Adios Amigos


by Anonymouse

I'm just writing this blog to say adios amigos and senoritas. I was just going to stop posting but then I thought this morning to say my goodbye to inform anyone who may be interested to know why.

I will not be posting any comments or replies to this blog or any other blog for a while, if ever.  I used to just read and didn't send articles or emails, but started doing so when the new format changed just about a year ago.

We keep hearing JJ say that the moderation policy is so and so and it is not perfect and he inevitably makes "mistakes".  But I've come to the conclusion that these are really not "mistakes".  When you say insults are not welcome in this website and every now and then you write a blog asking others to consider respect and say you are tired of seeing these attacks, yet you let posters attack one another and actually approve their anonymous comments by letting them get filtered and then send them as approved comments and continue to do so even when others are reminding you these are insults, then I can only conclude these are deliberate attempts and approved policy.

We're pitted against each other like Michael Vick's fighting dogs.  In the name of nothing is sacred, everything from racism and KKK to defamation can roam free.  There isn't any point in debating the obvious, racism and sexism are dead and if it is alive it is because of the racist and sexist in power, but is has lost all legitimacy, this is deliberate for sensationalism.  Beyond the useless debate trading insults is just another low.  At least when Hajiagha did it, it was under satire.

We have to define what is an insult?  Is JJ telling us it depends what our definition of the word IS is? He is our best and brightest writer in this website.  Is he insulting our intelligence?  It is one thing to discuss virginity but it is another to allow a debater to ask another debater how many men his wife has slept with or that he is pretty sure the other debater has not only cheated but that his wife has also cheated on him too.  This is not an insult? Imagine Obama and McCain ask a question like this in a debate! Or any politician, forget politician, imagine you are in a party or get together and one of the guests ask another guest this question.

There are other examples and other posts.  This is just an example.  I don't need this shit.  None of the contributors need it.  No one gets paid here.  Everything is voluntary.  What is the benefit of having no defined policy or a half-ass one where others can insult the writer?  Criticism is good, harsh criticism is even better, insults is bad, it is worse.

I had positions where I’d come to work and see bunch of emails lined up with stuff I thought were wrong, but continued to work because I had to work until I found another position with less hassles and no-good complaints.  That was work, this is not work.  I gave JJ credit for putting up with a lot shit from the contributors and commentators thinking he must be like the rest of us, not liking these nasty emails and comments and he probably deletes bunch of them because they are too nasty.  But I’m thinking that he actually welcomes it and may even enjoy it. Everyone is different, right?

Anyway, starting today I’m going to start looking for other Iranian websites and mediums to see if I can find one where Iranians can interact with each other with respect and if they don’t hopefully the publisher has a policy that prevents abuse and consider it his/her job to stop insults and personal attacks.  If I don’t find one, so what? Life is still good. If this websites issues a policy that is clear and applies to everyone, it would be a nice change.  If not, it would be same old, same old dog fighting.  Let this website be run over.  There are still nice pictures and interesting stuff.  It is just not a good place to debate and discuss in a civilized manner.

Housekeeping note 6/30/09: the "anonymous" and "approved" comment that made me write this blog when JJ refused to delete it after I flagged it 2 or 3 times on different occasions was later deleted, much later, but I have the offensive quote in my response in that discussion. 


Recently by AnonymouseCommentsDate
Flag as abusive!
Dec 28, 2010
دعوت به یاوه گویی!
Dec 02, 2010
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
Nov 23, 2010
more from Anonymouse

Aslan Ki Ba to harf zad????

by TheMrs on

Rosie T: Why do you always defend JJ and (rhetorical Q), he is a big boy you know? I know I know JJ is no ordinary man and yes we all do want a peice of him...And I know you must carry the torch for freedom for Iranians.

What do I care what JJ did before. I referred to his comment here and it IS arrogant. I wasn't EVEN SPEAKING TO YOU! O G H (Can you pronounce GH? - mazzash be Gh-esheh) Vay khoda margam nadeh MARDAM bede.

I couldn't care less what anyone has called you. That is precisely the point here: content and inconsistency in moderation. 


Rosie and JJ sitting on a tree


On second thoght, anonymouse joon man age karam enghad god damn boring nabood, bahat mioomadam. I would miss JJJJJJJJJ dearly because i think the world of him and that's why I always expect more than what the man in his boxers behind the monitor delivers.


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

I don't want to hog this blog but I'm answering you because of the comment you just wrote on my thread.

If you were able to READ the blog Mouse deleted you would know that jj was very patient and understanding with him about this but MOUSE DELETED IT WITH 307 COMMENTS.  Talk about ARROGANT...please. JJ LEFT THAT BLOG FEATURED FOR FOUR DAYS. Most blogs last less than a day. And Mouse deleted it with virtually no warning.  That's gratitude.

If you track Mouse's next blog after that he was praising jj to the skies again and NOW THIS? 

Did you READ any of the comments here?  DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE HAD TO ENDURE MOUSE SAYING I AM LIKE A CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY WITH BLACK SLAVES and I shouldn't ANSWER him.  Do you think that's OK? But I didn't threaten to leave the site when jj wouldn't delete it.. 

MR jj arrogant?  Yeah he is. He sometimes is. Actually come to think of it he often is. So what?

With all these  people talkng out of both sides of their mouth, so arrogance, so what? Is arrogance WORSE than hypocrisy?

JJ is who he is.  If he weren't there wouldn't even BE a site.  And that is the paradox of it all. And such is life. And that's the way the cookie crumbles. 

You're right. You're totally right . And you're totally wrong.

Quite right.  . Quite wrong.





Anonymouse, Mrs and Rosie

by Anonymoushy (not verified) on

You three are the chosen ones! any comment I have ever made to either one of you 3 has been moderated and deleted.
Of all people, you three are also the loudest in speaking up against this site that protects your feelings as if the livelihood of depended on it.
I find Mrs' use of vocabulary mostly offensive, but every time I spoke against it, my comments were deleted. Ok it wasn't Mrs then, it was just a zan in canada...
Stop crying, stop OGHing and stop preaching

ALL of you!


Nazanin nice avatar , "The MRS"

by Hassan kachal (not verified) on

arousi mobarak be paye ham pir shid!!!

agha mouse khoja miri akheh hala jone bemoon


Bebin Anonymouse jan: -

by TheMrs on

Bebin Anonymouse jan:

- Inja yek biziness mibashad. Aghayeh 3J majbureh ye kari koneh ke belakhareh site interesting bashe. Bazi vaghta khodeshun ya karmandaaneh mohtarameshoon, ye commentai ro delete mikonan va ye commentai ro delete nemikonan. It's based on user id or content. Bandeh chand bar recepie khastam, delete shodam! Hamin chand rooz pish neveshtam something along the lines "a fine fine fine piece" and it didn't get published...point is, try to understand things from a political/buziness point of view.

I think you should stay and appoach the site with my view, avalan HICHI EXPECT nakon, you will be disappointed. DOVOMAN, this is a mirror of the real world, learn to live with it instead of trying to change it. Or even care enought to want to try to change it.

Baba man montazere khastegarieh haji hastam, I'm sick or re run season. Ye seri gooz ke aziat mikonan...faghat goozan. Velesh

- Mr JJ, I am truely disappointed in your response on this thread. To say "you're not going anywhere honey. You'll be back again and again and again". We all know you have a monopoly on this type of site. No need to rub it in. Please remember that arrogance is very OGH. At least to me and many other readers. If you really do care to make a response, I, as a true fan, would like to see you respond logically and finally with some back bone. Instead of, bebakhshid, cherto pert, it would have been better to hear something about who moderates the site. Based on what rules. Sexually explicit and insulting material was posted on a thread insulting a person whose name was printed with last name. You didn't blink, I emailed you about it. But my freaking recepie gets deleted?

To mock a reader on the basis of a conflict about your site is a compliment to you. You didn't handle receiving it well. IMHO

You may want to revise your delete policy. If the button is there, it's to be used, just like the post button. No one owes anyone an explanation on why they post or delete. If you wish people not to use these buttons, remove them or post a disclaimer, you may want to speak to admin jan ...

- To those who are making fun of this issue. It's very important that people be heard. It's JJJ's right to not want some material on the site. He doesn't even owe us an explanation. But he should be consistent. Otherwise, the material is not to be trusted because I might post something and it gets moderated, and you post something that is left on the site. If you really don't see how this skewes the material hear, khosh be haletoon.


You say good bye, I say hello

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

Anonymouse, stay. Zion&Fred, please leave; Khosh Galdi.



fd (not verified)

زگل نازک تر گویند و رنجی
مجنب از جای خود "بی نام" که گنجی

Rosie T.

PS Mouse you say you're not going to answer anyone

by Rosie T. on

here and then you make a BIG exception for JJ? Why jj?  Oh I forgot.  He isn't just anyone...

Yes he is.  He's just someone. Anyone.  Really. Don't tell the rest of us you won't answer US and then answer him! It is as disrespectful to us as deleting that blog was. You're doing it again Mouse. You're playing favorites and censoring some, not others, all in the name of fairness and integrity.  DELETING THE BLOG WAS A FORM OF CENSORSHIP TOO.



Rosie T.

JJ, Mouse, all.not cheerio,CHEERIOS.Some of I sound RIDICULOUS

by Rosie T. on

JJ. 307 comments, I believe it was 307 comments. Of course I can't be sure because it was deleted/

Mouse, when you told me I was like a Christian missionery with black slaves for the second time, after countless times saying the same thing in different ways, that I have no right to tell people how to talk because I'm not Iranian, when I asked jj to delete your post about the slaves--NOT because of the offensive comment, but because at the end of it you told me NOT to reply which was VERY unfair, guess what--he wouldn't delete it. 

I know we've already written to each other about this business Mouse but it bears repeating, because you're not getting it.  What you're not getting is  that Mouse you have tried to censor me so many times it isn't funny, You project your own desire for rigid control onto others. In psychology it is called reaction formation.

JJ again, as for other unfair moderation pracices, I've already told you over and over. I won't repeat myself here.

the rest of you, who say go away, good riddance, THAT is disgusting and offensive. If you don't want someone to stay when they say they are leaving, just be quiet. They will see the thread is very thin and they will get the picture.

You need to grow up. 

Would youlike me to feed you your Cheerios so you have strong healthy minds and bodies?  You're obviously not getting a good breakfast in the morning.


Couldn't hack it!

by A Reader (not verified) on

Yes, the comments on that post were better than the original post. Though you are always screaming for attention, you couldn't hack it when you got it, that's why you deleted it. I wrote comments on that last day, giving you a piece of my mind, but they were deleted. Now just go.


Chi goftee?

by Anonymouse on

I said I respond to you and I'm doing it, but not other postings.  I deleted that 350 commented blog (not 400) because people were accusing me of promoting censorship, bashing Islam just because they can, telling me to rot in hell and then apologizing to others (for insulting me :-) and later saying comments were better than the blog itself. 

I deleted it because I didn't want it to become a platform for bashing under my name.  What I had there was a criticism, what I am saying here is a good bye. The criticsm is always there for as long as there is a cause, but after a while you just say it is not worthed as I explained in this blog.

I take no credit for writing a blog but it is being self centered for some to think their comments are more precious.  They could have saved their "Intellecual Property" if they wanted to.  It was there for nearly a day before it got deleted.

You yourself in your comment here are saying "sincere readers" (as in Hillary saying Hard Working White Americans) was about "how I was going to stop from coming to this site because it offers offensive material".  That blog is no longer available but I can repost it if you like.  I said in that blog I can no longer support this website and have to align it with others. I am not even saying in this blog that I'm going to "stop" coming here, just not post anything anymore.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.  If you want we can talk here, if not, good luck to you and me both. See you when you have a defined policy where actions are based on it.

Niloufar Parsi

Anonymouse jan

by Niloufar Parsi on

In a free place there is no controlling how good or nice other people's words will be - least of all in our own homes and with our friends and families. So how can you expect this place to be any different?


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

You're back already.

Anonymouse joon... you're not going anywhere honey. You'll be back again and again and again. is the ice cream in the fridge you keep raiding in the middle of the night. And you tell your wife you're on a diet!

You say this is the first time you said goodbye? The blog you deleted with 400 comments from sincere readers was about how you were going to stop coming to this site because it offers highly offensive material.

Anyway I have work to do. I have to publish more offensive and insulting stuff you're not going to read. Because this is goodbye, right? :o)))






 ولی برگرد

 هر وقت پشیمون شودی

 خیلی‌ها سعی کردند که بروند

 ولی برگشتند

 من خودم صد بار خواستم بروم

ولی یک بار نتوانستم

 تو برو شاید بتوانی

 بعضی‌ها حتی خواستند خودکشی کنند



 حالا میفهمی چرا مرغ به او گفت کی مرغه؟ 

 یک نفر گفت من میروم برای چند هفته

 یک روزه برگشت

تو برو شاید بتوانی

  من که نتوانستم

  نزار در بخوره به پشتت وقتی میروی

 بدرود دوست من

 ولی برگرد

هر وقت خواستی


Good Riddance

by Zion on

The fewer like you, the better.


To he who silenced our voices

by A Reader (not verified) on

I was disgusted with you when you deleted that blog. I, too, broke a promise not to ever read or write to any of your posts again, just to say this: good riddance! Please don't come back. (you said: I will delete it because "I can.") You would do any other kind of vile thing only if you could. That is a scary concept, making you a tyrant and a fascist in my book. You silenced all those voices only because you could do it without consequences. Now go.


che loos!!!!

by be man che (not verified) on

Who cares if you leave comments and write blogs or you don't? what happened to the last blog?
you think you really are taken seriously after that loos-bazi?
You have no respect for other people's opinions and you proved that by deleting all those serious comments to that blog.
yekam janbeh dashteh bash! people should start acting mature at certain age and I think you're way past your twenties, catch up!



by Amigo (not verified) on

Be Salamat!



by Anonymouse on

This is the first time I've said goodbye and encouraged some others to stay when they wanted to leave. You are mistaking me with someone else.

If you thought that blog was worth saving you could have said something.  I would have listened to you.  I guess I should have defined or spelled it out.  Oh well.  Well, since I broke my own promise not to post any more comment, let me define it.  I will respond to JJ, but nowhere and nothing else.  This really is it for me.  I think I can sleep easier knowing I don't have to fight the obvious. This is neither a fight for Iran nor democracy. Be man che? man che midonam?


We've seen this before!

by Anonymoush (not verified) on

I recall your buddy saying goodbye, writing a blog about it and making a big fuss too... what happened?
Do you always copy people? Don't you have anything original to say or do?

If you really are so inclined to copy someone else, at least pick a worthy role model so you don't come across as nonor too.

Lets see how long it takes before you copy her again and delete this blog...

Get a life dear!


Let Me Assure You...

by Anonymously (not verified) on

You will NOT be missed!!!!

Jahanshah Javid

You say goodbye, I say again?!

by Jahanshah Javid on

You say insults and personal attacks don't get deleted in the comments as a matter of deliberate policy. (I wonder what those people who HAVE been deleted have to say?)

Ok, so that's your point of view and like all points of view, you're entitled to it. I won't argue with you because I see little point really. You deleted your last blog about and some 400 comments from people who took you seriously and put a lot of thought into the issue of free speech and its limits. Let's see how many people care about what you think this time.

And by the way isn't this this the 5th time you've said goodbye?

See you soon!


I'm glad you're leaving.

by egocentrism (not verified) on

I'm glad you're leaving. Good luck. Hope you find someplace else where your fragile ego is more appreciated.