19-Sep-2011 (66 comments)
U.N is to take a vote on an independent Palestinian state this week..... >>>
19-Sep-2011 (4 comments)
احمدی‌نژاد "اسناد اشغال ايران توسط متفقين در جنگ جهانی دوم" را به سازمان ملل می‌برد >>>
Darius Kadivar
19-Sep-2011 (4 comments)
Exclusive images of the After Party rehearsal of Ahmadinejad and his Sandis Khor Reception Committee at the UN headquarters in NY>>>
afshin jam
Who is doing the interview here ? Ann Curry of NBC interviewed Ahmadi Nejad or is it vice versa?  >>>
19-Sep-2011 (5 comments)
an American actor >>>
Anonymous Observer
19-Sep-2011 (139 comments)

Let's compare ourselves to a few other nations.

This episode is featuring many new artists like Bakteri & Ladybug, Shoushaun, Circo Cafe, Shirin Delsooz and new tracks by Rana Farhan and Mohsen Namjoo. It might even takes you to foggy roads of Chalous! >>>
An amazing young dancer >>>
Iqbal Latif
19-Sep-2011 (2 comments)
I would suggest Perry to just walk across to NASA @ Houston when in Houston, and look at some Hubble pictures from 'advanced Camera for Celestial surveys'>>>
19-Sep-2011 (one comment)
اين كار ما نيست، ما اين جوری نيستيم >>>
در رکوع و سجــودِ خامنـــه‌ای/من هم از دور ســرنگون دلـــم >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
18-Sep-2011 (4 comments)
هرگز در اهتزاز جهان کژّ و کم ندید
حکمتپژوه پیر که ناظر این کهنه منظر است >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
 Is it sort of democracy that the people who robbed should be ignored and the government cannot help them?      >>>
Mohammad Ala
18-Sep-2011 (one comment)

Corporate economic dictators are thinking about globally run one government and one currency.

Sahameddin Ghiassi
اشاره به داستان مولوی که خانم خانه ک –ر خر را دید ولی کدویی که کنیز استفاده میکرد ندید؟ و هلاک شهوت خود گشت و مرد؟ >>>