Soosan Khanoom
29-May-2012 (6 comments)
There is a poem by Adam Zagajewski from the collection " Eternal Enemies " that I would like to share it here with you>>>
The Prince
Prediction. >>>
Red Wine
29-May-2012 (12 comments)
از یادداشتهای من >>>
Darius Kadivar
BBC 4’s 2006 Documentary which sheds new light on the greatest crisis to rock the British monarchy in centuries - the abdication of King Edward VIII>>>
mahmood delkhasteh
29-May-2012 (10 comments)
It is the comparitive analysis of Houla massacare with Rex cineam >>>
29-May-2012 (one comment)
(Heartbreaking!!) Give the Syrian Children their childhood back">>>
29-May-2012 (6 comments)
I submitted this to a local creative writing journal, was part of a bigger content. In that article I added an introduction for the english folks so they can relate to the content. It is not needed here. >>>
29-May-2012 (4 comments)
بنشسته وپنداری شاید دگری خیزد
اونیزچنین گوید وَزجای نمی خیزد>>>
29-May-2012 (10 comments)
از بیانات یک آخوند افغانستانی >>>
29-May-2012 (5 comments)
نقشه تجزیه ایران -   

یک ویدئو تاسف آور

29-May-2012 (3 comments)
TV station broadcast the images and names >>>
Masoud Kazemzadeh
29-May-2012 (30 comments)
The position of monarch is an anti-democratic institution. A democratic institution is one that the people will elect periodically (for example every 4 years)>>>
29-May-2012 (2 comments)
تقاضای جنس مذکر به راحتی پاسخ داده شده >>>