Do you happen to have thirty cents?

Anahid Hojjati
by Anahid Hojjati



Taking San Fran BART last night,

There was this crazy guy

walking up and down the aisle

asking everyone he saw:

"screw you, do you happen to have thirty cents?"

No one gave him any money

people either laughed at him

or cringed and got worried


As crazy as I thought he was, 

made me think

we can act like him sometimes

acting mean to people

But expecting them to be nice to us

as if they don't get the message

"Screw you, do you happen to have thirty cents? "


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Anahid Hojjati

Dear Comrade, such an edgy comment.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Comrade, thanks for reading my poem and also for your edgy comment. I m glad that you liked my poem.

So far, first Souri and then you have written very good comments  on this thread.


خدا بِدِه، ندارم


You see Anahid, you just can't help it. They're up there, where they should be. At times they are just resting but most of the time they are bouncing around, hitting different regions of your brain incessantly.

I'm sure by now you know what I'm talking about. Numbers, Anahid. Numbers.

Only a numeric poet with an engineering background comes across  a pauper, crazy or not, who asks not for just some change and not for a quarter, but for the sum of at least two coins which in and out of itself is a bit queer, even in San Fransisco.


A good one, Anahid. You know what: Screw it, make that Very Good.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



YEs, but I had to delete it

by Souri on

It wasn't working properly! (khoda begam in JJ o chikar koneh, ba in narm azaaresh :))

Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, I saw that you already inserted the sentences that...

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Souri, I was reading your comment on blog titled "Innocence Lost", first of all I liked where you wrote:"She seems to talk about things that she has not a little clue about! 
Although, this is not so surprising, as we see many adults are doing
exactly the same here in this site :)"

Secondly, I saw that you already made the sentences that yolanda and I like as your motto, at least you had it at the end of your comment on "Innocence Lost" blog. Great.


Then I'll make it my motto :)

by Souri on

If you both liked that comment so much, then I'll put it in in my blogs and comments :0)

Thank you.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Souri and yolanda jan, thanks for your comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

Souri jan, too bad that IC does not have a "Like" button that we can click when we like a comment.  If it had, I would have clicked on "Like" for your comment. Yes, the bad ones make us appreciate the good ones.

Yolanda jan, thanks for reading my poem and commenting.



by yolanda on

Thank you for your poem......

my favorite:

we can act as crazy as that sometimes

acting mean to people

But expecting them to be nice in return


Thank you, Souri,

Because for the good ones, we become thankful as they warm our heart.
And the bad ones, make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!

Well said! 




Good thoughts.

by Souri on

Thanks Anahid jon for sharing your wise thoughts with us.

As I'd said before, there's all kind of people, thoughts and action in this world.
I'm always grateful to God to let me see all kind of people and all kind of behavior in this world, even if sometimes it breaks my heart.

Because for the good ones, we become thankful as they warm our heart.
And the bad ones, make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!