عشقِ شاعر

عشقِ شاعر
by Anahid Hojjati


از شاعر پرسیدند
آخر اینها واقعأ عشق است ؟
یا  خیالاتی در ذهنت
ذهنی همیشه حامله داری
گاه با واقعیت , گاه با  توهم
این توهم آیا خود سقط می گردد ؟
شاعر پاسخ داد : چه سئوالی
چه سئوالی از من شما دارید
برای من , لطفأ دل نسوزانید
گر عشق است , لیلی می شوم
گر خیال است , من شاعرم , من شاعرم
از خیالم شعری می سرایم :
« آه پروانه ای هستم
از شمع سوختم سوختم ,
چرا  من امشب  می ندارم  ؟
چرا دل من پاییزی ست در بهارم ؟»

آناهید حجتی 


Recently by Anahid HojjatiCommentsDate
This is how it happened
Jul 24, 2012
یک نهر در شهر
Jul 23, 2012
Legendary Patience
Jul 18, 2012
more from Anahid Hojjati
Anahid Hojjati

I changed picture to one more "paeezi", changed some lines too

by Anahid Hojjati on

This picture is better for the blog because it conveys the fall.

I also changed order of words in some lines.

Anahid Hojjati

I can't believe I did not try this sooner

by Anahid Hojjati on

Every time I have a blog, if I used pictures from my Blackberry, I first e-mailed picture to my computer, saved it and then uploaded it from my computer. But no need for that. Once I am writing my blog (or for Farsi ones, after I have the blog, I can do the Edit) and where it says Browse, if I am on my Blacberry, I can use pictures from it, and click upload.  I should have done this much sooner. I uploaded this picture of The new Bay bridge under construction like this. I know bridge has nothing with this poem but this is the one I quickly tried as experiment.

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Muscle Defender for taking time to read my poem

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Muscle Defender, thanks for commenting. I am glad that you think it is deep.


great poem

by muscle-defender on

excellent, very deep poem.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Mehman, thanks for your comment.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Mehman, I am glad that you liked the imagery.



by Mehman on


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Ostaad Saadat Noury, thanks for your kind words

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Ostaad Saadat Noury, I am glad that you liked this poem. I was just thinking yesterday and I wrote this one very quickly and maybe as they say

هر آنچه از دل برآید , بر دل نشیند.

since sometimes I rewrite a poem few times and spend hours on it to just have it not connecting with readers.  However, those which are written as I am thinking about subjects, seem to touch readers more. Dear Ostaad, thanks for reading my poem and for your encouraging words.

M. Saadat Noury

Dear Anahid

by M. Saadat Noury on

Your poem is so delightful and has such a good deep meaning that touches any heart with every word. Thanks.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Azadeh, you are such a great poet and writer and I...

by Anahid Hojjati on

Azadeh jan, you are such a great poet and writer and I so admire your work that it means a lot to me that you liked my poem. As you wrote:"Cheers to the power of illusions."

Azadeh Azad

Impactful poem

by Azadeh Azad on

Thanks for sharing. I, too, love the lines that Souri has mentioned. They are very original.

Cheers to the power of illusions,



Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, thanks for reading and also for commenting

by Anahid Hojjati on

Souri jan, I am glad that you liked my poem. About "Khialat", we all know that many real loves end so terribly. On the other hand, so much beauty has been created in the world because some people "khialat kardand" about being loved or being in love. So who am I to say that sometimes "Khialat" cannot be better than "vaghieat".


I loved this part:

by Souri on

گاه با واقعیت
گاه با جنینی به نامِ توهم
که روزی خود سقط می گردد

!Very powerful

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Farah jan for the beautiful video

by Anahid Hojjati on

Farahe aziz, thanks for  reading my poem and commenting. Justin Hayward's song is great and I love the autumn leaves in the video. Thanks for sharing.

Farah Rusta

Forver autumn

by Farah Rusta on

Anahid jann


What a moving piece. The last line reminded me of the memorable "Forever Autumn" sang by Justin Hayward . Thank you for the beautiful piece and I hope you like this song: