Bring Fesenjoon Back!!!!!

Anonymous Observer
by Anonymous Observer

I just noticed that Fesenjoon has been blocked.  Come on JJ!!  Dude, Fesenjoon is a talented writer and a great artist.  He's one of the best on this site.  It is a disservice to the site for him to be blocked.  You want writers like him to elevate the standards of the site.  Plus, he comes up with original ideas for blogs.  You let a bunch of people who have been blocked a million times to stay on, but you block Fesenjoon?  Come on dude, "that just ain't fair" as they say.  You've GOT to set him free!!!!

And if he has done something wrong, let this be his warning.  Please let that great mind back on.  Thanks.


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more from Anonymous Observer

Exactly what we do not need

by Doctor mohandes on

Defying and demonizing one another solely based on our political positions and opinions, is precisley what we do not need amongst us.

Laj o lajbazi and Ghahr is not the solution to our problems. Stop the bache bazi and man the heck up baba.

AO and OnlyIRan : I am sorry for your misfortunes here... ehem ehem:))

But i am sure with the help of Hilarious and witty mr. sam sam you will get over it in no time:))



So Fesenjoon is off the menu

by SamSamIIII on


& all you got left is Shawarma falafal kooskoos baba ghanooosh & loghmat al ghazi for the al habbibi & al chafieh crowd to enjoy. Where are the fence sitter, avatar changin liberation crowd ;::)). AO jaan, I,m not too hot on politics & rarely notice folks on both sides  except ofcourse  the few kiaani sis or bros like you but if you vouch for the dude then he must be a cool dude. you are a good man to remember . cheers kiaani pilgrim!!!


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan

 // //

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Thank you

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are all right Iranians are Idiots and I know nothing. I have wasted enough of my time with Islamist on one side and right wingers like AO and Feenjoon on the other.

We got one person like MassoudA who wants us to take Glenn Beck seriously. Then we have Islamists who see Khomeini's face on the moon. I am done. If you note I will be contributing less and less to IC. You people deserve Fesenjoon. Good for you. 




I have lost all respect I once had for AO; and OnlyIran. 



by Doctor mohandes on

As i am sure you have noticed, that there are efforts being made in order to settle a personal score here:))

It is amazing to me that some of those commenters who are so openly in favor of freedom of expression and an arms-wide-open policy to whatever one has to say, will make sure to be the first ones to subjectively judge one certain blog and its contents, while demonstrating frustration at one particular blog not getting reply or a set of replies that "they" think it deserves.

Madam Objectivity queen, where are you?:))




I take offense to a couple

by Escape on

I take offense to a couple of those comments.So let me respond.

Let me see.Anti-Iran Generalization is not ok but Anti-American Generalization is just fine!..It's ok.I know you're Iranian and you expect America to accept every Hezbollah and Ackhund into the country with open arms WITHOUT A PEEP ABOUT IT or you will end up like the professor at Stanford. Well American's are not going to go for it no matter the name calling and NIAC witch hunting you can do.Why? Because the IRI is a enemy and simply because the country is so large.You're out numbered.You can come to this site and complain about it all you want but you will have a hard time driving across the country and searching out every 'Anti-Iranian' across the 50 states.You will have to pay someone for every American that can't stand Iran to go propagandize sympathy and hate for Isreal for a year at least to convince them.That's the problem.There isn't enough money in Beverly Hills to do it.It's not AIPAC dummy it's IRAN! Everytime they see Iranians chanting 'Death to America' is more than a blessing to AIPAC ,there's more people pissed at Iran than they were back in the day at Russia.

American's are not dumb either.I know a great many of them that hate Islam with a passion,Muslims and the middle east are their joke of the day.EVERY day.You may think otherwise because it's not PC to go about it on TV,in Public,in the Paper but go to their house,go get drunk with them.They would rather deport every Muslim OUT of the country immediately.You can bet if that were proposed on a ballot it would be going over with checkered flags.

Yes Iranians DO need to grovel at the feet of others for the crimes of IR.Just what makes you any different than the IR otherwise? Hmm?If you don't care about your image then stop complaining about it.I mean WTF? Do you expect every American to read your mind?That's why I liked Fesenjoon.Fesenjoon did distinguish himself from the IRI.That's why I like this site.It's a Neon Sign online for Americans to read-Iranians are not the IRI.Who else is doing it the way he did? Not many.

If you don't care about Americans understanding or frankly the rest of the entire world,then just why should they care about yours? This is arrogance frankly and it stinks.That attitude-You're supposed to know! But we're smarter than you,richer than you,better than you and I'm going to use your country's basis of Freedom to force a boatload of Islamist terrorists on your country.Well I can only say thats not only stupid for Islamists its stupid for Iranians.Kind of like that blog with the message 'We're taking over American' Yea sure,300 million plus Americans are going to butt up to Islam and eat Goat soup.Theres no amount of Zionist name calling,Americans simply do not give a sh*t what you think about us.You can sit and try to turn the country into a lot of leftist useful itiots all you want.You can attack the conservative right day and night but it's also the Liberal left.The left is just PC,they won't tell you how they don't care for Iran.

I know because I have plenty of liberal friends and I'm against sanctions.I've asked them about the sanctions on Iran,they immediately sound like a Politically correct Rush Limbaugh.I'm always like well isn't that a switch-a-roo?I'm the one is a conservative.They are hypocrites as well but like I said,frankly they don't care.Even after the protests,they know the Govt is not the people but it's not registering.I'm like 'well I care about the people.It's not the people's fault.Response was shockingly'Well it's Iran's fault'.Huh? Not too many people give a crap and I think it's because Iranians have the attitude explained above.

So there is the proof,ask yourself 'where is the anti-sanction crowd?' Nowhere.Where's the crowd that makes sure noone cares about them?Right here.There are a few things about the sanctions that are good,like it shuts down their support of terrorism a bit.But just give those sanctions 10 years and lets see what Iranians look like,it's not good.The regime doesn't care and Americans don't care.The more were getting called Zionists and your attacking the right-wing,certainly won't get you anywhere.So more power to what Fesenjoon was doing.

Anahid Hojjati

That blog by Fesenjoon includes great points

by Anahid Hojjati on

That blog by Fesenjoon includes many great points. Problem is that he said majority but i actually like that blog.

Anonymous Observer

OnlyIran - Well said

by Anonymous Observer on

 Perhaps Fesenjoon was right.  We ARE idiots.  If we weren't, we wouldn't have the ONLY theocracy in the 21st century ruling our so-called "cultured" and "educated" people.

Well said.  So much for our education and culture, 

Anonymous Observer

VPK- Now you're just grasping at straws

by Anonymous Observer on

The blog that you're referring to tried to highlight our cultural and societal problems by using humor and shocking people into seeing the problem.  It's a common writing style, and it further shows Fesenjoon's talent as a writer and the effort he put into his blogs.

Plus, I'm surprised that you now call it a "hate" blog.  Because you didn't seem to have a problem at the time it was written.  In fact, your first comment on the thread started off with this sentence:

"Fesenjoon Jaan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on 

First of all thank you for writing this rather funny article. It is pretty long so I just want to respond to a few points here:"

And you went on to only disagree with him on 6 points out of the 25 that he wrote down.  I think you had it right the first time!!!  Here's the link:


PS- by your comment, you seem to have enjoyed the blog.  Does that make you "anti-Iran" by your own self imposed standrad--set forth below?


What I find quite interesting about this site

by Onlyiran on

What I find quite interesting about this site is that it promotes hate blogs directed at people who use their real names, but blocks a great user such as Fesenjoon for using the F word in a comment!!  I mean, for God's sake, look at this hate / slander blog:


This "blog" was not only allowed to remain, but it was also FEATURED, i.e., PROMOTED by the site's administrators.  What the .....?  Really!!!

And VPK:  Perhaps Fesenjoon was right.  We ARE idiots.  If we weren't, we wouldn't have the ONLY theocracy in the 21st century ruling our so-called "cultured" and "educated" people.  Hamas has more common sense than us:


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


He can come back under any name he wants. I don't mind. I did not ask for him to be banned and did not ban him. I do find his postings anti-Iranian. If someone calls majority of Iranians terrorists; idiots and all those thing you don't find that anti-Iranian? Fine good for you.

There is no witch hunt. I am just stating my opinion. 

As for your question. This is one of the hate blogs.


He starts with:

Now again, not all Iranians fall into this categorization. Some of the most baa farhang people on the planet have lived and do live in Iran. But the majority do fit this class of modern hoi polloi: The Iranian idiot.

So according to him the "majority" of Iranians are as he said. In his infinite generosity he accepts that there are a few decent Iranians! How generous! Well saying the "majority" of Iranians are all those things is anti-Iranian as well as false. How many Iranians did Fesenjoon interview? How does this guy know what majority of Iranian are like? My own experience does not match his claims. Not one bit. If I said that about majority of Bahai or Jews or anyone else I would be banned. The admin is just enforcing its own rules.



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Getting 5 comments

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Many blogs that deserve more comments don't get them. I wrote one on Kasravi's birthday and got only a hand full of comments. 

Maybe by the time Fesenjoon wrote his blog many people had tuned him out? I had for stopped paying that much attention. After dozens of hate blogs I really did not even want to bother reading his stuff. Not to mention he asked me to stop reading and commenting on his blogs. So much for tolerance. 

Anyway it is not up to Fesenjoon to bring America and Iran together.  You at least need to be somewhat fair to do that. And to recognize the difference of Iran and IR. Something he never did.



by Doctor mohandes on

You know what the interesting thing is here?
The fact that He wrote his last blog on 10 things he hated and loved about america and Boy I tell ya, he hid nothing in there and he layed it all out there. He was very poignant about all aspects of The issue, But the thing that is beyond me is that the blog only Got 5 comments. Even when he felt the need to make a direct comparison between Iran and USA he did it in such a way to make sure it is not the people whom are being described and made it crystal clear that they were the victim of circumstance.

Someone could have, out of fairness and a sense of Justice, come out and said, Hey ol' buddy, I appreciate your effort in extending the same good/fair and bad/unfair sentiments to the americans just as you do to Iranians.

Seriously, where were these guys back then??? as in 2 weeks ago?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are welcome to your opinion. Many people find talent where I find nothing. I do not base my opinion of talent on what facebook or public opinion says. If I did then I would find many celebrities like Paris Hilton talented: I don't. The so called research he did was totally biased and lacked both basis and evidence.

Regarding his blogs they were most surely anti-Iranian. He routinely called ALL Iranians every name he could come up with. He claimed we are all terrorists; idiots and all kinds of the things all of them bad. He put himself in a position of superiority over others. Ledtured everyone and listened to none. Maybe you don't find that anti-Iranian but I do. 

He went so far as to defend the Stanford Prof. I am not going to give all my arguments yet again. You may go and read them yourself. He routinely confused Iran and IR. In fact he said outright that Iran *is* IR. Again, maybe you agree with him but I don't.

I tried to use examples and logic to show the other side. But he just accused me  of various things and refused to have a civil discussion. I do not miss him. I don't want him banned but I see no value that he contributed to IC. Other than hate and venting of his anger. Not to mention all the insults.

Anonymous Observer

Totally agree DM

by Anonymous Observer on

and as far as fesenjoon's stance on the iranian issue, Yeah i agree with You AO. I , sadly see that his points were taken way way out of context and were assigned a whole different meaning. I mean They have been totally twisted. It was done intentionally. I witnessed many discussions between him and his detractors and he constantly explained his reasons for saying what he said. He could not have been any more clear, But that fell on deaf ears...

Totally agree! 



by Doctor mohandes on

Aryana's opposition to the bahai's was one thing, his implicating JJ and others in giving them a platform to speak was i think the main thing that got him kicked out,.He was way too outspoken on that front and to the point of deliberately making accusations.

I don't think thiat was a decent act on his behalf. I am sure others have a different opinion...

Wait for it... Wait for it...:)

and as far as fesenjoon's stance on the iranian issue, Yeah i agree with You AO. I , sadly see that his points were taken way way out of context and were assigned a whole different meaning. I mean They have been totally twisted. It was done intentionally. I witnessed many discussions between him and his detractors and he constantly explained his reasons for saying what he said. He could not have been any more clear, But that fell on deaf ears and There were some who insisted that ... well.. nevermind:))

Anonymous Observer

I just hope that he comes back even under a different username

by Anonymous Observer on

I really do enjoy reading his writings.  Sorry VPK- but people who enjoy his writings are not anti-Iranian.  You shouldn't go down that witch hunt route.  Sounds too much like IR's "parvandeh sazi." I also like Christopher Hitchens' writings, but I don't agree with everything he says.  There's something to be said about a person's ability to write and articulate one's point of view.  It's a rare talent that does not easily come by.  

PS- when did Fesenjoon say that Iranians are all dumb, or Iranians are all terrorists?  Can you show us those instances where he made those claims?    At times, in his cartoons, he made over-exaggerations of characters, which is quite common in that art form.   But he never said the things that you attribute to him.  In fact, if I recall correctly, I think that he even challenged you to point out the same, but you never did.  

Anonymous Observer

VPK - I'm not the only person who thinks Fesenjoon was talented

by Anonymous Observer on

Just look at his blogs.  They are consistently shared on Facebook, and one of them was even placed in Balatarin. So, many people liked what he had to say.  And I disagree with you that he spread "anti-Iranian" hate.  He confronted our problems and our insecurities head on, and some of us don't like to be confronted with those things.  But you and I can agree to disagree on that interpretation.  

I don't think that Arayana should have been banned either.  He didn't like Baha'is political structure.  I don't know much about that issue, but I really don't think he should have been banned.  


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

It is very

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


interesting to see who "enjoyed" all the anti-Iranian hate and who did not. I have been a consistent opponent of IR . However I always distinguish between Iran and IR. Fesenjoon did not. I wonder how many other people shre Fesenjoon's views.

  • No: Iranians are not all terrorists.
  • No: Iranians are not all dumb.
  • No: Iranians do not need to grovel at the feet of others for the crimes of IR.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I generally oppose banning  anyone. I have said so many times and still hold my opinion. However:

  • Banning Fesenjoon is consistent with banning other people like Aryana. Fesenjoon consistently published anit-Iranian generalization and hate. I say again: I do not want to silence him. However the policy is totally consistent.
  • The only talent I saw in Fesenjoon was the talent to preach hate. His posts had neither reason nor restraint. He just went off and trashed every Iranian whenever he got a chance. That is not talent in my book; sorry AO.

If we want to have a no ban policy then I am for it. However if IC does ban people then banning Fesenjoon was totally consistent with their other actions.If you want to do something at least be fari about it; this was fair if banning was to be practiced.



by Doctor mohandes on

Gee. You are so sure of yourself aren't you?

News Flash Agha jan: Just because you think you have all the facts and references on how a comment was Justly or unjustly deleted does not corroborate anything.

And frankly , i don't really give a damn that you don't give a damn if someone trusts you or not.

No disrespect.:)




Agha DM

by AntiMozakhraf on

First off, it isn't ONLY that people get banned without just reason. It is also that some don't get banned no matter how out of hand they get. It is about the lack of consistency.

Second, the cases that I know of, I know because either I was on the same blog when they commented, the comment got deleted and they got banned or they were users that I know who told me what led to their being banned.

Last but not least, no offense intended at all but I really don't give a damn if you trust me or not. I f I know something to be factual and have found no reason to doubt it (and in some cases can even back it up with proof) then that's all that matters to me. So I may welcome and appreciate the trust of others, but I don't always need it ;)


p.s. I found out the rule

by Escape on

 I was informed swearing is ok if its in your blog,not if you are commenting...


I think it's because of swearing

by Escape on

Once my comment was removed,I was like ??? Then I was warned about swearing.Funny I was swearing because the word was in the title of that's person's blog and I was referencing it as a statement.I guess against that person.Then I realized I was being mean. 

Then I noticed time after time again,everyone else is allowed to swear.But not old 'Escape'!! No No!! Well,I have some good ones too..But it's ok,I get around it.I never hold a grudge.

I like Fesenjoon,I never got in a conversation with him because I disagree with his Athiest views but I must admit I enjoyed reading his criticism of Islam.Well I'm out for the night,maybe I will go try to find some Fesenjoon at a restruant..



by Doctor mohandes on

I can see how you can give us a list of names but how can you possibly tell us what the reasons were for them being banned??? You would be making a conjecture at best since you can not say for certain and pinpoint a reason.

So the question becomes: how do we know we can trust you to tell the truth?:)


"hamaro bayad ba yek choob zad"

by Shepesh on

Absolutely, I have said this many times as you know, and I can give a few examples myself.

Just saw DM's comment and need to say something:

When we say "based on merit" this is open to interpretation. Some people get a lot of friends tarofing on every blog they write, whether it is special or not.  Actually I can honestly say some people are spared humiliation of getting blocked because they are a regular contributor or loyal to IC. This is the only thing I disagree with in the Moderation. This is my opinion based on observations.

Anyway, time to leave this blog.


The banning and Blocking Issue

by Doctor mohandes on

I tend to agree with AO's point that based on merit we should Judge some more active and creative contributor a bit differently, not in a biased sort of wat, but really and honestly give them the credit they deserve.

I really do not see any favoritism taking place in here, even though i admit that do not (just like anyone else) see all comments , but based on my own observartions all the comments that have seen deleted were absolutely abusive and offensive ones and really deserved what they got. Regardless of the degree of royalty of the commenter.

Unfortunately, Even though we are all adults here and more often than not try to stay in control of our actions, slip ups are very common. All it takes one off-the-left-field and totally irrelevant comment that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, to mess things up.


Shepesh jan

by AntiMozakhraf on

I agree but hamaro bayad ba yek choob zad, na? Well that doesn't happen on IC.

I am happy to give you names and 'reasons' for blocking as well as names and detailed violations by some that escaped blocking; but I'll do it privately. I'm not about to give Admin the satisfaction of having a 'valid' reason to block me because I named offenders who didn't get blocked.


AM jan

by Shepesh on

It is just my opinion that if you allow people into your home and give them freedom to use the facilities, those who trash the house and take advantage should be dealt with. Sometimes I think Admin have too much tarof, most websites do nto stand for any of repeated abuse we see from some on IC.

BTW, who are these people AM jan?


AO jan

by Shepesh on

I do not know why Fesenjoon was blocked, but I have witnessed the behaviour of some who have been blocked just before Admin took action, and they have been right on every occasion. Admin is very patient and they take their time to block people.

The thing is we don't see the offending comments most of the time because they are deleted. This should be the warning most intelligent people need to take stock of their behaviour. I respectfully disagree with treating people differently, there should be no special cases for Abuse on a Democratic website. What will happen is some people will think they can get away with abuse and be intimidating to others.

Having said that, if his IP address is not blocked anyone can come back under another ID. I think IP Address is blocked only for persistent abusers who have been blocked several times. I mean no disrespect to Fesenjoon, only Admin know what he/ she did.



by AntiMozakhraf on

Plenty of people have been banned, under past and present Admin, without good cause and purely based on personal loyalties/likes/dislikes. I can name names if you like.