Leader's Children

by amirkabear4u

I am wondering if anyone knows how many kids Khamenai has??

I have an idea, but really like to know what you know.


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Thank you

by amirkabear4u on

for all the people who commented here !!! LOL

Sometimes I wonder when so many of us are always talking about politics, how good we really are in this subject? Well this blog proved one point if nothing else. A lot of us are not born to be politiciens.

It is very simple. Since the revolution about 30 odd years gone. A person like Khamenai is not particularly famous for being a gentlman is he?? And he is a mollah, what is better than sex or seagheh? Lets for the sake of argument say the last 10 years he was not interested in sex. That makes it about 20 years. If every year he had the minimum of a few seaghehs and just one, yes just one resulted in a child. By now, he should have at least 20 kids, not including his pre revolutionery ones. Anything else does not make sense.

Well yes wikipedia is wrong. 



by amirkabear4u on

But according to Wikipedia. Is that correct?


Anonymous Observer

Six according to Wikipedia

by Anonymous Observer on