مسعود از امریکا
19-Jun-2009 (11 comments)
A Beautiful Dream - No Longer An Islamic Republic; But A Secular Democracy >>>
18-Jun-2009 (one comment)
This is a very funny clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I think you’ll enjoy it. >>>
18-Jun-2009 (one comment)

ادمکها از کدامانيد؟

18-Jun-2009 (10 comments)
President Obama and American politicians differ on recent events in Iran. I wonder if some politicians see this as an opportunity to come to a term with the Islamic regime ... I am curious about your opinion. >>>
Google has launched a Farsi/English translation service, an ingenious way to help Iranians and English speakers exchange information and aid each other more effectively>>>
Saead Soltanpour
We do expect all the parties to take stand by the Iranian People, while we do not need any political interfere in Iran by any foreign government>>>
With all due respect to brave Iranian men and women here in all modesty are my suggestions for slogans: >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
بایست برای مردم کار کرد. نمیدانم چرا اشخاصی که به قدرت میرسند یک سره خود را فراموش میکنند و اگر تا دیروز محکوم و فلک زده بوده اند حالا که دستشان به دم گاوی بند شده و دارای قدرت و شکوه شده اند بجان همراهان خود افتاده و آنان را قلع و قمع میکنند>>>

این لیست کامل نیست. اما امیدوارم شروعی باشد برای جمع آوری نامهای دستگرشدگان خرداد خونین

Cy of Persia
18-Jun-2009 (one comment)
This incident, believe it or not is not a struggle between people and the regime. Nor is it a struggle between opposition and the regime like the one between Mojahedin and the regime back in the early 1980s>>>
Bijan A M
18-Jun-2009 (16 comments)
I believe this movement will continue until a democratic government takes hold. The core of any democracy is separation of church and state. Therefore, this movement will succeed to abolish the sharia law and Velayate vaghih.>>>

The use of internet and mobile phones will dominate our politics for years to come. If internet and mobile phones are the language of youths,  please speak on.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
18-Jun-2009 (10 comments)
It's not THAT bad. Thank you to those who have supported change in Iran, and followed her struggle closely, even when it wasn't chic.>>>
18-Jun-2009 (12 comments)