صد آفرین بر نظامی که بازجویانش عزیزند
Iran Election 2009 Cartoons
Succession of the slogans during the recent protests following the presidential elections was as follows
The Leader reaffirms the message to Iranian people
Wonder Woman opening theme from season 1
A strange land my country is, a strange age my time is
It doesn't matter who you are
کار را بایست به دستهای دانایان سپرد. اداره یک خانواده کاری ساده نیست و هم چنین اداره امور یک اداره کاری دشوار است
The Islamic Republic of Iran held on to power based on three principles:
In the interest of resolving the present crisis, we direct all officials and fellow countrymen to the following proposals
یادت هست به گربه ها "سنبل الطیب" می خوراندیم و وقتی تلو تلو می خوردند، به مستی و بیچارگی شان می خندیدیم؟
July 29th was the 818th anniversary of the execution and martyrdom for heresy in 1191 CE of
Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi (the Master of Illumination) in Aleppo, Syria, on the orders of Saladdin the Ayyubid.