22-Sep-2012 (3 comments)
دولت اسرائیل را در سرزمینهای فلسطینیان تشکیل دادند >>>
21-Sep-2012 (8 comments)
Here is the interview that Hassan Dai did with Mr. Maybodi this week.
Iran Paidar 1st
21-Sep-2012 (one comment)
رئیس انرژی اتمی ایران: سرویس اطلاعاتی بریتانیا را فریب دادیم>>>
همنشین بهار
21-Sep-2012 (one comment)
ما به «عقل نقاد تحلیلگر» بیشتر از «عشق نقال تجلیلگر» نیاز داریم.باید ریشه های رنج و خشونت و کین را نشان دهیم >>>
First Amendment
21-Sep-2012 (4 comments)
A word or two >>>
Darius Kadivar
21-Sep-2012 (29 comments)
Over three hundred Turkish military officers have been convicted of plotting to overthrow their government>>>
21-Sep-2012 (15 comments)
Bahai Spy Ring Busted in India Working for Israel, Iranian-Bahais Involved>>>
21-Sep-2012 (43 comments)
Thank you for showing us peace and tolerance >>>
21-Sep-2012 (8 comments)
This 'imposed' war as the Iranians put it, was a massive strategic mistake. And we are ALL still paying the price for it. Shame - yes Shame - on those that precipitated it>>>
So then Romney will have to raise the temperature a bit more. He will have to get some mad Islamic politician to really put some fear in the US voters.>>>
Saead Soltanpour
The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism met with a delegation of prominent Persian community leaders>>>
It is now beyond a reasonable doubt>>>
Darius Kadivar
Shah of Iran on a visit to New York speaks with President Johnson on général topics of mutual interests>>>
همنشین بهار
21-Sep-2012 (one comment)
بر کشتزار پلیدی، گل نیکویی و مهربانی نمی‌روید و به آدمهای «همج الرعاع» که معلوم نیست سقای امام حسن هستند یا طبال یزید>>>