PALTALK: Heshmat Raisi interview with Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi


PALTALK: Heshmat Raisi interview with Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi
by Darius Kadivar

more from Darius Kadivar

A: its my fault. I will try

by alimostofi on

A: its my fault. I will try again.

Look at how mullahs safeguard their democracy with their institution. We need one to keep Iran first. You can call it what you like.

Ali Mostofi



Ali P.

Moshkel 2 taa shod!

by Ali P. on

Dear Ali:

You state:

'Having the Royal Institution, means that politics does not get involved in culture"


"democracy cannot be allowed to be used on cultural issues, to change the name of Iran like the mullahs did"

Average guy, average education, average intelligence, average command of the English language, here ; I don't understand what the above statements mean.

(Does anybody?)


A: Democracy is a process.

by alimostofi on

A: Democracy is a process. If you look at UK election, nationalistic issues do not get mixed in with the politics. In Republics, nationalistic sentiments get intertwined with politics. In UK it does not. Having the Royal Institution, means that politics does not get involved in culture. In France politics is into everything. In US it is even worse.

Cyrus needs to understand, that The Royal Institution has a purpose, and that is to keep politics and religion out of culture. For example democracy cannot be allowed to be used on cultural issues, to change the name of Iran like the mullahs did.

The bottom line is that democracy can be abused, and in ancient cultures we need to have safeguards against it.

Hope that clarifies my point.

Ali Mostofi



Ali P.

Massive mistake?

by Ali P. on

He's talking about the French and British democracies.

Is France more democratic, than Great Britain- or Germany more than Holland-, because the former has a President, and the latter has a Monarch?

You and I may not agree with the guy, but let's keep everything in it's context.


Ali P.



Massive mistake.

by alimostofi on

Cyrus Reza Pahlavi states clearly that there is little difference between UK and France at 01:07:11. I love our King. But why does he make such comments. I really do not want to point out the huge differences. That is Government 101.

For goodness sake stay out of politics. Just be a figure head.

Ali Mostofi




Thanks Mr. Kadivar, for the precious blog....

by پندارنیک on



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