Music - Dam Mast Qalandar Mast Mast >>>
پرسشی که در ذهن پرسه میزند و هر چه هم به آن رو داده نمیشود ولکن نیست >>>
باز هم مثل 30 سال پیش توی مملکت داره مرگ میباره وعزا داری هم رواج پیدا کرده, ولی این دفعه فرقش اینه که پول روضه خونی سر قبرستون توی جیب علمای دینی نمیره >>>
26-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
A 12 year girl's speech at the UN conferece >>>
Darius Kadivar
Ex-minister in Pahlavi Regime, Manoucher AZEMOUN assumes his own defence in an Islamic revolutionary tribunal at the Gasr prison. He will be sentenced to death and executed. (circa April 1979) >>>
Darius Kadivar
26-Aug-2009 (one comment)

Veteran US Senator Edward Kennedy, the brother of former President John F Kennedy, has died at 77, after a long battle with a brain tumour. Here are footages of his 1980 Presidential campaign running against Jimmy Carter.

25-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
من اعتراف می‌کنم به انقلاب مخملی
به کودتای موسوی علیه بیت رهبری >>>
Jahanshah Javid
25-Aug-2009 (10 comments)
The Three Iranian Sopranos and Fared Shafinury in one special evening. How lucky are we?>>>
25-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Prosecutor's little helpers >>>
Judy Douglas Knauer
25-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
I'm looking for research information on Iranian "refugee camps" in Germany  >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
25-Aug-2009 (4 comments)

  چرا حضرت آیت الله امام محبوب خمینی ناگهان دستورکشتن کسانی راداد که او را به ان مقام رسانیده بودند.

25-Aug-2009 (5 comments)

Those arrests will trigger the regime's downfall provided people react in a clever way.

25-Aug-2009 (2 comments)

Hassan Nemazee: Innocent until proven a crook?

Iranian Reader
25-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
What I want to hear is a simple hour-by-hour account of the typical day of a torturer and street thug—a sort of log: I woke up, had breakfast, grabbed my baton/taser/chains/knives/shot gun/hand gun/etc. and headed out the door… >>>
Ari Siletz
25-Aug-2009 (19 comments)
Writing Love series>>>