When I hear the reasons why US Administration wants to delist MEK - its precisely because they want them to join in military action against the IRI
Its about a few days later and we're strongly moving forward with more names added every hour than the hour before ...even though we're not on the front page anymore
Please join me in signing this petition
For ALL those Iranians that support real freedoms and democracy in Iran, and are against the theocracy in Iran, who believe that the MEK/MKO/PMOI
The Republicans in US and Conservatives in UK may try to torpedo a Democratic Celebration
This is a historic day...
Senior defections from Syria to Iran en route to Russia, imply a special relationship between Iran and Russia is brewing
If Satan is in power in Iran, it is only because there are times when a Greater Satan has been in power in the West
Excerpts translated from the IRGC manual - enjoy.
The great privilege of good relations with the West and loaning money to Europe and America! With friends like this ...who needs enemies?
There will surely be a large crater in Haifa!
Iranian-Americans: be warned. They’ll be rounding us up like the Japanese during WWII in a few months
And you thought you knew it all ...