Adverse selection in economics and application of it to case of multiple IDs

Adverse selection in economics and application of it to case of multiple IDs
by Anahid Hojjati

For those commentators who are knowlegeable about Adverse section in economics, do you think this theory can be applied to social media such as IC in case of users with multiple IDs? Those with multiple IDs are similar to high risk buyers in insurance markets. Just like high risk buyers in insurance markets, are more likely to buy insurance, these high risk bloggers/commentators register with multiple IDs so when one or few IDs get blocked, they can continue with another ID.


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That was funny Demo

by divaneh on

You have now showed me how a donkey flies and I am satisfied. SO you don't believe in Meraaj either. I think you are as Muslim as I am.

Soosan Khanoom

Dear Demo

by Soosan Khanoom on

Do NOT let anyone intimidate you.   Recently, It has been a norm to have everyone confused with everyone else.  

I hope you reconsider and stay. 


: ) 


Flying Donkey?

by Demo on

The totally fabricated 'Flying Donkey' story by Mulllahs is as delusional as the  'Trinity' faith of Divaneh on IC. Demo absolutely positively has nothing to do with Mamoor & Juliet. Nothing. In fact Demo is already up to the stomach about writing comments here on IC but all of its requests to adminstration for its account closure have been ignored to date! Wish this comment would be the last one ever!

PS: In reality the  'divanehs/ignorants' could make donkeys fly indeed:




How can you call me ignorant Juliet?

by divaneh on

I caught you red handed and you are obviously not very happy about it, hence you call me ignorant.

I have now asked you several times to explain how donkeys fly and you keep ignoring my request. Now, you be the judge, who is ignorant?

Anahid Hojjati

Let the readers judge

by Anahid Hojjati on

As simple as that.


Rudy Rude?

by Demo on

With all due respect to the blogger, the referred 'rudly writings' are what the Macy's USA, Inc. are all about in addressing this commentator. Nothing but BS every single time! The 'divanneh' is all about 'ignorance' per its own pseudo title! As simple as that!

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Demo for confirming point of my article

by Anahid Hojjati on

by your comment. Writing rudely as you did in your comment is just the kind of high risk behavior that users with multiple IDs engage in since they have already bought the insurance (by having multiple Ids) so even if one ID gets blocked, they can continue their online activity.


U R 100% Wrong!

by Demo on



Disclaimer: This commentator has been with IC for almost 3 years & has no conection with any other ID users whatsoever. Could not expect more, however, from the IC's no brainers & the 'BS'ers, i.e. the mental accuser himself/herself & the Macy's USA, Inc

And the below is a small new year 'gift' to the lady Anahid

اگه اینترنت نبود کی شصت تا اسم داشت ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود کافی نت چی بود ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود علافا چی کار می کردن ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود هکرا با چی ور می رفتن ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود کی ازراه به درمی شد ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود چطوری یه پیرزن 20 سالش می شد ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود کی می تونست دوجنس داشته باشه ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود چی چشم وگوش بچه ها رو باز می کرد ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود چطوری بدونه این که صدات بیاد با بقیه حرف می زدی ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود من این چرت و پرتارو کجا می نوشتم ؟

اگه اینترنت نبود چی بود ؟



I'll address her as Mrs Juliet Nic in future then

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Good job divaneh, but you missed the forth user ID :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anahid Hojjati

it looks like you may be right Divaneh

by Anahid Hojjati on

this was funny. good detective job :).


I am sure

by divaneh on

Look at this exchange where I addressed Demo and he replied probably without noticing that he had singed in with his other name.


His name on Saturdays however was a guess, it may be Alison.

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Divaneh and Vildemose for your comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

To Divaneh: I actually did not know mamoor is same as Demo. I am thinking that you guess this, and you don't know for sure. I had not noticed or if I did, I don't remember Juliet.

Thanks for reading this blog.


Excellent analogy.

by vildemose on

Excellent analogy. Thanks.

Divaneh: you are spot on.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


We have to ask Mamour aka Demo aka Juliet

by divaneh on

We need to ask Mamour (also known as Demo) if he buys insurance or if he is using Bimeh Imam Zaman. As you know his name is Mamour in the morning and Demo in the evenings and Juliet on Saturdays.