What a Small World!


Azadeh Azmoudeh
by Azadeh Azmoudeh

Back in Iran, high-school friendship is one of those that will never be forgotten. There is no responsibilities, no compitition, (well, at least it was not for my friends and me), and also no popularities among the students. I don't know about now, maybe I should have used past tense. In my time about 20 years ago, there were no such things. So, we valued our friends and kept them (some of us still have) for the rest of our lives. When one marries and starts another phase of life, it really becomes hard to find a true friend with whom you spend most of your time, and share the deepest and darkest secrets. I had one of those friends. To us, we were the best friends in the whole wide world. We were inseperatable, until one day the fate came to knock our friendship down. She moved to Germany, and I was still in Iran. We tried to keep the relationship, but it did not take more than a couple of years that we totally lost track of each other. About five years later I moved to the US and started my life. I have been searching for her ever since. I called the radio and left her name and my name, send massages throughout the world through people I knew in European countries. I asked my internet friends whom I knew reside in Germany but to no avail. I thought about her every now and then, thinking what could happen to her, or where she could be? Until last night, when I was browsing through my facebook and checking out my friends' friends in case I knew someone. Then I thought: "Why don't I search her name here?" I changed her name any way I could, then suddenly a name with a picture came!!! She was one of my friends' friend. Her picture almost like her. So I decided to send her a massage, and ask her if she is who I thought she was. Next day, I logged on to my facebook account and there she was. Yipeeeeeee. I shouted, I was so happy to finally find her. The I thought, all this time she was right there in my friend's list! Well, I feel so good now, I know it is not an easy task to take the friendship back where it was, or maybe even impossible since both of us have gone our own ways and residing in two different countries does not make things easier; however, knowing that she is there and alright is enough for me. I am excited to see her and if there is still anything remaining from those old days. Wish me luck:)


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