Darius Kadivar
12-Jul-2011 (11 comments)
From King to Prime Minister of The Republic of Bulgaria. Rather than regaining his throne, King Simeon II returned in 2001 to Bulgaria after more than 50 years in exile at the head of a democratically elected government.>>>
Soosan Khanoom
12-Jul-2011 (13 comments)
On The Deathbed >>>
12-Jul-2011 (one comment)
(ویدئو) >>>
12-Jul-2011 (5 comments)

اجرای آهنگ غریب آشنا با صدای خانم گوگوش در کاخ سعد آباد در سال ۱۳۵۵.

12-Jul-2011 (7 comments)

Lo siguiente es mi adaptación en Español de la carta escrita en la prisión por la activista politica Bahareh Hedayat.

12-Jul-2011 (one comment)
خالق شاهکارهایی مثل کلیدر و جای خالی سلوچ، چهره شاخص امروز ادبیات معاصر ایران >>>
M. Saadat Noury
12-Jul-2011 (8 comments)

دادی مرا به خوا ب ، ز آغو ش_ خود نصیب
نفرین به باد باد ، که آن خواب  را ربود

Ari Siletz
12-Jul-2011 (15 comments)
The brightest spot on the map is known as the "Chaaleh e Markazi e Loot." >>>
Esfand Aashena
12-Jul-2011 (10 comments)

!Today July 12 is the Hijab Day in Iran

12-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
The war it is itching for >>>
Darius Kadivar
David Starkey, one of Britain's finest historians joined Royal Collection curator Jennifer Scott to discuss the fascinating subject of royal portraiture. >>>
I thought with the economic crisis, that statement is one truth that the regime simply can not ignore>>>
12-Jul-2011 (7 comments)
آنچه خوبان همه دارند تو تنها داری >>>
11-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
I have found this very interesting video clip about Mehrangiz Kar and her family back to the time they were living in Iran! >>>