Dr. Jack Kevorkian, nicknamed "Dr. Death" for his controversial advocacy of assisted suicide in the cases of the terminally ill, died early Friday morning.
چیزی از توش برای مردم ایران در خواهد آمد
فیلمبرداری "انتخابات 35" به سلامتی آغاز شد. صحنه ی اول؛ دعوای زرگری محافل قدرت، همین چند هفته پیش کلید خورد.
خدا بزنه تو کمر بانی مصیبت
I am me; you are you; we are us. Come and help to add up to this raw poem of mine. Let's reveal the truth about our humanity.
Revisiting history in Dizfoul
Hi, in this video i'm showing off some awesome kicks/punches/techniques etc.. XD
I wish I could dress up like this every day
I've got nothing against Liberal minded people or even
Republicanism Per se as an Ideology all the more that
Constitutionalism is inspired by Republican ideals only implemented within a Royal Framework. But ... ;0)
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