this site that does not have the word “Israel” in it. Why?
Love; the epic of which has never before been recited and recounted in lyric and poetry so beautifully as done so here by the amazing heart of Mr. Leonard Cohen; in Dance Me To The End of Love.
In conclusion, with much exclusion as possible, please note that there are many wonderful works here on as well; and my prior utterances in no means relate to them. (For Example)
The lung cancer death counter in St.Monica for this year reads 46800.
I suddenly heard my cousin's extremely high pitched scream
Do not wish to divert attention from today's Iran
مقاله ایکه من در مورد ترور محمد مسعود بدست خسرو روزبه در این سایت به تصویر کشیدم بسیاری را به عکس العمل وا داشت که من بدون در نظر گرفتن ترتیب کامنت ها توضیحاتی را قلمی میکنم
Ashcan said that he has met a nice beautiful gorgeous girl in a party in Tehran
The Prime Minister, Ghulam Reza Gilani was the Chief Geust.
Same old nonsense from Khamenei about Iran being a victim of conspiracy.
ما ز مروارید مهر آکنده ایم
با چنین گنجینه ناداریم ما
a call for papers/stories from Iranian American adoptees
"This is Iran's [IRR] last opportunity,..."