23-May-2012 (4 comments)
N. Arkani-Hamed's assessment of recent developments in and future direction of fundamental physics. >>>
23-May-2012 (9 comments)
I am so fragile but most be strong. >>>
Saead Soltanpour
23-May-2012 (4 comments)
Minister Kenney: Re-consider the unfair closure of the Visa Section in Tehran>>>
23-May-2012 (one comment)
همچو پیروزان* به زیر آور اَمیرِ دشمنت

یا چو بابک** شو نَماد و چلچراغِ کشورت >>>
23-May-2012 (2 comments)
Journal on what it feels like to join NIAC as a member>>>
23-May-2012 (2 comments)
One thing I remember from traveling with my parents across Iran as a child was the view from the rear window.  >>>
Darius Kadivar
23-May-2012 (4 comments)
Shah and Shahbanou Farah are greeted in Ankara, Turkey, during a state visit aimed at celebrating the memory of Reza Shah the Great and Kemal Ataturk >>>
mahmood delkhasteh
This is about how to democratize the current archaic sharia. >>>
23-May-2012 (one comment)
دويست و پنجاه ميليون دلار >>>
23-May-2012 (14 comments)

ای دوست ، کجا رفتی/ تنها مگذار ما را/ با آن قلم شیرین/ مشعوف بدار ما را/ بی تو نشود دل، خوش/ ماییم پریشانا ، ماییم پریشانا

23-May-2012 (6 comments)
Fuuny video.....lighten couldn't get much worse! >>>
Darius Kadivar
23-May-2012 (3 comments)
Author of Best Selling Book Daughter of Persia and one of the daughters of Persian nobleman Abdol Hossein Mirza Farmanfarma of the Qajar dynasty has passed away>>>
23-May-2012 (one comment)
ساحت مقدس و جوانان >>>
23-May-2012 (9 comments)
Azerbaijan National musical instrument Nagara- Natiq Ritm Group >>>
Ali Ohadi
23-May-2012 (3 comments)
"لباس پوشیده ایم اما نمی دانیم کجا می خواهیم برویم"!>>>