شعری نتوان نوشت

Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati



امروز شعری نتوانم نوشت
به جز یک شعر
در وصف شعر نتوان نوشتن
شعر تلاشی ست
برای شریکی پیدا کردن
شریکی برای احساسات
اما گاه شاعر شریکی نمی خواهد
همانگونه که چراغهای رابطه * گاه تاریکند
اشعارِ رابطه نیز گاه سفیدند


* اشاره به شعر فروغ: « پرواز را بخاطر بسپار » که در آن , فروغ می نویسد : «چراغ های رابطه تاریکند»


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Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Shazde, Faramarz should not have written about rice :)

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thanks Shazde for reading my poem and commenting. All my exercises for past couple day was a waste after the rice I ate upon reading Faramarz's poem. From now on, I hope he does not write any poem about food.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

شعر شما قشنگه

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ولی‌ این فرامرز، گربه شیطون بلا، هم خوب حاضر جوابه. با این زبونش می‌تونه مار رو از سوراخ بیرون بیاره ... یا حتی بکنه تو سوراخ!

Anahid Hojjati

Faramarz jan, I liked your poem. reminds me of my mehmanis

by Anahid Hojjati on


Faramarz jan,I liked your poem but needs soome work. If you replace your line with this one:

کف گیرم کجایی، نیستی

It is more musical and it has more of an emotional impact because it becomes kind of "sooznaak".  I love where you write:

سه شعله گاز خاموشند

since that happened to me. My old stove had problems and it got to the point that it finally had

سه شعله گاز

which did not work so I had to replace it. You are also right about guests looking for tahdeeg. Thanks for reading my poem and writing one of your own.


برنجی نتوان خورد


امروز برنجی نتوانم خورد

به جزمانده در ته دیسی

سر دیگ پلو تنها نشستن

کف گیرم کجاست، نیست

برای ته دیگ پیدا کردن

شریکی برای ترشی جات

نه، موقع  خوردن شریکی نمیخواهم

سه شعله گاز خاموشند

مهمانان درپی شکار ته دیگ


Anahid Hojjati

Farnoosh, I disagree with you. How do others see this?

by Anahid Hojjati on

This is how he presented this poem:


چراغهای رابطه تاریکند

دلم گرفته است

دلم گرفته است

به ایوان می روم و انگشتانم را

بر پوست کشیده شب می کشم

چراغهای رابطه تاریکند

چراغهای رابطه تاریکند

کسی مرا به آفتاب

معرفی نخواهد کرد

کسی مرا به میهمانی گنجشکها نخواهد برد

پرواز را به خاطر بسپار

پرنده مردنی است.


نویسنده : امین کامرانی » ساعت 1:15 عصر روز پنجشنبه 29 فروردین 1387 نظرات شما (0)


to me, he is attempting to take credit for Forough's poem.I am still interested to know readers' opinion. So far, Farnoosh does not see it as I see it.

I have to say that any motivation I had to improve my poem went away. I got totally distracted by this discovery. If you remember, few months ago, I saw another website that in which someone had taken credit for a poem of mine. So this makes it a second time in two, three months that I have seen this act of taking credit for others' poems.


I think you are mistaken

by Farnoosh on

He is not taking credit for it.  He just didn't write the poet's name, thinking that it's not necessary, as everyone knows this is Forough's poem.  Anyhow, not writing the poet's name on a poem, as inappropriate as it is, does not equal the blogger's malintention to take credit for the poem.

Anahid Hojjati

Maybe I am getting this wrong, you look at it

by Anahid Hojjati on

But if I read correctly, I just found a person who is claiming that he wrote the poem

پرواز را به خاطر بسپار


After I wrote this poem, I googled the line  "چراغ های رابطه تاریکند"

to just confirm which Forough's poem has this line and when I googled, I saw this webite that it appears that a person is taking credit for this poem of Forough, behagh cheezhaye nadeedaeh, here it is


i don't know, maybe I mising something. It can't be that someone is taking credit for this poem or do they really think others are that stupid?