The Story Of Human Rights


The Story Of Human Rights
by 12 Petals

Very interesting and powerful video produced by Youth for Human Rights.





The story of human rights (// depicts the appropriate linkage of universal human rights to Cyrus the Great. We extend our heartfelt regards to them all involved for producing an excellent production. Thank you.

(One point to note: The Youth for Human Rights would have been much more greatly appreciated by elaborating well on Cyrus the Great's Persian origin and identity instead of offering a narrated reference to a "guy named Cyrus the Great".  Greek, Roman, British, French, and American references were suitably mentioned. Ancient Persian/Iranian civilization also well deserves to be earnestly acknowledged by all human rights advocates and truth seekers.)

Back to this remarkable production and its well chosen title "The Story of Human Rights" and our Iranian quest for human rights for Iran and Iranians. Human rights have been essential elements of traditional Persian customary laws and practices. An examination of the U.S. Bill of Rights and those who helped to draft it has shown that it very well may have been inspired by Cyrus the Great and his policies (thanks to Cyrus Kar —Spenta Productions for offering enlightenment on these matters).

Cyrus of Persia perceived his relationship with the people inhabiting his empire to involve mutual obligations and freedoms; he is thus apparently one of the first creators of a social contract based on ideals that are now considered essential to democracy. What is remarkable about this history is not the glorification of Cyrus the Great’s leadership, instead it is the ideal of so many people coexisting in harmony and a knowledge of that such harmonious coexistence is possible when “rights” are honored.

Embedded into the Persian/Iranian psyche, therefore, is a great and valuable understanding: one must not sacrifice individual rights and autonomy for the benefit of the state. To date, re-establishing pride and faith in these rights is a legacy and birthright that Iranians deserve. 


The 12Petals Media Group strives to be a union of visual artists, musicians, filmmakers, cinematographers, playwrights, socials entrepreneurs and more, all coming together to produce pieces that promote and encourage respect for those rights protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


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Ari Siletz

Great read

by Ari Siletz on

And good link. Thank you.


No Meaning Until...

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