Mandela, on compassion, restraint, generosity

Mandela, on compassion, restraint, generosity
by bparhami

Morgan Freeman, playing Nelson Mandela in the movie “Invictus,” in a speech to fellow black South Africans:

"Our enemy is no longer the Afrikaner. They are our fellow South Africans … our partners in democracy. And they treasure Springbok rugby. If we take that away, we lose them. We prove that we are what they feared we would be. We have to be better than that. We have to surprise them … with compassion … with restraint and generosity. I know, all of the things they denied us. But this is no time to celebrate petty revenge. This is the time to build our nation … using every single brick available to us."

I wish someone could play this speech for the current rulers in Iran, and for some Iranians who are already talking about bloodshed and settling scores, once the current regime falls.


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