راه براندازی رژیم در دو جمله

راه براندازی رژیم در دو جمله
by David ET

راه براندازی رژیم در دو جمله:

راه براندازی رژیم تشویق به اعتصاب گسترده سراسری و تعطیل عمومی‌ تا... سقوط رژیم است. این روش، کمترین هزینه برای مردم و بیشترین ضربه را به ارکان رژیم تا سرنگونی میزند. 

رسانه شمایید.


more from David ET


by Rostam on

In another blog, in support of Mousavi, you asked me: where are your leaders, who is your leader that can come even remotely close to Mousavi and Karroubi...

I gave you some names of "leaders" that the IRI and its right hand, the reformists, had killed, murdered or imprisoned in the past 32 years, all so that today you and other reformists can conveniently and comfortably tell the rest of us: "Where are your leaders? You don't have any leader, nada, zilch, nay, zero... (your own words)"

Here is a link to another of my "leaders", and in your own words, another of those "nada, zilch, nay, zeros" whom the IRI has silenced, so that you can have the privilege and comfort of telling me that I have no leaders. Take a good look:


After looking at that blog, once again you'd know where the "No leader, nada, zilch, nay, zero" in your sentence is coming from.

Your "nada, zilch, nay, zero" has a strong resemblence to Ahmadinejad's "khak o khashahk" statement, does it not?

"nang va aagh" on you and all other corrupt supporters of the regime, fundementalists, reformists or otherwise.


Great idea, that is the way should be...

by Siavash300 on

Tyrrany of stinky mullahs can only end once strikes take place throughout Iran, especially in deprived area such as Shoosh, Rah-e-Ahan and Javadiyeh. The strike of workers in southern part of Tehran can break the back of these Islamic criminals. Inellectuals should educate this part of our society and bring them to strike. Oil refinary workers in Abadan plays the most important role in this historical conjunction. 

David ET

آغاز اعتصاب در پالایشگاه آبادان

David ET

G. Rahmanian

Armed Struggle?

by G. Rahmanian on

People want democracy and that's what they've been asking for all along. Khomeini lied to Iranians. The regime of coup d'état has no intention of giving up its grip on power. Iranians opposing the regime don't want to kill that's why they come to the streets unarmed. It's the regime which has declared war on people and not vice versa. As others have pointed out, at some stage in their struggle for democracy, people may find it necessary to choose options other than peaceful protests. The regime scared to death of people sees their simple protests as a declaration of war, so it uses everything in its power to suppress them. The regime claims to be democratic. In a democracy people have the right to organize and protest. Other options still available include strikes, sit ins, slowdowns and boycotts. Armed resistance my be used as a last resort.


Exactly HHH

by fidelio5 on

I've said it before I'll say it again:

Armed resistance.


Thank you David ET... As an

by Arthimis on

Thank you David ET... As an Iranian with conscience, I agree with your idea and comments about bringing this tyrrany down with such effective strategy...

 Unfortunately, there are many so called Iranians who have direct and indirect deals with this corrupt regime and are afraid of losing their financial ties, investments and even free benefits... The rest are really scared of their lives... The problem is that this evil regime with endless Iranian oil and gas wealth gives a little bit of this and that to an avarge Iranian to make them barely satisfied... Once this happens, people forget about their original problems and misfortunes under such backwarded regime again... Avarage Iranians have lost their self esteem and confidence and it takes a massive and all out, United in hearts, minds and souls for another uprising that God willingly will bring this tyranny down, once and for all, starting tomorrow!!!

Victorious and Free Iran and Iranians.  


How to Change the Regime in Two Words

by HHH on

Arm Iranians.

David ET


by David ET on

last year idea, IP?! what nonesense are you talking about?

You did not undertood a word of what I said. It is probably above your grade.


Dear Mammad: THank you for

by vildemose on

Dear Mammad: THank you for the info.


RE: DavidET

by Kooshan on

hehe...... You say this is not the FIRST thing written?

This idea was widely rumorelast year but nothing happened.

Kojaye kari AAMOOO!


And do not try to take other people's IP. They might have patented it and will use against you when you get in power!


Cyrus Safdari

by Mammad on

is pro-Ahmadinejad who has a website and apparently lives in France. He is one of those who has "romanticized" AN as a "nationalist" and "anti-imperialist."



G. Rahmanian

Oil Workers!

by G. Rahmanian on

Last time, in the late 70's, the oil company employees' strike started as a result of threats, intimidation and death of two employees in the hands of the Islamist goons. You could hardly find oil workrrs who were for the strike. That was a big blow, perhaps, the biggest to the Shah's regime. This time around, many employees would happily join the strike.


David ET, you're very right and Kurdistan leads!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

وبلاگ خودنویس از احتمال "اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان" در روز یکشنبه (اول اسفند) و "در اعتراض به قتل عام جوانان کرد" خبر داده است.

David ET


by David ET on

This is not the first thing that was written in this blog, laughed at by some and not long after it became a reality! 

sooner than you think, meanwhile follow your given name... 


Who is Cyrus Safdari? Does

by vildemose on

Who is Cyrus Safdari? Does anybody know?


ET.....Jiggar tala

by Kooshan on

How do you want to encourage people? That is the missing point?


Khosham miad ba in taktik haye kafe-shoppi........hehehe!


I appologize but I had to respond in a synical way to a silly post!!!!!!!!!!


Strike it the way

by divaneh on

I agree with MM that strike by oil workers would have the most effect on the regime. Strike by Bazaris would have been as good but they are a generally a gutless, money pinching crowd.


strike.....especially the oil workers

by MM on

cut off the spigot that keeps the evil-doers going

David ET

Has worked in Iran and other countries and works again

by David ET on

They can NOT run the country without participation of majority.

In the beginning not everyone participates but once they see the number of those not working more and more will be less afraid and join and within a short time it becomes all out strike.

This also makes the particiaption more widespread getting workers and other sectors of society (teachers etc) involved.

Want to stop a machine, stop maintaining it with your own efforts! 

The fact is the street demonstrations (not combined with general strike) has NOT worked and regime is still here. 


Maryam Hojjat

Not everyone does it!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Most the young are unemployed and their parents are mostly losing jobs. There are Islamists who have had benefits in this regime are with the regime which pays them well. So, Only it is possible if workers from all different industries stop working.

Mola Nasredeen

"He's kidding

by Mola Nasredeen on

right?" murmured Hazrate shotor.