Should We Welcome A USA Sponsored Regime Change for Iran?


by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy

We all know today, the Shah was removed by a US orchestrated coup d'etat, with military involvement up to the last minute. This Coup had been pre-planned years in advance and supported by propaganda focussing on 3 Massive myths regarding the Late Shah. 1) Dictator 2) Repression 3) Corruption.  This Myth was Propagated mainly by US & UK Media (No Surprise).  Who instead of Congratulating Iran on it's oil independence in 1979 were found renegotiating contract for oil that saw Iran receive only 25% for its oil compared with 75% during the late Shahs time.  While the US Secret plan spoke to the people of Iran, via it's media in favor of supporting human rights, we also now know that this was just a cynical statement from the USA.  Harsh tactics which had NOT been common, were being pushed on Savaki's by US advisors (although nothing like the types of international torture houses the US is using today or even secret executions of US Citizens becoming now within the legal power of the President of the USA for the first time).  To get a background of the details of these US & UK operations, listen to this clip by historian f william engdahl.

Then read this excerpt from a book written by an Iranian


Using these two documents, feel free to add your own, lets discuss if we should welcome A US Sponsored Regime Change for Iran, most likely using MeK (though the USA may decide to fund them in secrecy like it has been, instead of delisting them, to keep up a good US image)?


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more from amirparvizforsecularmonarchy

the kinder gentler irr

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

is a possibility, more democratic to keep system but that needs khameneii to pass away.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Amirparviz

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Regarding MEK. I absolutely believe USA will betray them. The Americans will use MEK as foot soldiers. But even the dumbest American strategists know MEK has no base in Iran. The most likely thing is this.

Americans will insist on holding "elections". MEK will lose big and that will be it. If they are lucky the Americans will force Iran to pardon them. If not they get tried and hanged or put away for good. I do not see America not betraying MEK.

The problem is that we may still end up with some form of Islamic Republic. Just a "light" version of IRR. A kinder gentler IRR which does a few less rapes. A few less executions. A lot more responsive to American demands. May actually be a livable place!


VPK: Continuous Threat Iran

by alimostofi on

VPK: Continuous Threat

Iran has to be another North Korea for both US and China. Petrochina is doing deals with them and it provides the energy for Wal-Mart and Apple. These are the rulers of the world. The military industries need to be employed and they need conflict. That is the need for Hezbollahis. If the focus shifts to Africa then wr are free. But in the mean time the Ayatollahs are still carrying out their duties elegantly. The last thing they will do is to agree.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

About energy

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have discussed this with Amirparviz before. American policy is based on oil. It is "old" thinking. As they say "Generals always fight the previous war".  Politicians are making plans for a pipeline across Asia to carry gas or oil.

Meanwhile solar technology is racing at light speed. In 10 years we will see a few things:

  • Solar power for ~10 cents per KWH.
  • Ways to store it for later use.
  • Vastly more efficient systems from cars that get equivalent of 60 mpg to LED lights where a 6 watt bulb replaces 45 watts.

See the link:


These two are being developed right now. I know about oi companies trying to stop it. But it will not work because they do not control the pioneers. In fact the smarter Americans are on the band wagon. This is not to mention wind and other sources which are also moving fast. Once this happens the whole importance of Iran drops. Why should anyone pay through their nose. Why break Khuzistan or send air fleets of ships to the Persian Gulf. Why set up giant pipe lines passing in hostile nations.

A company or even a home owner in a sunny part of USA will be able to set up solar. If you don't have the money to set up the system; no problem just rent it. There are companies that will set it up and charge you a monthly fixed rate below that of the electric company. It works if you live in a sunny part of America.


Yes America needs an enemy to run the war machine. But hopefully it won't have to be Iran! They might as well pick on Israel's neighbors :-) Keep Israel feeling less paranoid. And leave Iran to get out of its 33 years of hell. 

Good news for Iran is all those deserts make perfect solar generators. A progressive Iranian regime {even if run or influenced by USA} will go for it. Give up the nuclear thing willingly in return for solar investments. Good for us and for them.

Then Israel will stop ranting about Iranian nukes. America will get to invest and get a nice return on it. Iran will be able to supply itself; Armenia; Iraq and Central Asia with cheap electricity. Plenty of money to be made and to be stolen!


VPK regarding usa holding iran backwards is now obsolete.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Not sure about that, their rational is based on teachings of //

on geopolitics for Eurasia.  Iran is culturally closely related to all of Eurasia in a way that china and russia are not.  So USA has to keep 3 groups as weak as it can without harming itself too much to never receive a challenge to usa hedgemony. Iran, Russia, China. If any of these develops eurasia they will literally rule the world as they would have a massive competitive advantage over the USA, in terms of money, energy resources, manpower, control of the worlds most productive food production sources.  Thats what kissinger believed.  So I think we are going to see either Russia or china get hit hard economically soon.

They will do this by propaganda, repeating a million times cynically of course 1)dictator 2)repression 3)corruption that is the only way to weaken these 3 Eurasian potential leaders from within, so the people of those countries, being deceived do 90% of the work for them in setting their own countries backwards 


I don't know the answer to my own question?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

One would think obviously we don't want to support US sponsored Regime change, MeK would be a distater, we want restoration of freedom by iranians within iran and with encouragement and assistance, but then when I think of the magnitude of US power to our own, how can we resist US Sponsored Regime Change?  We need to negotiate with the USA, the only problem is the USA will betray anyone it works with if they have any success at all, since if they could betray the Shah who bent over backwards and worked for their interests as well, then since no one can do better than the shah for the usa, it shows us we are in trouble as far as partnering with the usa.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I know all

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


the business about illegal trade; back room deals and so on. It has always gone on and always will. In fact using that reasoning the world is rung by a handful of people. However you missed my point which was about Islam.

It has greatly influenced Iran and negatively. I don't know why such a simple idea is being debated. Abrahamic religions intolerance. USA meddles with lots of places. They control South Korea but Islam has no power there. USA does not need Islam to control.

However the business about keeping Iran backwards is obsolete. Maybe it made sense  30 years ago but it does not any more. What does USA get from keeping Iran backwards?

  • No competition: well American companies like to outsource. Iran is a great place to outsource. Therefore I would expect USA companies wanting Iran to be friendly.
  • Oil: it matters less by the year. I had a discussion recently with a solar energy pioneer. Right now active solar is around 1 $ per KWH. That is at "grid parity". the cost keeps dropping. Before long it will be well below 1 $. If you are familiar with technology you know how fast prices drop. I will not be surprise if we see 10 - 20 cents per KWH in the next 10 years. That means oil is far less important. China is leading this and there is nothing anyone may do to stop them.
  • Israel competition: while a backwards Iran may seem have appeared good it is not. The Islamic Republic is a pain for Israel. They do not benefit from it.  Because they keep having to deal with their proxy war.

The most important part is energy. Once oil stops being the main energy source the whole game changes. Keeping Iran backwards to steal oil becomes secondary. Having Iran as a market and outsourcing gains importance. I will put another post on it.


VPK: Running of

by alimostofi on

VPK: Running of Iran
Actually Iran's trade is run by the mafia from the borders. The central bank actually admitted that illegal trading is about a third of Iran's GDP. The Hezbollah Party in Iran and their activities in Majlis is pure theatre. In fact the Iranian population have made sure they are all there so that they can be seen clearly and watched over. They need to be in full sight. Oh yes. We do not want them hidding. Oh no.

Ali Mostofi




Vildemouse I thought about it, but it made me

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

realize an adequate response is too long.  That needs to be another article by me.  The subject, The Folly Iranians are prone to, though I wish he would have just read the link and watched the video as he would realize those ideas are not mine alone but put forward by very knowledgeable and powerful people.


VPK when he says the media runs the world

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

what you see in the media is not news, it is the end result of the politics going on behind the scenes.  It appears iri runs iran, it is really the usa that has wanted them there, to retard iran.  And a bunch of ganster families are running the show with massive help from their bosses who lead political power in the world. Hope that helps.


 AMP: You did not reply to

by vildemose on

 AMP: You did not reply to Mammad?? Is there any particular reason why?


"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ali Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not know what you mean by the Islamists do not run Iran. Obviously they do they run the government. Maybe they do not represent Iranians. Dictatorships never represent the people. But the IRI is running Irans government.

Regarding the Arab boogyman I hope you are right. It will be really great to have Iran free. I would be very glad. But I believe it when I see it and hope I do see what you wrote. But I am not all that hopeful because of the past things.


Amir: Sumerian Code of

by alimostofi on

Amir: Sumerian Code of Law

Hmm. I actually learnt it all at the course in Princeton. Just Google it. You need to know that it is part of the old pre-Ice Age stories that link to stuff that is very far fetched if you are religious. It's can only be appreciated if you accept alien genetics and time travel and all sorts of other ideas with completely different overtones. Think of Iran as a more adavnced that any science fiction you have read. Faravahar is a flying spaceman. If I go back history will change as we will dig it all up.

Ali Mostofi




Amir: It's all about oil and

by alimostofi on

Amir: It's all about oil and arms.

The story has not changed. But the location has. Once the Hezbollah Party in Iran makes peace either with or without nukes, the military bazaar will be over. So they need a new threat for Europe. Once that is there the brains will leave Europe and the labour will leave Africa to make stuff in Americas.

Ali Mostofi




Ali you said

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

"I am quite happy with the Iranian cosmology that was correctly written
in the Sumerian Code of Law, that was incorrectly translated by
Hammurabi in his code of law." If there were only 2 books you could recommend as must reads on this corrrectly written cosmolgy, in the sumerian code of law, what would they be?


So ali if they are going to milk north africa why chaos in iran

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

in 4 years and 5 years. surely they don't want to mllk the middle east like north africa?

Politically they need to bring peace to iran to bring oil prices back down to $30 in  few years so they can break the income and economy of russia and dominate the world.  Or is it that russia will be the cause of chaos in iran trying to keep its oil prices high?


Amir: Arab Spring to Arab

by alimostofi on

Amir: Arab Spring to Arab Winter of Discontent.

Yes well I tweeted about that. That thread of thought goes like this and if you believe it then you will be stuck on that bus for a while. Remember you have free will, but belief can take you hostage. So it goes like this. Obama loses and a Romney scare mongering will get the Arabs to water the seeds of Islamic Brotherhood who will play cat and mouse with NATO and keep the military bazaar wealthy again. But the focus will go from Persian Gulf to Southern Med. Then we do not need the Hezbollah Party in Iran and Iran will be allowed to be free. A new theatre of war will spread south to central and southern Africa and provide the flight of labour and resources for America.

Ali Mostofi




I see your point Ali. "end up with concepts of heaven and hell"

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I don't think you explained anything to me before, I was in the states 20 years ago and I don't think we met I would have remembered you since our interests in mathematics coincide and its applications on astrology is very interesting to me, you are talking about the historical basis for our traditions, nowrooz and our poems few know what you know.


VPK: they are not running

by alimostofi on

VPK: they are not running Iran.

The media in the world is running Iran. I am quite active as you know on the sort of sites like Jerusalem Post just to make sure that they do not write articles using the word "Iran" when they should say "The Hezbollah Party in Iran" instead. Misrepresenting Iran from both a historical and political standpoint is what has happpened. All this has happened because military businesses make a lot of money from keeping Iran's image as "Bogey Man".

Ali Mostofi




Ali do you know how to use astology to predict the forces

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

acting on regions/nations of people not just individuals. 

I was listening to this guy that was predicting historic chaos/ahriman for people in north africa at the beginning of this year. I laughed with him and said they are always experiencing dark chaos, so there's no way to verify your view on forces going on.  He said trust me you will have no doubt about what I am saying and the freaky thing is we saw the arab spring misdirecting these countries towards fundamentalism.  Next he said in 4 years and 5 years time their will be historic chaos over Iran and afghanistan.  I'm thinking not likely, in 4 years time there are no elections going on there.  Obviously these are just forces, not destiny and man can impact the outcomes before they are set in stone, but what do you think about such analysis on regions versus individuals.


Amir: so when a bunch of

by alimostofi on

Amir: so when a bunch of Iranian mathematicians go over to a disaster area after the Euphrades has flooded the land, and they try to explain to a bunch of illiterates the Cosmology of it all, they all get the wrong impressions and look at the harmonics in the universe as good and bad. Bunch of dumb ass religious monks then translate it all completely wrong and we end up with concepts of heaven and hell. I think I taught you all this twenty years ago.

Ali Mostofi




Spirituality chieh

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

its your relationship with the positions of the planets (god goddess all that is) get in to the science of creation of the planets ali not just what you can use today in this point in time. Time is an illusion after all for this reality to experience motion and growth, no?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Dear Ali: I do not think Abrahamic religions are irrelevant. They form the basis of much human misery. If they were history sure it would be fine. But right now they are running Iran! How do you say irrelevant. Just see what it is doing to Iran.

Dear Amirparviz: I agree that religion is not the way. But others do not agree with us. What Ali is doing is great. It keeps our traditions alive. However that was not my point. His work is not nullifying the damage done by Abrahamic religions.


Well said polarities of ahura mazda like it ali

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

that is where nietzche got beyond good and evil from, concept of good/bad black/white is childish an as far from spirituality as you can get, that is what causes societies & cultures to decay from within.  The larger frame of reference, god / goddess / all that is (made of the known and the unknown) is what astrology has been about.  The only problem is even in astrology you get the religous astrologers that screw with it, like a chrstian lady I know.  I am impressed with ali's awarenes regarding the wisdom behind constructive thought (beyond good and evil to use of conscience) Love, versus destructive thought Hate (good/bad) and freedom of thought and expression (all thought wthin the bounds of an individuals eternity).


Amir: Na Spirituality chieh

by alimostofi on

Amir: Na Spirituality chieh ...

It is all about the positions of the planets.

Ali Mostofi




VPK may have said the same

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

regarding all the semetic religions, abraham, jesus, mohammed, bahaollah,

spirituality is the answer not religion, I think that is what Ali is saying.


VPK: Why do you need to ask

by alimostofi on

VPK: Why do you need to ask that question?
I am quite happy with the Iranian cosmology that was correctly written in the Sumerian Code of Law, that was incorrectly translated by Hammurabi in his code of law. What followed on from that by Abraham is irrelevant. They saw things as good and evil, instead of polarities of Ahurmazda in the space-time dimension.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Ali

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Right I do understand and am aware of it. You are right and no doubt know a lot more about it than I do. My point is not about the nature of Iranian religions. It is about the intolerance of Abrahamic ones.

What do you think about my statement that they are intolerant. The God of Abraham is a jealous God. He does not have room for any other Gods. Does not allow other beliefs. The taking over of much of the world by them put us back centuries. It put the West into the dark ages.. Now it has Middle East in a new dark age. If I were an alien wanting to keep humans back I would give them God of Abraham. Do a few parlor tricks get them hooked. Then promise the same land to same people: get perpetual war!

We got to give up this or it will be doing in our race.


VPK: it's all about

by alimostofi on

VPK: it's all about Astrology. Ancient Iranians followed the cycles of the planets and measured the angles and their influences. There are two sets of angles. Hard and Soft or put into religious ters Ohrmazd and Ahriman. This is my specialty. Read my stuff.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Ali

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not sure that you are getting my point here. Would you please give me details of what you mean. If you really want to make a point please write a few paragraphs; really go into details. 

Honestly I do not get what you mean. Obviously you have a clear idea of what you mean. I do not. No disrespect but I just don't know what you are disagreeing with. My  point is monotheism particularly Abrahamic kind is intolerant. Do you disagree.