My Payam Norooz To Admin


My Payam Norooz To Admin
by Anahid Hojjati


Since Esfand has written an imaginary payam Noroozi from IC admin to the readership,


I thought I write a payam too as one of the most popular writers on IC. Please, no objection to my qualification since this is my payam after all. Write your own and be all you want to be in your own payam.

During last weeks of 1389, IC finally got it right and realized that even though freedom of speech is important but this does not mean that pro IRI writers have to be given as much blog space as they had previously been given.  Some pro IRI writers might have also realized how irrelevant they have become. But I am doubtful of that since the pro IRI crowd is very porro. In addition, this development might have been helped because some of the pro IRI writers got blocked since they were rude to others. Whatever the reasons for this development, this has been a great one in my opinion.

Since I mentioned blocking, I must add that there have been writers who have been blocked because of their general harsh language which I found not towards other users but more a kind of rant that some comics employ in order to criticize ills of society as they see them. Couple of those blocked writers are missed by me. As an example, Fesenjoon comes to mind.

As far as deleting our comments, if it matters a lot to us, you will read a fiery blog written by one of us complaining about our latest and greatest comment that was so unjustly removed by IC admin. Sometimes it might matter a little, which in that case, it means that comments from us will get less and more mellow. Some of us might even act as if we are leaving IC. 

This is getting long. I just wanted to say, keep up the good work. You are the best Iranian web site. You have some of the greatest writers and let's not forget about your poets. They are fantastic. Also I need to thank you for your excellent coverage of recent disaster in Japan. Even though, this is an Iranian web site but when important events happen in other countries which have global impact, it is great to discuss them here.

Dorood bar sale no shoma.




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Anahid Hojjati

Esfand jan, with you and I discussing this

by Anahid Hojjati on

"taboo" issue, JJJ should be proud of us :).

Esfand Aashena

BTW here is more detail of the "taboo" issue!

by Esfand Aashena on


دعوت به یاوه گویی! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

This picture was previously used in a quiz on this site

by Anahid Hojjati on

This picture is from this noroozi quiz posted by Jahanshah couple years ago:


Anahid Hojjati

thanks Esfand jan for explanation

by Anahid Hojjati on


Esfand Aashena

Anahid jaan that is a "taboo" subject! Don't mention it!

by Esfand Aashena on

Dear God I hope the admins don't see this as they're finicky about this issue!  If you recall the same problem happened with one of Shazde's articles that it'd route you to another user!

So when some of us tried to make fun of that issue (on a humor article no less :-) all hell broke lose and not only several of our comments were deleted but the whole article was blocked from further comments!

Recently there was another female user with the same issue as the one you've cited and all I can say is that sometimes works like a rooster candy so we shouldn't expect too much!  All I know is that this is a touchy subject and I just hope the admins would have mercy on us and we don't get punished for it! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Esfand for reading and about deleting...

by Anahid Hojjati on

Esfand jan, your comment made me worried :) where you write:"

Deleting a comment or a user is done by pressing the same "delete" button! "

So,  deleting users is very easy, which reminds me of a question I had over the weekend. Recently , one of my relatives has been reading IC regularly. Every once in a while, she asks me about meaning of a comment that one wrote to me or I wrote to another. Sometimes, from the tone of asking, I can detect a bit of disapproval too. Any way, she mentioned name of a person who presently has an article on IC and she thought that the name sounded familiar. The person has an article  but when I clicked on his name, I got User Error. Why would that be the case?


Esfand Aashena

آناهید جان به پیر، به پیغمبر دیلیت کردن comment‌ها مهم نیست!

Esfand Aashena

They say the curiosity killed the cat!  So when people get too worked up over a deleted comment and want to test the admins on how far they can go by forcing an issue they end up getting blocked altogether!

Deleting a comment or a user is done by pressing the same "delete" button!

Tabrik va Tashakor! 

Everything is sacred