حماسه رفت

حماسه رفت
by Anahid Hojjati


سالها پیشتر , بزرگان گفتند
آرش جانِ خود کرد در تیری
کشید بین ایران و توران مرزی
چه تیری بود , چه جانی
چه مرزی , چه حماسه ای
هر بار می خواندمش ,
من هم می شدم آرش
اما حماسه رفت
حقیقت آمد
تنها مرزی که تیر آرش کشید
مرزی بود بین  اسارت و آزادی
مرزی بین مرگ و زندگی
پس از تیر , مرداد  آمد
و آرش در خون بود

پس از آن
یکی بود , کجا بود
یکی رفت , کجا رفت
سالها دگر آرشی نبود
یا اگر بود , جانی نبود
تیری نبود , مرزی نبود

آری حماسه ها بسیار زیبا و طولانی هستند
حقیقت تلخ و کوتاه .

آناهید حجتی


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یک نهر در شهر
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Anahid Hojjati

I changed this poem from when it was featured

by Anahid Hojjati on


This was original version:


سالها پیشتر , بزرگان به ما گفتند
آرش جانِ خود در تیر کرد
و مرز بین ایران و توران معین گشت
چه تیری بود , چه جانی
چه مرزی , چه حماسه ای
هر بار می خواندمش ,
من هم گویا آرش می شدم
اما حماسه رفت و حقیقت آمد
تنها مرزی که تیر آرش معین کرد
مرز بین آزادی و اسارت بود
مرز بین زندگی و مرگ
و پس از تیر , مرداد  آمد
و آرش در خون بود

پس از آن
یکی بود , کجا بود
یکی نبود , کجا رفت
سالها دگر آرشی نبود
یا گر بود , جانی نبود
تیری نبود , جانی نبود

آری حماسه ها  طولانی و زیبا هستند
حقیقت است که کوتاه و تلخ است .


Anahid Hojjati

Dear SamSam, so I started reading about Battle of Nahavand

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear SamSam, so this is the link to Wikipedia' article on Battle of Nahavand.



In this one,it talks about 50k Persians against 30K Arabs. I saw another article that talked about 150k Persians against 30k Arabs. However, the importance of this battle is not in the fact that exactly how many Persian soldiers participated in this battle but with the significance that it had regarding Persian history.

Thanks dear SamSam, and so since in Nahavand, Persians were defeated, that is why you note that Nahavand should be new capital.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Hoshang, thanks. Does any one have a link ?

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Hoshang, thanks for reading my poem and also for your comment. If you or any of the readers has a link to this work of "Bahram Beyzavi", please share.

Hoshang Targol

گر اشتباه نکنم ، بهرام بیضایی هم یک اثر در مورد آرش کمانگیر دار

Hoshang Targol

البته طبق معمول  آرش بیضایی، پیچیده تر  و ضد-قهرمان ،و  ضد- حماسه ای است. که نتیجه "اخلاقی" چنین جنبه هایی:( پیچیدگی، ضد- قهرمان و حماسه بودن) بدین معنی است که "حماسه" از همون اولش هم رفته بود! دیوانه عزیز ، خیلی ممنون از یاد آوری زنده یاد نادر ابراهیمی، دمت گرم.  

Anahid Hojjati

Divaneh aziz and dear SamSam,thanks for comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Divaneh, yes we need an army of people not just few modern day Arash. SamSam jan, thanks for sharing your account of how you ended up registering at IC. I used to read IC for a while and about five, six years ago, I sent JJ some poems and articles which were published but I registered less than 2 yrs ago. I will read on battle. Cheers!


Divaneh jaan, lets not forget about the authentic modern Arash

by SamSamIIII on


Hossein agha Drakhshan, oops meant modern Afshin ;).

First time i left any comment on any Iranian cyber site was his. not much time on hand. Yet once ,randomly i dropped a comment on his site to correct him on his ommato-lefti prop & he censord most of my comment leaving an incoherent skeleton left which sounded dumb. So i called him an insecure ommaatie wuss which brough the worse in one of his khahar zainab cyber buddies Nicki something chit chating with him about racist supremists like me and commending him for not running his site like Iranian.com where bigots, shahis, zionists & racists are allowed to leave comment with the new version. Reading that comment made me register at Iranian.com next day since anything that hezbo trash detests gotte be decent. So yes HD was inadvertantly the cause for me joining this site & as they say; half katchal shavad sabab-e khair gar khoda khahad. :)


And Anahid dear, read on battle of  nahavand.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


You are right Anahid

by divaneh on

Nasrin, Majid and other prisoners and activists are the current day Arashs who have put their lives in their arrows. The good news is that when more of the cheering crowds pick their bow and arrows, we end up with an army of Arash which is very different to the one man sacrifice. One man cannot save the society but an army can.

Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, you are correct. He did something, that is why

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear Souri, you are correct.  He did something, that is why

هرگز نميرد آن که دلش زنده شد به عشق

ثبت است بر جريده عالم دوام ما


Thanks for your comment.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Divaneh, Thanks for writing about Nader Ebrahimi's story

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Divaneh, thanks for writing summary of Nader Ebrahimi's story.   I am writing in this poem along same lines of what he wrote. 

The point is that: didn't we all get warm feelings when we read "Arash Kamangeer" when we were growing up? But as it turned out, many people in 1980s sacrificed their lives for freedom but only got jail time and worse, execution.

Looking at Iran of now, Don't we have our own "Arash Kamangeer"s in Iran? Aren't people like Nasrin Sotoudeh and Majid Tavakoli our modern day Arashs? What will they accomplish? I believe these guys will accomplish much more than their counterparts did about 30 years ago.

Divaneh jan, thanks for including the ending of Ebrahimi's story, it is very powerful where he writes:"heech Arash tanhaee teeree ke peeshtar ravad nakhahad andakht", so beautiful.


تنها مرزی که تیر آرش معین کرد, مرز بین آزادی و اسارت بود


Yet at least, he did something!

Very beautiful thought dear Anahid. Your powerful poem has lots of  meaning to me.

Thank you.

The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful.....  And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!


سنگر آزادگان خاموش


آناهید جان این شعر بسیار زیبای شما مرا به یاد داستان کوتاهی از نویسنده توانا نادر ابراهیمی انداخت به نام "آرش در قلمرو تردید" که در آن مردمی شکست خورده به دنبال آرش می گردند تا آنها را نجات دهد. این مردم که نویسنده آنها را "تودۀ خوب فریاد زن" نامیده است آرش را می یابند و از او میخواهند که تیری بیاندازد و جانش را در آن بگذارد و سرزمین را نجات دهد، و او با این که از پوچی این عمل آگاه است و مرد ضعیف و بیماری بیش نیست در خود نمی بیند که مردم را ناامید کند و این رسالت را می پذیرد و با تیر و کمانی که کودکی به او می دهد صعود به البرز را آغاز میکند. قسمت پایانی این داستان از کیسه نادر خان به شما تقدیم می شود. حال آرش به بالای کوه کوچکی دور از قلۀ معهود رسیده است و دیگر کسی او را نمی بیند.


من از کدامین سوی باید تیرم را بیندازم؟

دشمنان از کدام جانب حمله کرده اند؟

و باز - آن خندۀ تلخ دردناک.

اندیشید:"این تیر چند گامی بیش نخواهد رفت و این زمان، هیچ آرش تنهایی، تیری که بسیار پیشتر رود نخواهد انداخت."

"هان ای آرش! زمان ، زمان تنها گریستن است."

برای واپسین بار، به دشت زیر پای خود نظری انداخت. جز غبار و سیاهی هیچ ندید. به بالا نگریست و دید که ابرها با پله های زرین خویش، ندایش می دهند. کمان را زمین انداخت. تیر را به روی زانو شکست. تیر شکسته را در مشت خویش فشرد و به سوی بالا و بالاتر به راه افتاد - همچنان که زار می گریست...



Anahid Hojjati

Thanks SamSam for your comment.

by Anahid Hojjati on



Thanks SamSam for your comment. I really
don't know much about Nahavand, but if memory serves me right, I have
some distant relatives whose last name is Nahavandi. I need to read up
on Nahavand, and also on Toyserkan. This not knowing about all these cities in Iran reminds me of the poem on IC by "BejanBaran" named Tabeed.

So after reading your sentence, it seems that I actually know more Lori than rola. Se ko means "bebeen",
am I right? I think maybe my Lori is like my daughter's Farsi, I
understand some but I can not talk, except her Farsi understanding is
more than my Lori understanding. Thanks for your Lori sentence, so




by SamSamIIII on


 I,m born in Tehran but my father is Bakhtiari(partly Lurs) & mom form Nahavand so I,m guilty by association of being almost half  Lur ;:)) & No I dont know any Luri but a few sentences .  even my dad who spent most of his childhood in touiserkaan(Ekbatan province) is not fluent in Luri but can pass by(yet fluent in Azari & Kurdishh). & yes those two songs are Luri songs & I like the melodies very soothing yet rejuvinating. & just so you know ; in future republic of Kiaani Iran Nahavand shall be the new Capital. O roula boro se ko che ko ou blog che vavailas. Cheers!!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia

Anahid Hojjati

Dear SamSam, thanks for commenting and for the links

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear SamSam, thanks for reading my poem and commenting. When I read your comments, I see many similarities between you and me, not similarities necessarily in life experiences but in certain thoughts. I wish we could sit down and have a cup of coffee and discuss among issues the issue of whether Arash failed or not and who really failed.  

By the way, I clicked on the links that you provided, very interesting. In one,  you had dayeh dayeh, nice. My Lori is really bad. was that also in Lori that they were singing before dayeh dayeh? All I know in Lori is that Rola mean bacheh. Again thanks for commenting, my friend.



Arash did not fail

by SamSamIIII on


Your "Bozorgan" failed in walking the walk of Arash .

Thanks for the blog & Cheers!!! 


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia