The Great Baha’i Debate


by Anvar

For many years, I’ve been lurking around, enjoying its philosophy of openness and especially the contributions of my compatriots and others.  Perhaps, out of selfishness, I have never bothered to blog or contribute in any way.  There have always been people smarter and more enlightened than me from whom I could learn.  Thankfully, there have also been plenty of idiots who would keep me entertained for hours on end.  I had the best of both worlds.  

*Darius Kadivar*, if you read this blog, this video is especially for you as I’ve enjoyed many of your movie references before:


It was until a few days ago, when I was reading the Kazemi DUI Video blog (//, which innocently enough started out by reporting on the tragic murder/suicide case of Sahel Kazemi and Steve McNair.  I was then absolutely appalled to see how that particular blog had become the outlet for some people to spew their hatred and venom against the Baha’is!  It’s true that according to *JJ*, Nothing Is Sacred, but  ؟ در دیزی وازه، حیای گربه کجا رفته

That’s what prompted me to write and, as I am new to this, I ask that you overlook my deficiencies.

I’m specifically referring to certain comments by *Zulfiqar110* and *sophia*.  The amount of hatred, expressed in an inappropriate blog, just incensed me. They even have the gall to label the Baha’is pointing out their misplaced hatred as Basiji!  Do you know the difference between a Basiji and a Baha’i?  A Basiji kills for his religion, whereas the Baha’i dies for his!

Perhaps, one of the “Ex-Baha’is” would be kind enough to enlighten others as whose quote this is:  “When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace.  A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love.”

Isn’t it interesting that when someone writes about a positive and progressive idea or defends the human rights of others, they are immediately accused of being a Baha’i?  To name just a few, *JJ*, *Faramarz_Fateh*, and *Souri*.  No matter how many times they themselves deny that they are Baha’is!  There are many Baha’is currently imprisoned and persecuted in Iran, Egypt, and other culturally similar countries.  All they have to do to gain their freedom and livelihood is to say no, I’m not a Baha’i.  Do you guys think that Baha’is would succumb to Cyber Bullying and deny that they are Baha’is?  No!  Truth be told, and before you accuse me of being a Baha’i, let me proudly proclaim that, yes, I am a fourth generation Baha’i.  Let me tell you something else.  To us Baha’is, people who share certain exhibited mentality come across as hateful, vindictive, venomous, and close minded.  They may have learned a few buzz words here and there, and may think that they can intimidate the uninitiated or try to overwhelm them with misinformation, but most people are not impressed and don’t get baffled by their nonsense.

*Zulfiqar110* and *sophia* wrote: "Such criticism also is meant in the spirit of informing the wider community so it does not happen again, since as of now there are many Sahel Kazemis amongst the Baha'i community waiting to happen at any moment…”

Really?  Do you think anybody believes you are sincere about what you say and truly care about the Baha’i youth?

 After you wipe away your crocodile tears, why don’t you take a look at this video in which a Muslim cleric describes the Baha’i youth?  To whom he even refers to as enemies and wolves!  (4min):


How about this hidden video “documenting” the nefarious Baha’i youth activities in Shiraz?  (Which, as a result, many were imprisoned) – (10min):


Do you know another difference between the Basijis and  Baha’is?

Basijis get to flash their ID cards and enroll in universities, while the Baha’is who even pass the entrance exam with flying colors, get thrown out of universities.

(So they create their own Institute for Higher Education)

//          (<<< informative to read other chapters too)

//      (<<< see member profile and benefits)

 For every Sahel Kazemi there are thousands of Nava Ghalili - (8min):


Is it a coincidence that we keep hearing about Sahels but never about Navas?

Thank you for your disingenuous concern, but the Baha’i youth are doing wonderfully around the globe!

And now for something completely different:

I would like to turn this blog into an unofficial survey.  In which, we first invite all who have anything to say about the Baha’is and the Baha’i Faith (be it negative, positive, false, true, hateful, or loving), to freely express it here.

Do you have a problem with the equality of men and women?  Have an issue with educating the children?  Don’t like the concept of independent search for truth?  Disagree with the notion of spiritual solutions to economic problems?  Are you bothered that the Baha’is do not participate in partisan politics?  - The fact that we were the only group who didn’t sign up for the one Pahlavi “Rastaakhiz” party, while millions of others did?  (ask your friends and family if they did)  - That we did not vote in the 1979 “referendum” while millions of others did?  (ask your friends and family if they did)  (Consequently, we did not get a stamp on our birth certificates which, later on, deprived us from receiving food rationings and coupons.) - Or perhaps, you can’t understand how come not even one Baha’i was perceptive enough to see the features of Imam Khomeini on the moon that at least half the population of the country saw.  (ask your friends and family if they did)

Whatever your issues are, let’s talk.

Chances are that the protagonists and antagonists, in this conversation, will not change each other’s minds.  And that’s not the idea either.  The idea is to provide a somewhat free and respectful forum for the exchange of opinions.  The unofficial survey would entail the effect of these interactions on the collective consciousness of the rest of the hundreds of thousands of intelligent readers of

Let’s find out whose philosophy will prevail - Those who just curse the darkness or those who light candles.



P.S.: Since this is not about the person of me, I may not participate very often.  Unless, of course, my “masters” the Israelis (or the British, or the Russians – hmmm, I forget whose agenda I’m supposed to be advancing this decade!) make it worth my while.

Then again, I just found out that Baha’i faith was supposedly created by Iranian Shiites to destroy Arab Sunnis!  As a side show, and a humorous break, check out the lunatic ranting of this precious gem to humanity in Egypt:

//                    (video w/subtitles - 2min)

//   (transcript)

Boy! Can a brother get a break?

 ! چوب هر دو سر طلا


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Khas o Khaashaak = A Drop of Acid Rain on the Pure Ocean

by Zulfiqar110 on

I rest my case. These people are now explicitly employing the expressive terminology of the IR regime.

Sophia, no need to respond to these Baha'i Basijis goons anymore. We have proved our case, and then some...  

Note as well that whereas here on these people are putting on the mask of Iranian nationalism, in real life the Baha'i culture condemns Iranian nationalism and most Baha'is are adamant in identifying themselves as Baha'is first before anything else. Note the article below...

Btw Waters, Anvar, etc., are all aliases and identities of Basiji Faryar Mansouri himself.






Generic - 3

by Anvar on

*sophia* - I’ve already told you who I am.  You’re the one who is so far unknown (at least to me).  I am an Iranian Baha’i who was absolutely disgusted and motivated by you and your cohorts’ opportunistic attacks on a group of peaceful people using the death of two human beings as a pretext. (Sahel & Steve)
I assure you that there no plans to conquer you or similar individuals by force.  You will always be treated with outmost love and respect by Baha’is before or even after the “Golden Age.”  Please try to comprehend the Spiritual Context of all the semantics to which you object.  Yes, we have hopes, we have goals, and we have plans.  All are by peaceful, logical, open, honest, intellectual, and most importantly spiritual means. You are correct that you are not the only one who lives on the planet.  Baha’u’llah’s message is not just for you, it’s for everyone.  All are free to choose whether the teachings of the faith will help remedy the ills of the world or not.  All are welcome to join in voluntarily and willingly. Those who have another preference will be loved just as well.

*F.yekta* - Pretty soon, I, too, may follow your example, in certain cases.

*Waters* - I agree with you that if the spirit is missing, true learning and understanding will not be accomplished.   The era of  “chomagh” either  “be dahan” or “be dast” is past.
I also agree with you that “some will never find peace or happiness”.  But, you’ve got to give them some credit.  They are trying to find “happiness” by disturbing the “peace” of others.



One more quote for Anvar

by sophia on


"A Drop of Acid Rain on the Pure Ocean"

by Anvar on      You know what saying this reminds me of Anvar?     "Those who insulted the prophet should know that you cannot obscure the sun with a handful of dust. The dust will just get back and blind your own eyes."   Would you like to have a a guess at which totalitarian, ideological monster said that before I post the link?         


Observers please take note

by sophia on

Waters, this is just unbelievable- right now responses like this just continue to PROVE exactly what people like Zulfiqar are saying about the way Baha'is handle criticism. "Simple minded"? This post is pseudo-psychological drivel, and pure ad-hominem. What's more, the arrogance of asserting these things in response to people who simply do not share your perception of the world, is arrogant in the extreme.    And besides, how many of the most brilliant writers, artists and thinkers throughout history have been 1) isolated individuals, 2) called crazy in their time, 3) considered on the margins of society?   Anvar quoted:   

“If you judge, investigate.” – Seneca, Roman Philosopher

to which I now quote:

"There is no great genius without some touch of madness. SenecaEpistles    Anvar quoted:   

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung, Psychiatrist

 to which I now quote:

“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” - Carl Jung


So please spare us this juvenile psycho-babble about "Shizoids", "rebels without causes" and "loners", spoken as if these things are of any value to people who understand that some of societies most influential (and ultimately profound) thinkers have actively shunned convention, and the artificially constructed consensus of societies that are hurtling towards a state of utter critical and intellectual mediocrity- and ended up wearing exactly the kind of labels you offered in your "spiritual evaluation" of the situation. 

Now I'm sure the "Spiritual Conquest of the Planet" is a full time job, so maybe you'd better get back to it.

The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet. Systematic Unfoldment of the Divine Plan. Unfoldment of the Bahá’í Faith. Our Response to Plans."  




chomagh be dahan and simple minded

by Waters on

somebody here has learned a few words and read a couple of things here and there, thats great. But the main problem is that the spirti is missing so no true learning or understanding will be accomplishes. Let dead bury the dead kind of a thing.

Some will never find peace or happiness whatever they become a part of they will always be tha Weakest Link. Some souls become rebelious not because they know something, but because they are defensive, weak and neurotic souls who become agitated  and delusional in their fear that others know better and more and they know nothing after much so called studies. The Shizoid's problem is not theology it is an organic personality disorder that has made .. a rebel without a cause and evantually an angry loner.

repeat Salam, Peace untill you are overcome 



by F.yekta on

Zolfi & all other Zolfis,

My response to your postings under this blog, all other previous blogs and the blogs to come in the future is that old wise Persian proverb.  Please refer to the subject header!




Same old same old

by sophia on

Anvar, whoever you are, your responses are absolutely by the book. You just can't help yourself, can you? Funny considering your clumsy application of the Clockwork Orange reference- which you might want to look into a bit more closely, and study the broader metaphorical significance of the Ludovico technique.

Anyway, you wrote in your post below:

"Do you understand that every single Baha’i is a Baha’i by choice?  We don’t kill those who choose not to be one and certainly don’t force anyone to convert either.  Do you understand that, in its administrative order and all throughout the world, its members are elected democratically to serve all mankind?  How does the concept of Dictatorship apply to those who willingly choose the system?"

Explain this then: 

The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet Our Response to Plans: The Covenant Its Meaning and Origin and Our Attitude Toward It


Systematic Unfoldment of the Divine Plan

Unfoldment of the Bahá’í Faith

 (excerpt from text)

2006-11 Continue to pursue the single aim of advancing the process of entry by troops through two movements: guiding a growing number of individuals through the sequence of institute courses and advancing clusters from one stage of development to the next; bring hundreds of thousands more into the institute process; establish intensive programs of growth in 1500 clusters; increasing teaching by reaching receptive populations; emphasis on the role of the tutor; classes for Jr. youth as 4th core activity; mobilize pioneers and direct them toward support for cluster development; enhance the culture of learning; strengthen institutional support at all levels for the movement of clusters.

Five Year Plan

1974-79 Preservation of victories, vast and wide-

spread expansion, and development of

Bahá’í life/communities; strengthening

of Local Spiritual Assemblies.

Total of 96,000 localities, > 25,000 LSAs; 18 new

NSAs (125 total); operation of International Teach-

ing Centre since 1973); progress in spiritual dev.,

maturation of assemblies, and dev. of Bahá’í com-

munity life; construction seat UHJ begun; initiation

of Indian and Samoan Temples.

Letter of the Universal

House of Justice,

Naw-Rúz 1974

Letter of the Universal

House of Justice,

Naw-Rúz 1979

Seven Year Plan


1979-86 Continue expansion and consolida-

tion process; achieve remaining 5YP

goals. Work to financial independence,

continue construction projects, develop

institutions, promote spiritual, intellec-

tual and community life.

Completion of seat UHJ and Samoan Temple,

approval of plans for Arc and Terraces, expansion

of ITC and Counsellors; creation of Social and

Economic Dev. Office and SED projects; 8000 new

LSAs; 16,000 new localities; 300 new tribes; 2196

new publications (898 of Holy Text); maturation of

institutions and community life.

Letter of the Universal

House of Justice,

Naw-Rúz 1979

Six Year Plan

1986-92 Formation of goals by Counsellors and

NSAs; seven major objectives: carrying

the Message to mankind; involvement in

the life of society; increase in literature;

maturation of communities; universal

participation and spiritual enrichment of

ind.; extension of Bahá’í education and

strengthening of family life; and pursuit

social and economic dev. projects.

2 million new Bahá’ís; not just numerical vic-

tories, but mature development: Faith spread to all

countries; worldwide proclamation from The Prom-

ise of World Peace and persecutions; completion In-

dian Temple with 20,000 daily visitors; emergence

from obscurity reflected in unprecedented contacts

with leaders of thought, media, and public; social

and economic dev. projects greatly multiplies and

attracting attention of world; youth activities, esp.

period of service; dev. of institutions; initiation of

Arc and Terraces projects."


Note on final page, which includes a visual map of the Baha'i "Plans", states that the Dispensation of Baha'u'llah will last 1000 years from 1853, and stretches into the Golden Age post 2021 (which will also include "numerous crusades and successive epochs"), and finally the Baha'i cycle, which is claimed to last 500,000 years. 

Also note the following terms:

1) "Entry by troops"

2) "Pioneers"

3) 5, 10 year "Plans"

4) "Crusades"


I live on the planet, so I'd like to know how the Baha'is plan to "spiritually conquer" me? Or do you envisage me just shriveling up into a little ball of my own "anger" and "hatred" when the Golden Age arrives? :-) 


A Drop of Acid Rain on the Pure Ocean

by Anvar on

Thanks for reposting your infamous piece, Zulfiqar110.

You obviously think the louder you scream the more valid your argument becomes.  As I said, the uninitiated may be confused by the volume of your quotes here but, as you know, the Baha’i writings are likened to an Ocean. Now, the truly sincere minds can read for themselves and compare your drop of acid rain to the pure ocean of Baha’i writings.
Of course, I’d be happy to point the true inquisitors to some of the authentic Baha’i resources on the web.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” The Bible, Mathew 7:7

Let the unbiased comparison and judgment of the intelligent readers begin!

“If you judge, investigate.” – Seneca, Roman Philosopher

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers” – Voltaire, French Philosopher

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Jung, Psychiatrist

“Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment.” – Rita rown, American Writer

“Individuals are known by the friends they keep.  Groups are known by both the friends and the enemies they keep.”  Anvar, Humble Servant of Humanity



A Persian Idiom from a Persian Idiot...

by Anvar on

…descriptive of a person exhibiting subnormal intelligence.

(response to the Joon-i-Ammat entry)

Zulfiqar110, I say that with all due respect, since you keep insisting, that Anvar = xxx = yyy = zzz?  As already stated, Anvar & faryarm are not the same person.  (Hence, my opinion on your intellect – no offence meant)

Anyway, thank you for giving me the scoop on how a post could get deleted.  So, again, I must ask everybody to, please, not to flag any of the comments posted here in my blog. 

Zulfiqar110, just give me the benefit of the doubt and believe me when I say I’m not privy to your history with faryarm.  You obviously have a suspicious mind and an accusatory attitude.  You objected to the culture of cowardice, duplicity, etc., and also boldly proclaimed that you never deny your identity – yet, that’s exactly what you’ve done and in spite of your own objections too!  Very skillful - as I (and thousands of non-faryarms) still don’t know who you are.  Also, who is this “us” you refer to who’s keeping a record of deleted messages?  Could this then be true that “Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal /Nur/Zulfiqar ?”  Not that it would bother me but I haven’t seen anyone deny it either.  It’s OK.  Some egos don’t fit into just one user ID!

LOL, speaking of Internet clowns, you remind me of those backward illiterates we see on TV who, at the end of each sermon, chant Death to This Country, Death to That Country!

Brighter than NUR, in more ways than one


The Nature of baha'i "argument" & "reasoning"

by Zulfiqar110 on of the same nature as reasoning and argument to  Fascists, Stalinists and Khomeinists, or any other militant Utopian ideologue.

Conisder the following quotes: 

 "Political discussion [of entrenched power] possesses a character fundamentally different from academic discussion. It seeks not only to be in the right but also to demolish the basis of the opponent's social and intellectual existence. . .Political conflict, since it is from the very beginning a rationalized form of the struggle for social predominance, attacks the social status of the opponent, his public prestige, and his self-confidence" - Karl Mannheim, IDEOLOGY AND UTOPIA, p. 38.


"I do think it’s convenient for some to focus on the messenger—why?—it conveniently deflects attention from the message." —Bernard Goldberg, Bias

"The ideas that rebels expound tend not to be attacked by those in power. The latter are inclined rather to kill the messenger by character assassination. For example, one rebel was said to be a womanizer... bitter... disloyal... and even, in the words of one accuser, dangerously mentally ill." —C. Tarvis, social psychologist

"Check for yourselves: during the last ten, twenty or thirty years, has rational argument ever been used against any dissident? No, never, because no such arguments exist. They always reply with curses and slander. Such was the “answer” to Sakharov. And just as empty was the “answer” to Heinrich Boll. But most often total silence has been the answer… (The Oak and the Calf), Solzhenitsyn

The poet should possess the courage to "go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in all ways" (Emerson)

"Commitment does not exist as an abstraction; it exists in action. This is what it is about: Everything we do is either functioning within the system as it exists, or challenging the system. It is as simple as that. So when one examines literature, or when one creates literature, one is either following an established order and functioning within it, or one is bucking that order, challenging it, questioning it. […] The question which naturally arises in some minds is: “What is the relationship between the writers who function within the system and the writers who challenge the system?” […] There is almost no dialogue at all, no communication at all—with negligible exceptions—between these two groups of writers." —Dennis Brutus, “Literature and Commitment in South Africa”

"Finally, for those who are not interested in principled arguments, remind them that history shows us that the censors of one generation are the censored of the next. […] You are part of the community; do not let the administration that it must censor speech to please the community. The idea that there is a conflict between free speech and the academic community fundamentally misunderstands both the goals of higher education and the nature and role of free speech." —George Orwell

"Literature was not promulgated by a pale and emasculated critical priesthood singing their litanies in empty churches—nor is it a game for the cloistered elect, the tinhorn mendicants of low calorie despair. The ancient commission of the writer has not changed. He is charged with exposing our many grievous faults and failures, with dredging up to the light our dark and dangerous dreams for the purpose of improvement." —John Steinbeck, Nobel banquet speech

"I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions." —Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Criticism, like charity, starts at home." —Wole Soyinka



BAHAI Tactics & Techniques

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel, Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite, Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully, Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence, Harass... etc., etc....  CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge of the given issue by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer,
i.e. shoot the messenger
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed while supporting the bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

Now note this is the quote as published...


THE INSTITUTION OF THE COUNSELLORS A Document Prepared by the Universal House of Justice January 29 2001 Quote Protection of the Cause (pp. 15-16)

Although deepening the friends' understanding of the Covenant and increasing their love and loyalty to it are of paramount importance, the duties of the Auxiliary Board members for Protection do not end here. The Board members must remain ever vigilant, monitoring the actions of those who, driven by the promptings of ego, seek to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the friends and undermine the Faith. In general, whenever believers become aware of such problems, they should immediately contact whatever institution they feel moved to turn to, whether it be a Counsellor, an Auxiliary Board member, the National Spiritual Assembly or their own Local Assembly. It then becomes the duty of that institution to ensure that the report is fed into the correct channels and that all the other institutions affected are promptly informed. Not infrequently, the responsibility will fall on an Auxiliary Board member, in coordination with the Assembly concerned, to take some form of action in response to the situation. This involvement will include counselling the believer in question; warning him, if necessary, of the consequences of his actions; and bringing to the attention of the Counsellors the gravity of the situation, which may call for their intervention. Naturally, the Board member has to exert every effort to counteract the schemes and arrest the spread of the influence of those few who, despite attempts to guide them, eventually break the Covenant.

The need to protect the Faith from the attacks of its enemies may not be generally appreciated by the friends, particularly in places where attacks have been infrequent. However, it is certain that such opposition will increase, become concerted, and eventually universal. The writings clearly foreshadow not only an intensification of the machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in the hostility and opposition of its external enemies, whether religious or secular, as the Cause pursues its onward march towards ultimate victory. Therefore, in the light of the warnings of the Guardian, the Auxiliary Boards for Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye" on those "who are known to be enemies, or to have been put out of the Faith", discreetly investigate their activities, alert intelligently the friends to the opposition inevitably to come, explain how each crisis in God's Faith has always proved to be a blessing in disguise, and prepare them for the "dire contest which is destined to range the Army of Light against the forces of darkness".

An organization that articulates such FASCIST tripe as above cannot be dialogued with. They are Fascists/Stalinists or Khomeinists with better attire. Compare now with the quote as rearranged by moi:

Although indoctrinating the Iranian Muslim nations' understanding of  the Islamic Revolution and increasing their love and loyalty to it are of paramount importance, the duties of the Revolutionary Guards do not end here. The Guard members must remain ever vigilant, monitoring the actions of those who, driven by the promptings of counter-revolutionary ego, seek to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the valiant Muslim people of Iran and undermine the Islamic Revolution. In general, whenever Muslim compatriots become aware of such problems, they should immediately contact whatever institution of the Islamic Republic they feel moved to turn to, whether it be a Islamic Revolutionary cadre member, a Revolutionary Guard member, the Islamic Guardian Council or their own local Komiteh. It then becomes the duty of that institution to ensure that the report is fed into the correct channels and that all the other Islamic institutions affected are promptly informed. Not infrequently, the responsibility will fall on a Revolutionary Guard member, in coordination with the Islamic council concerned, to take some form of action in response to the situation. This involvement will include counselling the Muslim compatriot in question; warning him, if necessary, of the consequences of his counter-revolutionary activities; and bringing to the attention of the Revolutionary Guard the gravity of the situation, which may call for their intervention. Naturally, the Revolutionary Guard member has to exert every effort to counteract the schemes and arrest the spread of the influence of those few who, despite attempts to guide them, eventually turn against the Islamic Revolution.

The need to protect Islam from the attacks of its enemies may not be generally appreciated by the valiant Muslim compatriots, particularly in places where attacks have been infrequent. However, it is certain that such opposition will increase, become concerted, and eventually universal. The writings of Imam Khomeini clearly foreshadow not only an intensification of the machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in the hostility and opposition of its external enemies, whether religious or secular, as the Islamic Revolution pursues its onward march towards ultimate victory. Therefore, in the light of the warnings of the Imam, the Revolutionary Guards corps should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye" on those "who are known to be enemies, or to have been put out of the Islamic Republic", discreetly investigate their activities, alert intelligently Muslim compatriots to the opposition inevitably to come, explain how each crisis in the Islamic Revolution has always proved to be a blessing in disguise, and prepare them for the "dire contest which is destined to range the Army of Islam against the forces of the Great Satan".

See Baha'i Faith

Documentary film by independent Israeli film maker Naama Pyritz:





Joon-i-Ammat (Your auntie's soul/life) - Persian idiom...

by Zulfiqar110 on

 ...expressive of rhetorical irony particularly in cases where the hollowness or transparency of a given interlocutor's point or position is obvious to his/her opponent.

Anvar is not faryarm

And the Roman Catholic Pope is a Theravadin Buddhist :-)

Anvar = Faryar Mansouri = Ali Akbar, etc.

BTW I don't delete my messages. Besides there is no way for one to delete ones messages here oneself. I have it on reliable insider authority here that 7 flags of a given message  makes it automatically deletable without the moderators even looking at it. Since only Faryar, his assorted aliases and the various Baha'i Internet Agency clowns/basijis assigned to would read this blog, the only culprits for flagging said message would naturally come from the denizens of Haifan Baha'idoom - i.e. your good selves. BTW I should mention again that every message deleted by the moderators here, is being kept by us together with the page prior to deletion.

With that said, one should mention that unlike you Faryar, whose culture of cowardice, sleaze and duplicity is legion, I have never nor do I ever intend to deny my identity. The joke's on you, brother, given that you are a joke. Try engaging in something besides the RUHI books for a change...



A Clockwork Orange

by Anvar on

Sophia, thanks for not letting me down in front of everyone else and showing up as predicted.  Like clockwork.  Of course, I would never call you a Basiji, even though it aptly means mobilized.  I welcome all sincere and constructive criticism.  It actually helps me with my ongoing Independent Search for Truth.
I certainly didn’t mean anything bad by writing that you were someone else’s alter ego.  And,if need be, I am man enough to apologize to you in front of everyone if you state that this is the only user ID you use here.  Should I apologize?
You have me at a disadvantage.  At least, you know that I’m an Iranian and a Baha’i.  I’m afraid that I don’t know much about you.  Are you also an Iranian?  If so, did you and your associates somehow contribute to the mess in Iran that you now expect the Baha’is (who had nothing to do with it in the first place) to take a political stance and fix?  You choose not to understand our lofty goals and hopes for everywhere, including Iran.  (will probably get discussed more here).  If you are not an Iranian, then do you just happen to be so concerned about the “thousands of brave Iranians” who are now in harm?  Would it be too cynical of me to think that you might just be looking for an opportunity to create a wedge between Iranian Baha’is and non Baha’is, just as you were exploiting the tragic case of Sahel Kazemi?  We love Iran, we love the world.  We love Iranians, we love the humanity.  Do you honestly not comprehend these two simple statements?  What is your agenda that would require you to turn those statements up on their heads and misrepresent them to others?

If you think certain statements of some people were mischaracterized by others as "vindictive”, ”bitter”, ”angry”, ”full of rage”, “spiteful”, “spiritually immature”, etc.  How would you characterize statements like: Hiafan Baha’i Spiritual Disneyland, Death to Dictators in Universal House of Justice, Trash between covers of Aghdas (Baha’i Holy book), etc.?  Better yet, let other readers characterize them for both of us.

Do you understand that every single Baha’i is a Baha’i by choice?  We don’t kill those who choose not to be one and certainly don’t force anyone to convert either.  Do you understand that, in its administrative order and all throughout the world, its members are elected democratically to serve all mankind?  How does the concept of Dictatorship apply to those who willingly choose the system?  Do you understand that only Baha’is are privileged and allowed to, voluntarily and based on each individual’s conscience, contribute financially to the faith?  You wrote: “…the gardens cost more that $250 million and involved about 2,500 construction workers and gardeners.”   Do you have a phony issue even with this?  What part of it you find bothersome?  The fact that Baha’is have and are creating some of the most magnificent places of worship, gathering, and study, with their own money, and offer them to all humanity at no cost?  Or, that thousands of volunteers, from all over the world, gather together in the name of service to all, to work at such places?  I didn’t get your point about “redistribution of wealth” but you go on accumulating wealth and take it with you to the other world.  Baha’is are not imposing any fees or taxes on you, are they?

I invite everyone to watch this video to see an actual, and effective, democracy in action.  This is practiced by the Baha’is all over the world, (4 min)

And, Sophia, it’s ok that you don’t share my appreciation of beauty.  Let’s see what other people think about the aesthetics of Baha’i Gardens.  You know how found of “consultation” we are, right? (3 min)

Warning:  This video was created by unbiased reporters/producers and was broadcast on the Travel/Discovery channel in the U.S.  Those who only appreciate and promote videos produced by armature sleuths, using hidden cameras and duplicitous methods, that finally discover bupkis, may find this video highly offensive.



Expect more criticism like it, and get used to answering it.

by sophia on

And so Faryar get's off to a great start in the sensible discussion stakes, and I'm questioned yet again on being someone's alter ego:   

"Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal /Nur/Zulfiqar 


Can someone suggest a new and funnier name for  Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal /Nur/Zulfiqar's next Alias ?"


1. How are the Baha'is going to deal with future criticism/scrutiny from  the general Iranian population (not to mention the world at large), which is at present highly sensitive to sectarian agendas and their associated propaganda mechanisms, if they can't even deal with internet based discussions without resorting to one of several narratives:

a) the person criticizing them is a "disgruntled"/"vindictive" or "bitter" ex-Baha'i with an axe to  grind.

b) the person is an agent of the IRI- an excuse which thankfully will be out the window very soon.

c) the person is crazy, or "in need of psychiatric help", "angry", "full of rage", "spiteful"," spiritually immature", "prideful" (unlike of course the Universal House of Justice and their Haifan Baha'i Spiritual Disneyland, who obviously exemplify 'humility') or any of the other standard ways of describing critics who simply do not subscribe to the Baha'i world view.

Maybe you'd also like to encourage the thousands of brave Iranians currently putting themselves in harm's way to take a more "consultative" approach with the current regime, and solving their political issues? Or since the Baha'is have been told by the National Spiritual  Assembly not to make partisan statements on Facebook or other social networking sites, the Baha'is are just going to wait it out and preserve the safety of your members (and since you, Anvar, have just made a point of Baha'is "dying for their faith", perhaps you may like to offer an alternative reason for the Baha'i organization not standing up beside all the other non-Baha'i Iranian citizens in assuming a strong political position, aside from the answer that "it's in the teachings"), and hope that once this murderous regime is finished, people will listen to what the Baha'is have got say about human rights?

When this momentous struggle is over, are the Baha'is going to start to encourage the Iranian population to adopt the "consultation" method of conflict resolution contained within the current directives and principle's of the faith (and taught worldwide in the Ruhi courses), when it was only through decisive political and social activism that the current regime has been overthrown? Or are you maybe going to wait until the "Greater Peace" to tell everyone what you're really about?

Oh yeah, and how much do you believe that Iranians should be sympathetic to a spiritual organization that tells them who they can and can't be friends with online by an official agency that monitors their cyber pursuits after all they've been through with the surveillance and sectarian division of recent history?


"28 February 2008

To All National Spiritual Assemblies

Dear Bahá'í Friends,

We have been requested by the World Centre to alert you to the current activities of the Covenant-breaker Martin Lavallee on This individual administers the "Orthodox Bahá'is" page on Facebook and also has a personal page on the site. There have been recent instances where Bahá'í youth with accounts on Facebook have unwittingly accepted invitations from Lavallee to be a "friend" or to become "members" of the Covenant-breaker page. Further, as a consequence of the Facebook networking scheme, if an individual accepts a direct invitation from Lavallee or any other member of his group, the "Friends" list (with e-mail addresses) of that individual becomes exposed. In this way, those with insincere intentions have the potential to directly contact an increasing number of Bahá'is, interactions that could pose a threat to the spiritual well-being of youth and other believers who are not deepened in the Covenant.

Each National Assembly will need to determine the necessity and most appropriate manner of discreetly informing believers of this situation in consultation and with the assistance of the Counsellors. In doing so it will of course be important to avoid creating undue anxiety or curiosity about the nature of Covenant-breaker material on the Internet..

It is our intention to provide more general guidance in the near future about how online social networks can be constructively and safely used by Bahá'ís.

With loving greetings,

Matt Weinberg Program Director Bahá'í Internet Agency

cc: Members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors" 

Or an agency that tells them whether they can or cannot express their views regarding their political inclinations? (as per the recent NSA letter regarding public discussion of election results) ?

What happens when all the excuses for attacking the credibility of critics run out, and the Baha'i philosophy is subject to rigorous social and academic scrutiny (and by this I am in part referring to the Baha'i practice of distributing almost exclusively through their own publishing houses and in contexts where they are not subjected to academic peer review by non-Baha'i scholars)?

What happens when you realize that a great deal of people who criticize the Baha'is DO in fact stand up for many of the principles of human rights which the Baha'i organization often acts as if it has exclusive claim to-, but just so happen to believe for good reason that the Baha'i organization does NOT in reality exemplify these principles, nor express them in the sophisticated and spiritually advanced ways in which they claim to?

So you can forget about using the old Anti-Haifan Baha'i philosophy=

1) anti-religious tolerance,

2) anti-rights for women/feminist agendas (which is one of the most laughable claims to institutional infallibility when even certain Christian churches are allowing women and homosexuals to enter the clergy, yet the Baha'is won't elect them to the UHJ- and oh yeah, would the Baha'is allow homosexuals to serve on the UHJ?),

3)anti-social justice, rights to universal education, and public welfare through the just distribution of economic and environmental capital.

Spare me any pontification about the Baha'is perfection of any of these ideals. The Baha'is have VERY serious questions to answer about the structure and activities (particularly FINANCIAL) of their organization, its monitoring of individuals activities, its claims to spiritual infallibility, its involvement in certain liberal foundations, the list goes on. Get used to answering the criticism without acting like spoiled arrogant children, who've been told since birth that their way of thinking is God's ultimate gift to the world. 

PS. Glad you enjoyed seeing the Baha'i Gardens in Haifa in the documentary, Anvar. How much did they cost to build and maintain again? And all of that money came/comes from donations from Baha'is doesn't it?


"Under development since 1987, the gardens cost more that $250 million and involved about 2,500 construction workers and gardeners.

They were designed by Fariburz Sahba, known for his plan of the Baha'i Lotus Temple in India. Terraces in his Haifa design represent nine concentric circles seeming to emanate from the Shrine of the Bab, which houses the grave of the Bab, Siyyid Ali-Muhammad, martyr of the Baha'i faith. "The Shrine of the Bab is envisaged as a precious gem, for which the terraces provide the setting, like a golden ring for a precious diamond," the designer says.

For more information: Israel Ministry of Tourism - 1 (888) 77-ISRAEL; //"

Excuse me if I don't share your appreciation of beauty- interesting to see what socialist critics and academics/semioticians would make of these gardens- you know, given the whole conscientious "redistribution of wealth" thing.


Thanks for contributing, Ghidorah

by Anvar on

Zulfiqar110, I don't know what happened to your first post - In which, you asked "tanetaan mikhareh?", stated that anvar=faryarm=basiji, and how you had decided to break your silence and make an exception to "javaabeh ablahaan khamooshist."  Perhaps, you came to your senses and deleted it yourself.  If not, I ask everyone to, please, not to flag anyone's posts in my blog as abusive.

In my sentence that caused you to have a conniption fit, I simply wondered how soulless people could so gleefully take advantage of Sahel's tragic case to make hateful comments about a whole  group of people.  I only meant to say that you were not sincere about worrying about the Baha'i youth, as you had suggested.  I didn't mean to hurt you ego by implying that nobody believes other stuff you might have to say.  I'm sure, you have a lot of followers, as *divaaneh cho divaaneh bebinad - khoshash ayad!"  Just kidding, I know you didn't mean to call me an *ablah*.  Thank you for your quotation from 1926.  To me, anyone who makes such a general statement as "...I have met not a single one (baha'i) who could be called honest or faithful..." has no credibility, no matter what their occupation.  Hmmm, not even 1 honest or faithful Baha'i?  I'll let the readers judge this one for themselves.

I actually took the time to watch that 59-minute video "In Our Backyard" that you recommended.  I don't want to say it was a total waste of time as anytime I see the Gardens, it makes me proud of the precious jewel that is being offered to humanity.  I must admit though, that my faith was a bit shaken to discover that a building code in Israel requires such a massive complex to have a bomb shelter, or that one of its buildings has a grocery store in it!  What a joke! 

I realize that you have ridden yourself of the burdensome step of thinking in a dialogue, therefore, feel free with yet another one of your infamous massive copy/paste hatchet jobs.  

You keep refering to *faryarm*'s alleged last name as if you're revealing yet another Baha'i secrect.  Perhaps, you'd be generous enough with your own name too.

Anytime now, I expect *sophia* your attorney, or your alter ego as the case might be, to show up too.  Until you reveal your true self (and I don't mean a manifestation of God, like *NUR*!), maybe I should refer to you as Ghidorah - The Three Headed Monster? Kidding you again, I know you didn't mean to call me a *Basiji*.


Kourosh Aryamanesh


Kourosh Aryamanesh

امامزاده داود ؟  


faryarm has no ALias; Anvar is not I...

by faryarm on

Anvar is not faryarm

 Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal / Nur/ is however  Zulfiqar


Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal /Nur/Zulfiqar 


Can someone suggest a new and funnier name for  Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal /Nur/Zulfiqar's next Alias ?




The substance of "Baha'i" sincerity

by Zulfiqar110 on

Note Dr Sa'eed Khan on the Baha'is he knew

From Mission Problems in New Persia, 1926, p. 83, 87 & 89 quoted by
William McElwee Miller in The Baha'i Faith: It's History and
Teachings, 1973, p. 289.

 "...There is no conscience with them [ i.e. the
Baha'is], they keep to no principle, they tell you what is untrue,
ignoring or denying undoubted historical facts, and this is the
character of both the leader and the led...As to morality and honesty,
the whole system has proved disappointing...I have been in contact with
many Baha'is, and have had dealings with many and have tested many, and
unfortunately I have met not a single one who could be called honest or
faithful in the full sense of these words..."

Dr Sa'eed Khan [was] a highly-respected physician...who had as a

doctor treated the second widow of the Bab, and had for a lifetime

known intimately both Babis [i.e. Bayanis] and Baha'is in Tehran and
