Why is it that a paradise on earth, Iran, occupied by the evil culprits, allows the lingering assassination, execution, genocide and martyrdom of her noble nationals?
لینک سه فایل صدا از سخنرانی علی عبدالرضایی که در آنها از سکس به عنوان امر مقدس حرف زده. از دستش ندهید
The amazing Island in southern Iran
Armed conflicts have ruined the lives of millions of people, and global warming threatens to destroy life on earth
ایران خانوم حال و احوال خوشی ندارد
خلاصه مطلب اگر مجنون بودی و رهبر بودی، زیاد تو چشم نمیخوردی
Demonstration in support of workers' and trade-union rights in Iran. A call for international solidarity by French and Swiss trade unions
The best epic work of the Prog rock era from Foxtrot
A 1983 political thriller about a religiously dedicated, young Iranian revolutionary: Parviz Sayyad's first film shot in exile.
This is my last Swiss blog. I'll be back in UK on Monday.
Musically short and sweet
Events of recent months in the Middle East perfectly illustrate the difference between bloody dictatorships and authoritarian regimes