If United States Attacks Iran you would...

by Daryush

If the United States attacks Iran, you would stand as:


1)      Mullah’s fault and you are thankful to the US

2)      Americans must leave Iran immediately

3)      Go back to Iran to fight the enemy

4)      Join the American military to fight the IRI

5)      I don’t give a damn

6)      Not sure how I would react


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Re: Anonymouspb

by dariushabadi on

Anonymouspb - You love this life too much to go to the front lines and do anything. Death would flash before your eyes and you would run like a rat.


I would join US Army and

by Anonymouspb (not verified) on

I would join US Army and kill as much as Mullah & Mojaheds like roaches.


To: Anonymous33 and everyone my apologies for my mistake

by Arezu (not verified) on

My apologies for mistaking you with David Frum. It definitely was not intentional or mal intended. I read your comment along with your reference to Frum’s Weekly Diary and the web-link and made a wrong assessment.

However, it demonstrates yes, I and many others have gotten suspicious of who may be reading our e-mails, listening to our phone calls and monitoring our activities, especially when Iran is on the radar screen of this Administration.

It just goes to show how the actions of this Administration have robbed us of the freedoms we once enjoyed without a question or a doubt.

In response to Anonymous17err you said: “I thank god that Arezu Urlich Nazi has the freedom to write his/her garbage (including the excessive copying and pasting) because I love America and what it stands for. However, I will not stop ridiculing such people, because they deserve to be ridiculed for what they write and believe in. They have an agenda and this agenda should be exposed.”

I can only speak on my own behalf and experiences of friends. No, I do not feel we have the freedom to write everything we feel like writing or saying what we feel like saying without taking a risk. Indeed many of us definitely believe we are taking a big risk. This has been confirmed by many who have experienced harassment as well as others in the U.S. political circles who have told me that we should be cautious.

In response to your other comments I have no other agenda other than what serves the best interest of the people of this country and Iran; the country which I live and my mother land. As for the rest of your comments it does not deserve a reply!

To everyone else please accept my apology.


One more thing Sasha

by Anonymous 1974B (not verified) on

To be fair, I don't think what Anonymous33 did was good or helpful either. Just to be honest:)))


Dear Sasha

by Anonymous 1974B (not verified) on

Dear Sasha,

I am not the one who thinks David Frum is Anonymous33. Whoever thinks that, should be on medication. Do you really think Anonymouse33 is David Frum Sasha? Look, we both know that Anonymouse33 is not Frum, but Arezu went to her/his favorite bookmarks, copied and pasted the nonsense propoganda, and used it as an Opportunity to feed us
the same ultra lefty crap.

My point is that whoever post an Anti IRI message here is labeled a neocone or zionist..... and you know the rest. This is the easy way out- This is what the IRI does if you disagree with them. Look at Ahmadinejad interviews. When ever they corner him, he asks the interviwer "perhaps you are a zionist"? And she/he (Arezu Urlich) does not like it when people label her an IRI supporter? Its OK for the Iranians to be under constant monitoring for 28 years- (for even wearing boots these days)? As far as Arezu Urlich Nazi is concerned, IRI's repression of its citizens is not a problem - But we who enjoy the imperialist USA (that is ruled by Zionist necons as far as Arzue is concerned) should be afraid of David Frum?

I thank god that Arezu Urlich Nazi has the freedom to write his/her garbage (including the excessive copying and pasting) because I love America and what it stands for. However, I will not stop ridiculing such people, because they deserve to be ridiculed for what they write and believe in. They have an agenda and this agenda should be exposed. Again, did you think Anonymous33 was David Frum and did it deserve Arezu's copying and pasting about David Frum?


Dear Anonymous1974B.........After reading your posted...:o)

by Sasha on

 After reading your posted comment I am beginning to wonder if maybe  forgot to take your medication. You are sounding a little too paranoid.


 By the way when the US and other governments do survelliance or any gathering of information, they do not go announcing it. It kinda messes with their secret operation.:o)






Arezu is Divaneh

by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

Hey Arezu, Mojgan, Nazanin, did you take you take your medication cocktail today yet? David Frum would not waist his time responding to you or watching you? He has hired me to do it. I am watching and reporting all your nonsense to the Neocons and Zionists. They are very interested in your copying and pasting talents to prove your far lefty idiotic analysis. Bad analysis. I am wondering if you are actually Soraya Ulrich Nazi Khanoom actually. Your writing and stupid view points are very similar to hers.

Brick of common sense

Summary of Faribors Maleknasri M.D.

by Brick of common sense on

He is saying that china could bring the u.s. to its knees because the majority of what america buys is from china.

Not to mention the fact that they are killing us with all the lead in toys and yet we still buy from them just shows that we depend on china too much.

He states that america was trying to build another empire (yes america had one before involving phillipines, guam, entire carribean, and used policing powers over southern and central america. -Thats why middle easterners not all mind you  call americans imperialist bastards - not a nice name though kinda harsh) off of afghanistan , iraq and is now trying to do the same with iran.

Also he is stating that going to war without it being declared by congress was the worst thing or dumbest (your pick) thing that americas done in the last 20 years; and that the excuse that iraq was going to to attack the was ridiculous or funny (your pick); and that america tried to do it again with iran and was once again proven wrong but without the dumb mistake.

He also states that even with americas 20 million man and women army with its intelligent missiles , destroyers, tanks all can america do is huff and puff with air like the big bad wolf who scared two pigs but cant get the last (bad analogy sorry but its all i can think of if you can think of a better one without cussing then please post); and that iran is an honorable nation because they created it and will protect it.



Note this is a summary of what Faribors Maleknasri M.D. but without calling any nations pigs =)

NOTICE and Disclaimer :

Once again I am sorry but could not think of another analogy that mentions that america is full of hot air with the conspiracy theories of Afghanistan, Iraq, and now the late added member to the list Iran attacking U.S.

Once again Apologies for bad analogy.=)


solving problems.............:o)

by Sasha on

 "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

                           -Albert Einstein




I hope you people will start fighting for your rights here -U.S.

by Arezu (not verified) on

Now that you know who is reading your e-mails and giving you wonderful advice like Mr. Frum, I hope you guys will start thinking of all the rights of the American citizens in this country which have been destroyed by the Bush Admin. and people like David Frum.

Iranians have their own problem but we have ours right here in U.S.A. Right under our very own nose people are snooping and gathering information. So if this is not a warning to all of you to start demanding your rights, I don't know what is.



To:all there lives among us a spy: Anonymous33 A/K/A David Frum

by Arezu (not verified) on

For all of you, Anonymous 33 is David Frum; and for those who don't know who David Frum is here is a brief bio. Please read and see what he stands for.

“David Frum is a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. A contributing writer for a number of rightist outlets (including the National Review Online, the Weekly Standard, the Wall Street Journal, Canada's National Post, and Britain's Daily Telegraph), Frum's articles typically offer ad hominem critiques of liberals and Europeans, espouse conservative social views, and push hawkish foreign policies—or a combination of all of the above. His July 11, 2007, National Review Online blog entry ("David Frum's Diary"), for example, carped………………………………………………………….

A fervent supporter of the Iraq War and of a hardline, Israel-centric U.S. policy in the Middle East, Frum frequently uses his columns to reinforce the neoconservative-championed argument that the United States and the West are in an existential conflict with Islam. In a March 2007 opinion piece for Foreign Policy,”

You David Frum and advocate of the illegal invasion of Iraq, which has resulted in the death of over 1,000,000 Iraqi civilians, the death of 4,000 U.S. soldiers, and another 4 million Iraqis displaced have a lot of guts getting on this web-site and promoting the same disaster that you so full heartedly supported against Iraq for Iran.

You must really think that the Iranian are fools who would allow the likes of you to preach to them about the benefits of sanctions, illegal wars and forced regime change by the U.S. Yes, you may have some traitor Iranians who side with you but I can assure you this is not the case with the none of the Iranian living in Iran and definitely not the majority of Iranian-Americans in this country.

What are you doing on this posting, collecting information to see how the Iranian-American dissidents vote and feel if the U.S. attacks Iran? Are you doing a poll or doing a research paper so that you can advocate another disasterous war on Iran? Or are you spying on us, to see how we vote so that you can inform the FBI or another U.S. spy agency so that they can come and harrass us? Which one is it Mr. Frum, I don't believe we are asking you for your advice with respect to anything having to do with our mother land Iran.

You and the rest of your friends and buddies, Michael Ledeen, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz the Zionist/neocon cabal are enemies of Iran and the Iranian people. You don’t even give a damn about the American people, the American soldier you are sending to war based on false and misleading information simply to fulfill your dreams of victory: As you have said: "My most fundamental views on the war in Iraq remain as they were in 2003: The war was right, victory is essential, and defeat would be calamitous."

You are also the same person who started the terminology "Axis of Evil" a prelude to the Bush Administrations adventures in targeting Iraq, Iran, N.Korea and God only knows what other countries in the region.





In 2003, Frum published his best-known book, The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush, which offered a firsthand account of the Bush presidency and the influence of the 9/11 attacks on the country and the administration. "George W. Bush was hardly the obvious man for the job. But by a very strange fate, he turned out to be, of all unlikely things, the right man," wrote Frum.
In 2003 Frum co-authored, with Richard Perle, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror, which defended the invasion of Iraq and promoted U.S.-backed regime change in Syria and Iran. The authors also promoted more aggressive U.S. policy toward North Korea and Saudi Arabia and derided the UN for being weak and bureaucratic while heralding the United States as the force that can bring peace to the world. They wrote: "A world at peace; a world governed by law; a world in which all peoples are free to find their own destinies: That dream has not yet come true, it will not come true soon, but if it ever does come true, it will be brought into being by American armed might and defended by American might, too."
The book, which appeared as the U.S. invasion began to morph into a bloody counterinsurgency campaign, called into question the rosy prognostications offered by neoconservatives and Bush administration hawks. According to Frum and Perle, however, the problems were a result not so much of the actions of foreign actors, such as the Sunni insurgency, but rather attempts by the "realists" in the State Department and the CIA, and by senior retired and active-duty military officers, to change the approach in Iraq and elsewhere in the region. Perle and Frum lamented: "We can feel the will to win ebbing in Washington; we sense the reversion to the bad old habits of complacency and denial."
Commenting on the book, Fareed Zakaria wrote: "Frum and Perle want transformation from 30,000 feet, without the moral taint of compromise. They scorn the diplomats who must deal with foreigners, not to mention the foreigners themselves" (Fareed Zakaria, "Showing Them Who's Boss," New York Times, February 8, 2004).
In November 2006, Vanity Fair published an article by David Rose that listed a number of "the [Iraq] War's remorseful proponents," those supporters of invading Iraq who had shifted their views and/or withdrawn their support of the Bush administration after the situation in Iraq steadily declined. These included Perle, Kenneth Adelman, Michael Rubin, Michael Ledeen, Eliot Cohen, Frank Gaffney, and Frum. Rose reported that, "To David Frum ... it now looks as if defeat may be inescapable, because 'the insurgency has proven it can kill anyone who cooperates, and the United States and its friends have failed to prove that it can protect them.'"
But Frum took issue with the characterization of his thoughts, proclaiming on the Huffington Post that there was "nothing remorseful" about his views. " It's true I fear that there is a real danger that the United States will lose in Iraq. And yes I do blame a lot that has gone wrong on failures of U.S. policy." Nevertheless, he said, "My most fundamental views on the war in Iraq remain as they were in 2003: The war was right, victory is essential, and defeat would be calamitous."


Daiushabadi........don't forget to mention...

by Sasha on

Don't forget to mention how the US helped out Afghanistan too. I know I sure have not forgotten it.






REPLY : IF USA ATTACK....................

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The question has zero relevance. The us-imperialism is in it preterminal life phase. On the other side: US can do ( or what is the same can not do ) a damn thing. again on the otherside please acknowledge the following: Presidential hopeful Ron Paul says President Bush has started empire-building by invading Iraq and Afghanistan and beating the drums of war with Iran.

The decision to invade Iraq in 2003 without a declaration of war by Congress was the most egregious violation of the Constitution in the last 20 years, Paul told Lahontan Valley News (LVN) prior to a campaign speech in Fallon.

He also rejected that there is any military threat to the US and said "to try to propose that the Iraqis were trying to attack us was ridiculous. Now they are doing it with the Iranians and they have proven wrong again."

During his campaign speech the Republican presidential candidate affirmed that no country has the power to control the world.

"There's no constitutional authority to rule the world," he said.

Regarding the threats the US is facing the Texas congressman said that the Chinese could bring the US to their knees with or without any other nation by just rejecting our dollar.

Paul believes financial problems, Washington's invasion of the US citizens' privacy and taxation are the major threats to the US.

and finally: IF...... so what? ever heard about the 20-Million man army? Sure one may say the 20 Million are not all men. But think: The women are much more heroic. that is the reaseo why the yankees stand on the doors to IRI barking and grunting since years and not dare to act more respectlessly igainst honourable iranian nation, I mean those iranians who live in IRI, have founded it and will protect it. Greeting.


US Democracy is a Shame - Murders USA - END of OIL PARASITE

by TriPod (not verified) on

You people are out of touch with reality.
Did you just get what happened.

If you have any sense, you would now from the
discussion below where you all stand .

With over 1000 000 Iraqi children murdered for OIL,
USA is the most hated government in in the ME and the world.

Do you think they will dare WAR with IRAN ?
If US cold it would have by now.

Over 1000,000 dreams and hope has been extinguished for OIL.

Over 1000,000 people with names have been killed by USA and continue to die in Iraq....

USA the killer of Iraqi Children .




Agha Daryush, Do you really

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Agha Daryush,
Do you really comprehend what you are asking? What is the point? Everybody will loose if a war is to occur! Including you my friend, unless of course you do not give a damn about Iranian civilian death-toll. The drinking water that you take for granted in US or else where is not available for many Iraqies in most of the countries provinces, do you get the picture now!? So my answar simply put - No, thank you very much! Fatollah


California dreaming?

by observing (not verified) on

Do you think the US can't find out who you are? They can. My son is in computer security and trust me....They can find you. I bet someone is looking right now.


Iran Loves Russia - Down with USA and its Nokar Israel ...

by TriPod (not verified) on

See why ...


We will build a highway to ....

Long Live Iran and Israel will be our Nokar .
We love those read hair girls ...


people of iran

by dariushabadi on

then let the people of iran fix their problems themselves.


are you saying the people of iran are less capable than the people of europe that overcame oppression and tyranny after long wars and civil wars and monarchies and dictatorships?


do you feel so impotent that you need America to save your ass (but in reality America won't save Iran, it will only exploit it. No country spends BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to save people, it does it for their own economic interests).




I rather people inside stand up for their rights, than have others come and tell us what to do and give us rights as if it was up to them to give it to us.


Look at Iraq. How much good has America done for Iraq? Proves only that America spends billions to make trillions, not to save people or export democracy.


To hypocrites

by kurdish warrior (not verified) on

The enemy of Iran is the one from within, who torture, prison, rape and hang our own people. It’s regime who deny our individual right. It's regime who caused us nothing but devastation.



by dariushabadi on

anyone who sides with the enemies of Iran (the USA/Israel/British), is a vatanfoorosh. Clear as light and day.


The answer is obvious (down with mullahs)

by kurdish warrior (not verified) on

Go back to Iran to fight the enemy whom are the fascist IRI and it's supporters.


America's new intelligence

by Anonymous33 (not verified) on

America's new intelligence estimate on Iran changes nothing--and it changes everything. Last week, the Bush administration released large portions of its latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the Iranian nuclear program. The NIE concluded that Iran had shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003.

The NIE cautioned that there remained much to worry about. Iran could revive its weapons program at any time. And Iran continues to enrich uranium to levels that could serve as the fuel for a nuclear weapon.

Still, the NIE went far to lift the mood of imminent threat. The Iranian nuclear problem remains a huge problem--but maybe not an urgent problem.

Some have questioned the value of the NIE. No question, intelligence is a very imperfect art. Intelligence agencies often have institutional biases. The CIA in particular has been waging a long-term insurgency against the Bush administration through damaging leaks.

But an NIE is not a CIA product. An NIE represents the consensus view of the 16 U.S. national intelligence agencies, including the Defense Intelligence Agency and the high-tech listening specialists at the National Security Agency. This particular NIE seems to owe a great deal to information provided by Ali Reza Asghari, the Iranian deputy minister of defense who defected to the United States in February, 2007. It would be very unwise and irresponsible to mark the NIE down as the work of disgruntled internal political opponents in the bureaucracy.

The NIE is a foundational political fact that will make it politically impossible for the Bush administration to launch a strike at Iran's nuclear facilities.

Now in one sense, this changes nothing. Hype aside (and as I've been writing for 18 months) the Bush administration has never had any real intention of striking the Iranian nuclear facilities. The new intelligence estimate makes it politically impossible to do something that was not going to happen anyway.

Yet the estimate also changes everything. So long as the world believed that the administration might strike Iran, nobody attached much weight to the administration's utter lack of non-military policies toward the Islamic Republic.

But with force off the table, suddenly the world is noticing that nothing much else is on the table.

Into the void have rushed a thousand policy suggestions. (For those interested, I posted my own at frum.nationalreview.com last Wednesday.)

But few of these suggestions begin with a clear view of what the West needs to accomplish in Iran.

The problem in Iran is not the regime's weaponry: It is the regime itself.

Even without nuclear weapons, Iran supports terrorism worldwide. Between 1992 and 1996, Iran embarked on a terrorist rampage, carrying out attacks that killed some 200 people in Argentina, Germany and a U.S. base in Saudi Arabia, among other targets. The terror campaign temporarily subsided after 1996, only to resume in 2001, this time targeting first Israel and then Iraq and Afghanistan.

The idea that there is some kind of deal to be done with this regime is highly unrealistic.

The Western goal, rather, should be to drive a wedge between the regime and its disaffected population--in the way that the Reagan administration worked to isolate and discredit Eastern European communist regimes in the1980s.

That means reassuring the Iranian population that the United States intends no violence against them--while maintaining economic pressure against the regime and supporting dissident broadcasting and political movements.

Despite rising oil prices, the Iranian regime is in terrible economic shape. (That may be one reason it suspended its costly nuclear program.) Wages are stagnant, inflation is worsening, unemployment is high, gasoline is in short supply. Foreign investors shun Iran not only because of economic sanctions, but also because the country offers a dangerous and unpredictable business environment.

With oil at $100 a barrel, the regime can probably afford to buy enough support to survive. But as it becomes clear that Washington is not planning to attack Iran, that price should decline--as oil prices always do when threat of war subsides. At $60, $50, $40, $30, the regime becomes steadily less durable; the population increasingly impatient; and the chances for change increasingly promising.

Change should be the goal of U.S. policy. Economic pressure and communications operations should be the methods. A "grand bargain" is the dead end to avoid. And war should be seen as what it always is: a sign of policy failure, rather than a tactic to be used for failure to imagine anything better.



I will

by Jesus (not verified) on

Walk on the waters of Persian Gulf first, than laugh my jewish ass off, as I see hezbollahi like Arezu, Xerxes, and others take their stolen money, and run away to the great satan who will become their new best friend...

Than I will have some "ashe reshte"


No Different Than If US Attacked Any Other Country

by ts (not verified) on

I don't draw a distinction between the US attacking Iran or any other country. What needs to be considered are the reasons and basis for the attack. Generally speaking I'm against any war. However, if the Islamic Republic of Iran were to pose emminent and grave danger to the safety and stability of the region, then the world will be left with no other option. When I hear Ahmadinezad talk, I sometimes think war on Iran is the only way to put that bastard out.


Israel is no enemy

by Anonymous in the USA (not verified) on

I just don't get it why we should have any (I mean any) problem with Israel. They are the enemy of our enemies which are Arab nations ( not our fellow Iranian Arabs in Khouzestan). We are in the same side in any struggle in middle east since Israel was born and even long before that. Israel is Iran's best friend. They even can lobby for us in the USA.


I would go to Sweden and fight the Swedes

by Mehdi on

Because I have never liked those damn vikings! - hehe :-)


payback time!

by kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Return to Iran to settle old scores! It is highly unlikely that IRI will get bombed by the U.S. Valee, Arezou bar javanan ayb neest!



by pintel (not verified) on



Against Genecide of Iranians and Iranian Culture by..........

by \O=O/ (not verified) on

Islamists, we Iranians without stopping will keep uprooting our true Iranian heritage. This is what Ferdowsi thought us. We will not give up our Iranianness.

Iran belongs to Iranians. We will not submit. We remain Iranian forever.

Stop Genocide of Iranians and Iranian culture by Islamists.


9) None of the above...........

by Sasha on