02-Dec-2011 (one comment)
Former Israeli Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, who's been campaigning for a year against an Israeli attack on Iran, did his first Israeli TV interview on the subject>>>
02-Dec-2011 (2 comments)
Do you know what map is closest to Iran's map?>>>
Darius Kadivar
Barry Marston speaks about the importance of Cyrus the Great's Human Rights Charter. Martson is spokesman for the British Foreign Office, in London with specialty in Middle Eastern issues>>>
02-Dec-2011 (40 comments)
I believe people are tired of all ideologies. They want free votes. They want freedom of capital and ownership >>>
02-Dec-2011 (2 comments)
Basilj writer isn't too happy about lack of respect from security forces. >>>
Brian Appleton
02-Dec-2011 (one comment)
looking for nice high resolution 3 to 5 meg photos of Iranian Azerbaijan something very green and lush with river, mountains, fields, flowers, etc for my new book. Will give credits and fair compensation. >>>
Brian Appleton
our tax dollars and our young men abd women pay with their lives for wars for the military industrial complex >>>
02-Dec-2011 (3 comments)

I am wondering if anyone knows

Iqbal Latif
02-Dec-2011 (4 comments)
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.">>>
02-Dec-2011 (5 comments)
ما، گروهی از آزاداندیشان، دانشجویان، روشنفکران و کنشگرانِ ایرانی برای دفاع از آزادی و حیثیتِ انسانی و حقوقِ بشر اظهارِ همبستگی می‌کنیم>>>
02-Dec-2011 (2 comments)
آمریکائیها اصلاً همه جا در محاصرۀ ما هستند >>>
خانم‌های خوب و محترمه و ارزشی >>>