The hate between religions which damage our lives


The hate between religions which damage our lives
by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

The hate between religions which damage our lives I would like to try to remove these problems which destroy a lot of lives even now in the world. In the past in Europe we had this problem, but now it seems in our Middle Eastern countries still it is in motion. There will be still a lot young and old people, even children who are suffering from the religions. Instead of having love and peace, we have hate and disunity with the religions. It is clear that some people make a lot of money, power and respect by religions, but in other side a lot of people lose everything that they have because of that?     Why we should have so many problems in our life?  And why we should suffer so much in our short life?

I remember one time Dr. Shahabi told if  Bab and Bahaullah instead of changing the name of Moslem to Babi and Bahai would bring their ideas as a philosopher or thinker, may be they had more success and the people did not suffered so much also. In that time that the people were under so much prejudice and were so uneducated to be against the name of their religion was a hard action and those people who even did not Quran and did not anything about the religion and they just listen to their clergies, were used as a device to kill the Babi and Bahai and also each other. In the time that Miss Kit Middleton is marrying like in a fairy tells and millions or dollars is spent for her wedding other girls in Iran is hanged up, just because they were Bahais? Is it just?    Why because they born in two different countries.  I know a lot of other people who are suffering just because of religion names and the hate between religions. The people just suffer, because of lack of knowledge greed and hate.  Killing other believer of other religions is just of the persecution, there are a lot of other types of persecutions.  The people who born in a family of two religion for example Bahai and Moslem will be doubled persecuted, from the members of both religions.

In the hope that one day Love and Unity will take the place of hate and disunity and greed or misuse of different religions. I thought the Bahai people and the Bahai administration is better than others. I believed that the House of Just is really a holey gathering and I count on it. As a child I was persecuted by both religions Bahais and Moslems people, one time I said Alah Abha to my father and I was just four years old. He hits me, because the poor father thought I will go to the hell by saying Alah Abha that I did not even know its meaning. Almost every day the good ignorant Moslem children teased me and say bad words to me that I put tomato in Abbass Effendi or I did   … the crystal box for the dead people  coffin or they punched the word Abbass Effendi with the knife on my desk and the teacher punished me for their action. In the way home the Moslem children attacked me four of five person and I have to fight with them, as I came covered with blood home, my father told me, clean and start to pray before it is late. And now the Bahai children made fun of me, because I war forced to pray Arabic Islamic Namaz?   After graduation, I could not marry a girl in my level, because both Bahai and Moslem girls did not want to marry a man with Moslem father and Bahai mother.  I was sent out of the work after the revolution in Iran and I lost most of my capital robbed by Moslem friends and Bahai family. I lost also my family and be cheated from both sides. That is what had happened to my friend Nasser. Why, in compare with Mona, he is not killed, but to lose family and wealth is not easy too. The Persian court system have ignored him as he was robbed by Moslem friend of his, him and the Bahai administration system and House of Just did almost the same to him?  I have to add, there is a lot of good and nice Bahais and also a lot of good Moslems, but what can we do if we meet bad people? And as you know thousand friends are nothing and one enemy is too much, so just few bad people is enough to destroy the lives of other people. I hope that one day Love and Just will replace hate and greed and misusing of religions and other school of thinking.

The human being should be live in peace and unity. The teaching of Bahais are nice, but not all Bahais act according to them , they are like other people and sometimes also misuse the good name of nice Bahais like Mona and the other nine angel who are killed in cruel way in Shiraz. And thousand of Bahais or half Bahais are also persecuted in the Middle East Bahaullah told if the religion is causing problems, to have no religion is better or love each other and do not count each other as foreign that all of you are the leaves of a tree trunk or fruit of tree of my friend do not think but love and plant love in your heart?  We should not go after the name, but Love and Unity of mankind.  A lot of my friends have lost their lives, family and wealth because of this name? Religion, I do not know if it is fair that in these year that many countries are going to be so advance, we should fight for the religions, and in reality all of them as they say, came just from one source God only in different times, but the people use them for fighting and hate and to gather power money and respect. May be some of those top religious people do not even believe in what of they are saying and preaching, that is just a business for them to make more easy money and to gain respect . In the hope that one day humanity and spirituality will cover all the existing religions and there will be a peace and cooperation between all of them, if they believe they come from one source.  But now the leaders of one religion persecute other leader of other religions, because they want all the benefits for themselves and they do not want to share the religion’s benefit with other people who are saying the same things.  And we should be the victim of them and lose our lives, wealth and family, country and work for their business.  And both side love to have some people who are willing to give even their lives for their believes.


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Release: March 9, 2001


QUINN READS MARCH 22 -- Daniel Quinn, author of the award-winning novel "Ishmael," will read from his new book, "After Dachau," at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 22 in Buchanan Auditorium of the University of Iowa Pappajohn Business Administration Building. The reading -- part of the "Live from Prairie Lights" series on UI radio station WSUI, 910 AM -- is free and open to the public.

"Ishmael" won the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship, designed to encourage authors to seek "creative and positive solutions to global problems." Quinn’s other books include the novels "Dreamer," "The Story of B" and "My Ishmael"; "Beyond Civilization," a book of nonfiction; and, with Tom Whalen, "A Newcomer’s Guide to the Afterlife," a fictional guide for the newly deceased. Quinn’ s short fiction has appeared in the Quarterly, Asylum and Magic Realism.

Publishers Weekly calls Quinn’s new novel "provocative" and "Orwellian."

For more information about this event, contact the Prairie Lights bookstore at 337-2681.

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BAHA’I MARTYR IS SUBJECT OF UI STUDENT’S PLAY MARCH 22-25 -- The University Theatres Gallery series will present "A Dress for Mona," written and directed by UI department of theatre arts graduate student Mark Perry, at 8 p.m. Thursday through Sunday, March 22-25 in Theatre B of the UI Theatre Building.

Perry’s play is based on the true story of Mona Mahmundizhad, a 17-year-old Iranian girl who was martyred in 1983 for refusing to recant her Baha’i faith.

"It’s a story about faith, about courage, and the amazing capacity of human beings to choose to transcend the evil wrought by those around them," Perry says. "I hope people won’t be discouraged by the heaviness of the subject matter -- I think the play has a light heart."

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi has written, "The Baha’i religion is a world religion which began in Persia. Baha’is believe in the oneness of God, the oneness of religion, and the unity of mankind. Baha’is strive to eliminate all prejudices of race, nationality, and religion. And Baha’is respect that all religions have come from the same God, in different times, to guide mankind."

A witness to Mahmundizhad’s execution, a Baha’i teacher named Djalal, wrote, "I could not believe that what I was seeing was real. She, the young girl, was so in love with God that she was ready to be killed for Him and His glory. For her faith . . . The revolution of Iran, which should have been a religious revolution and should have led the people to God’s way, was now eating the innocent people and children."

The production of "A Dress for Mona" features dramaturgical assistance by Azadeh Rohanian, lighting design by Rob Koop and costume design by Tallie Nelson.

Admission will be $5 ($3 for UI students, senior citizens and youth) at the door.

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GLAVE READS MARCH 23 -- Author Thomas Glave will read from his debut collection of short stories, "Whose Song?" at 8 p.m. Friday, March 23 at the Prairie Lights bookstore, 15 S. Dubuque St. in downtown Iowa City. The reading -- part of the "Live from Prairie Lights" series on University of Iowa radio station WSUI, 910 AM -- is free and open to the public.

Glave, whom the New York Times calls "a gifted stylist," has won an O. Henry Prize and a fellowship from the Fine Arts Center in Provincetown, Mass. He traveled to Jamaica on a Fulbright grant and helped found the Jamaica Forum of Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays.

Glave’s essays and short fiction have appeared in "Children of the Night: The Best Short Stories by Black Writers," "Men on Men 6: Best New Gay Fiction" and "Prize Stories 1997: The O. Henry Awards."

"In this collection of short stories Thomas Glave walks the path of such greats in American literature as Richard Wright and James Baldwin while forging new ground of his own," Gloria Naylor says of Glave’s first book. "His voice is strong and his technique dazzling as he cuts to the bone of what it means to be black in America."

Nadine Gordimer says, "Thomas Glave has the strong talent and courage to take up the right to enter the inner selves of both black and white characters in his stories."

For more information about this event, contact the Prairie Lights bookstore at 337-2681.

  And they are also encouraged to be like that. And as long as we have such simple people who are willing to die for their believes, so we have also people who can misuse them for their greed and for their goal. I think it is not fair that some people have so many benefit from the religions as leader sitting in the best place and the other should pay their costs with their lives.   

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You asked:

How did Mona Mahmudnizhad die?

Mona Mahmudnizhad

Mona Mahmudnizhad died in Sirâz on June 18th 1983. She was executed. She was 17 or 18 years old when she died.


How did Mona Mahmudnizhad (1965-June 18, 1983), the Persian Bahá'í who, together with nine other Bahá'í women, sentenced to death and hanged in Shiraz because of her membership to the Bahá'í Faith die?

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Facts Show facts Show reasoning Reasoning I followed this chain of reasoning: I know from locally stored knowledge that:
execution is a cause of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad ([fact:
I know from locally stored knowledge that:
execution is a class ([fact: [""]])
execution is a cause of death ([fact: [""]]) execution is a subclass of event ([fact: [""]]) execution is a subclass of homicide ([fact: [""]]) execution is the event class corresponding to the transitive action executed ([fact: [""]]) executed commonly translates as "executed" ([fact: [""]]) always fatal applies to executed ([fact: [""]]) By calculation (generator: [""]) I know that:
Mona Mahmudnizhad died in Sirâz on
June 18th 1983. She was executed. She was 17 or 18 years old when she died. is the death description of Mona Mahmudnizhad I used the following facts to provide this answer: execution is a cause of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Mona Mahmudnizhad is having the relationship 'commonly translates as' with "Mona Mahmudnizhad" agree disagree edit June 18th 1983 is the date of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit 1965 is the birthdate of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Sirâz is the place of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Sirâz is having the relationship 'commonly translates as' with "Sirâz" agree disagree edit hanging is a cause of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Iran is the place of death of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Iran is having the relationship 'commonly translates as' with "Iran" agree disagree edit September 10th 1965 is the birthdate of Mona Mahmudnizhad agree disagree edit Mona Mahmudnizhad is female agree disagree edit execution is a class agree disagree edit execution is a cause of death agree disagree edit execution is a subclass of event agree disagree edit execution is a subclass of homicide agree disagree edit execution is the event class corresponding to the transitive action 'executed' agree disagree edit 'executed' is having the relationship 'commonly translates as' with "executed" agree disagree edit 'executed' is or has been always fatal agree disagree edit

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External web pages (using standard web search):

"The Story of Mona: 1965-1983" - Part 4

How will I stand it?' "Mona replied, 'Mother, If I knew that during each year I spend in ... Why did you agree so quickly?" Mona said, "Because you have the right ...


A Dress for Mona: THE TRUE STORY

This is a fairly detailed account of the life of Mona Mahmudnizhad. ... The song, "Mona with the Children," and the accompanying video did much to ...


Dress for Mona, A

The Bahai Library Online is the Internet's largest collection of Baha'i materials ... Mona Mahmúdnizhád. [When Mona is called, she and the young man together remove her chador, ...


A Dress for Mona

MONA. How did you know? FATHER. It' s where I would have gone. So? MONA. I' d rather not ... meant that I should die for my beliefs. I did not take that dress. ...


The story of Neda and Mona, the two angel samples of Iran ...

I did not know why the love for God that Mona was demonstrating now ... Mona Mahmudnizhad, 17, was one of 10 Bahá'í women executed in Shiraz on 18 June 1983. ...


Mona - Blog Toplist

ist ein Spielfilm, der die Geschichte von Mona Mahmudnizhad und ihrer Familie erzählt. Mona war 16 Jahre alt, ... Mona Chopra is a gal who knows how to expose to enter in the ...



Act I, Scene 4 – Mahmudnizhad Home. Later that afternoon. Mona's FATHER and MOTHER sit ... How did he find that out? MONA. I told him is how. FATHER. Of course. ...


"mona" Stories - Mixx

Mixx has popular mona stories from around the web. Find the most popular mona tags, stories, photos and videos now.


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Secondly, I don't see how their status as "unknown" is an argument for why ... sweetexorcist3 Google Mona Mahmudnizhad, or "The Angel of Shiraz" ...


Pink Panther Khamenei |

I am a Bahai and I did not get offended by Mona's quotation about the future of the ... Mona Mahmudnizhad didn't STOP,did she?... why should I???Here I am another MONA and ...



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