Mike and Morteza


Mike and Morteza
by Anahid Hojjati


Morteza: "Don't call me Alien, Mike. Man,  you are talking like a redneck, white trash."

Mike: "But don't you guys stone women for sleeping with someone, don't you guys rape girls before execution"

 Morteza:"Our Islamic rulers are those who give the orders to stone women. They are the ones in charge."

 Mike:"So Ahmadinejad and Khamenei are the ones who stone wome, and they are also the ones who rape women and then they shoot them or hang them?"

Morteza:"Not quite like that bro, but they are our leaders and it is their faults and we are not aliens.  Also, it is Persian Gulf not Arabian Gulf. My dad and grandaddy also told me that Cyrus the Great was the greatest, the best of all kings ever. We also have thousands of years of civilization, best carpets in the world, cute cats and awesome looking women, and ..."

Mike:" So it was your several thousand year civilization that advanced you to the point that now you stone women, you worry about their hair cover but you don't care if the prostitution has increased. You guys have huge problem with corruption and last time, I was in Tehran, the air was so polluted, and the traffic was horrible, and ..."

Morteza:" But you guys start wars and you have a homeless problem, and look at the housing crisis.  So many things about your society are just a bubble. Take the dotcom for instance.  My dad lost everything in dotcom crash, just like your dad did."

Mike:”But our civilization is only few hundred years old. So far we got rid of slavery. Women and blacks have more rights. Our recent wars have been with dictators or countries like Afghanistan that have had barbaric regime which treated the women worse than we treat animals here. We will…”

Morteza:" velesh kon baba. Beeya bereem ye chelokabob bezaneem, khodam va khodet. Badan ham mamaan joon meeyad, lebaasamo ke shosteh beeyareh. Aslan don't worry Mike, chakeretam. Eenghadr geer nade."



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Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Shazde and farshadjon for your comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

Traffic, and Air pollution are two major problems with Tehran. However, the towers, the dark colors of buildings, concern about safety in the event of earthquake and concerns about flood are also other issues regarding the city where I spent some of best years of my life there in mid to late 1970s. I hope Tehran and other cities in Iran can do much better in overcoming urban issues like pollution and traffic in future.



by farshadjon on

Thanks, Anahid khanum!

You nailed the points with the story!


Your concern is so true regarding earthquake. It will be a major catastrophe if happen, God forbids!


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Tehran has turned into one UGLY concrete jungle

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

I am sorry to say that, but your photo is actually taken on a "nice day" with low pollution and traffic levels.

The only time one can get a semi-fresh breath of air, would be between the 1st and the 13th of Farvardin, when most people are travelling out.

Almost all the old little houses with their little gardens and little pools have been demolished, to make way for ugly concrete towers.

And all this huge population concentration and shabby construction, right on top of some of the most active earthquake faultlines.

God save us all.