Shame on you (2)


Shame on you (2)
by David ET

In reponse to Shame on you!!!! atricle by Cameron A. Batmanghlich  

Indeed over reactions of Israel to terrorist Hamas Organization by holding a city and its population hostage with lack of basic necessities and their daily bombardments is a humanitarian disaster and shameful and so is any defense of such inhumane act and please pass my sincere condolence to your friend who lost dear ones in Gaza.

But I also looked at your blog and it was filled with pseudo-intellectual articles since September 2007 and not once you addressed and felt shame for anything else that has been happening in the world and your own country Iran and now suddenly you start passing Shame to others?! Did you mean to say shame on me or at least shame on us ? Was it just a typo or you and everyone who feels the same , only know how to pass shame of others ?! and not take any responsibility yourself? 

Where is your shame in not saying a word in the past 1.5 years of blogging in here , like did today for the first time; about issues such as 

Political Imprisonments in Iran

Tortures in Iran

Killings and executions in Iran

Shutting down the newspapers in Iran

Arresting and beating Iranian women in the streets 

Executions under pretext of cleansing the society

Imprisonment and harassment's of Iranian students

Executing Children


....and so much more ??

Do I need to name the women members of million signature campaign who have been arrested in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to name the teachers , labor union leaders, human rights advocates and even clergy who were  imprisoned in the past 1.5 years ?

Do I need to give you statistics of drug use, poverty, unemployment, prostitution,... in Iran?

Do I need to....? ? ?

Mr. Cameron , I am sure now that you wrote few paragraphs about the inhumanity of Israel after you received the email about your friends loss but may be that was a wake up call that all these other Iranian people also have friends and family too and so do those civilian Israeli's who get blown to pieces by suicide bombers of Hamas.


Next time you wish to jump on the politically correct bandwagons of shaming others,...take a look in the mirror and once in while think about what is happening to your own countryman too !

and then at least say Shame on us !!

I am glad you and many others are now voicing your disappointment about what is happening to Palestinians but when this is all over, please do not disappear again while others keep trying to get your attention about inhumanity in your own country  while you are basking back in to your "Tango", "Amor perdido", "Birds", "Cigarette", "your heart" , "Piazza"..... and so on!

Those are all lovely and beautiful thoughts about life but while you have been living in your dreamland, people of your country ALSO have been suffering, suffocating and even dying too!



more from David ET

Great timing David

by Zeynab on

I really mean it too. I am tired of the Pseudo-intellectual, lefty people , who can not see the hand of IRI in this mess. Thanks , a breath of fresh air.

Communism has came done with the Berlin wall, wake up!!!

Lets just look at the goone in the above  picture ?? Shame on IRI.


David ET , I am glad you spoke, I am with you all the way.

by curly (not verified) on

I cry for Palestinian children, but at the same time My heart went to the wife of kidnapped soldier's wife in Israel. We Iranians , have been brain washed to only care for one group of people. What about children in darfur? I agree with David , saying that it is "In " to support Palestinians. I agree with him the reason that children are dying in Gaza is the terrorist activity of Hamas.
I applaud him , for choosing the picture of this monster who has covered his face in the shame of his own action. lets just look at the machete he is carrying, he is ready to kill a country man of his own. SHAME ON HIM, Not me, or you???

David ET

ghalam-doon and Zion

by David ET on

Dear ghalam-doon: Iranians are "human" . We dont have to be human first and Iranian 2nd, be can be both at the same time. 

Dear Zion; I noticed that self-explaining comment too!  Obviously, the Ghaza war has also been an opportunity to "fish in muddy waters".


David ET

Dear Kaveh and Niki

by David ET on

Kaveh Jaan: Yes! I have been told that I am "bluntly honest" often but then I am not here for popularity contest either. So it's all good my friend. Indeed the tunnel vision is the cause of many arguments and even wars.

Dear Niki: Thank you for not "policing" my comments :-) 

If your definition of unity denies me of my right to express my opinions , that is not the UNITY that I have been "preaching" . If you kindly read the sentence below the word UNITY on top of this page, you will notice that the unity that I mention is based on very specific principals to agree upon ' but agreeing on everything is not part of it , for that we already have Islamic Republic!



Hardly surprisng

by Zion on

Given that the gentleman on the other block has ideas of this sort:

'As the matter of fact, Palestine, Lebanon, Venezuela, and all other countries who to various degree express loyalty (from Hezbollah as a direct political and military arm of Iran to Hamas as a recent satellite of Iran), ensure our homeland’s security. '

All those you have mentioned David were zionist agents that threatened his regime's homeland security. Obviously he wouldn't care a bit for what happened and keeps happening to them. Should we expect anything else from people like him?

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Why are you trying to incite more chaos on the matter?

Yes, Cameron's post is indeed decent. But his post is not being "targeted". I don't see David or anyone else minimizing what has happened to this family of 13 in Gaza.

Cameron's post speaks volumes about the enormous human tragedy that is happening at this moment. But in all honesty, it's only part of the story, and David is telling another.

And while you're thinking that you are being asked to justify anything to anyone, you might want to try justifying to yourself first.


Keyvan Talebi

You are 100% Right David! Shame on US!

by Keyvan Talebi on

Just look how you get attacked for daring to speak your mind. For daring to be balanced and for daring to care for Iranians against the interest of the Islamic Republic. It is very amusing to see these "human rights" and "palestinian rights"  rise up any time Israel takes action against the entities supported by the Islamic Republic. How ironic, that they are silent to the daily abuse of our brothers and siters in Iran by the Islamic Regime. How Ironic!!!


Back to regular programmng!

by ghalam-doon on

I guess the jubilation of some of us who thought "we" could be human 1st and then Iranian was short lived. 

So what is the next step? "Shame on you (3)" which presents the Zionist point of view.

Shame on us.


What about the Sudanese government initiated genocide in Darfur

by Inquiring minds (not verified) on

Why Cameron and others who sing in tune with him do not feel any shame for ignoring the plight of 400,000 civilian Muslim deaths and 70000 displaced In Darfur, Sudan?!!!

Why not so much attention, time and energy is not spent there? Aren't those poor people muslim human beings as well? Why not?

because IRI has good relationship with the Sudanese government, we should ignore them?

David ET

Dear Niloufar

by David ET on

I hope this explains my point better: 

I raised the issue of IR's violations of human rights of Iranian and disproportional silence of some to it while the same ones are so outspoken about human right violations of Palestinians.

For some reason you questioned my timing as "awkward" so I replied that I have been told that for 30 years and I have never complied. Only few examples :

Questioning IR's violations of human rights in early months of revolution:

- "Your timing is awkward, the revolution is young and enemies want it to fail"

Questioning IR's violations of human rights during hostage crisis:

"Your timing is awkward, USA may attack us anytime"

Questioning IR's violations of human rights during Iran-Iraq war:

"Your timing is awkward, we are at war with Saddam "

Questioning IR's violations of human rights during Nuclear issue:

"Your timing is awkward, Israel and US may be attacking us"

Questioning IR's violations of human rights during Gaza war

"Your timing is awkward, the Gaza tragedy is of bigger dimension"

I guess by now you get my point

and I do not know what your comment of "Pro-Israel" means. If you mean I am for the right of Israel to exists (ABSOLUTELY) and If you mean I am for the Israel's violations of Palestinians human rights (ABSOLUTELY NOT) .



David jan

by Anonymous-irany (not verified) on

Thank you very much for speaking up dear David. I am sorry to see that our fellow Iranians care more about the others than their own people. It's very sad to see all these "beeganeh parasty". As always "Kasseh daghtar az Asch". Every single day our brothers and sisters get kill and hanged by IRI and nobody care about it. For Niloufar, Q, Souri etc. Arab issues are more important than their own people's problems. Say goodbye to beeganeh parasty and be a decent Iranian.


Policing other people's statements

by Niki on

How sad that the same guy who goes around preaching to us about unity and principles of human rights, seeks as his target a decent post by cameron batmanghlich.

Good for Cameron and all of the people who have supported his statements, I am glad they are speaking out and dont feel the need to justify themselves to the likes of you. 

Asghar Taragheh

Very Well Put Mr. David ET!

by Asghar Taragheh on

What you say is very true and accurate. Thank you. I support your stance on this!


Dear Paymaneh, I loved your

by fnakm (not verified) on

Dear Paymaneh,

I loved your comments and how you compared David's comments to some kind of entrance exam and how you talked about Guardian Council of

David ET

Dear Paymaneh

by David ET on

I did not state that I leave, I wrote that I will stop commenting in other blogs and only limit myself to posting in my own and commenting here and only to registered users.

I totally agree with your points that people are different and have different interests and I actually respect and celebrate that and have absolutely no problem with it

I even do not have any problem if naturally when we face with a tragedy or any issues we might shift our attention to a new subject for a while or in future . That is a natural human reaction.

So far so good but here is what I have problem with

That we mind our business and our interest and then something comes up that somehow affects us personally and then we pull our sword and announce war on others that we know little of!

Shame on who? Did anyone tell the author shame on him for anything ? but if he wants to suddenly play the shame game then may be he should see a little of his own prescription to see others have been suffering too and he too may have been either silent or on the wrong side or not caring.

In fact my blog was NOT really about any individual , not at all. This is about an "attitude" and I used it as an example.

I give you two examples so you can relate to my comment on a personal basis:

- For the past few years I have received emails and talked on the phone to parents and families who were either going to lose their loved ones , or already had lost them to the human rights violation of Islamic Republic or they were saved from such atrocities . I have talked or received emails from activists and lawyers and heard their fears , pleas and frustrations. They were not related to me but as a human being I too felt their pain and I tried to do what I can to get the word out and let others know or somehow help.

But because of my personal emotions I did not pull a sword on others or start posting shame on you blogs ! 

another example we have opposite views here on this website such as Q and Zion on the issue of Israel/Palestine and others are in different spectrum's of it...

I see everyone communicating their views , one way or another but few personally attack or have actually announced their own wars on each other.. and they know who they are...

No matter why; I see no reason the author "daring" Zion in his comments or another personally attacking Q . I actually do not share the views on neither one of the two but as Voltaire says : "I disagree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it"

In short, I think EMOTIONALISM is at the heart of the issues such as Israel and Palestine and BOTH sides are guilty of it.

and if someone wants to start the shame thing, there are plenty to go around and as you rightfully said that is NOT the way to communicate.

and no I am not an activist, I am just a human being with my own flaws but I am not a pacifist either.



David, you hit it on the head

by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

All of a sudden the business of Israel and Palestine has become an Iranian issue and everyone is jumping up and down. I have never heard an Iranian to say something about Darfur, Burma, Congo, Chechnya and etc.. The list is really long. So, I am not sure why this issue is different from the other one. I think we Iranian should concentrate all our effort to issues on hand in our beloved country and help our people. As of this moment Shirin Ebadi life is in danger and we are doing very little for her and there are numerous other human right violation that are going on in Iran. Let's talk about that. Let Israel and Palestine figure out how to solve their problems.

Kaveh Nouraee

David khan

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Thank you for raising a very valid point.

Unfortunately, once of the side effects of blunt honesty such as yours is that you are immediately labeled a Zionist or pro-Israeli by people who think they are part of the intellectual illuminati, when in reality they are simply legends in their own narrow little minds.

Thank you again for again attempting to show the whole truth, and not just part of it.



bullacks and excuses

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

as usual David ET.


Ghorboone dahanet David joon ...

by Mash_Ghasem (not verified) on

harfe dele mano zadi ! damet garm !

Niloufar Parsi

david jan, with respect

by Niloufar Parsi on

you mean as soon as the IRI came to power 30 years ago, you went pro-israeli? or you thought nothing matters other than the IRI in the wrold? what political position does one not grow out of in 30 years? must be something very fundamental and i would like to hear it from you.



And you are the one who teach us UNITY ...?

by Souri on

I'm so much disappointed.


To David ET: more power to you!

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

Ghorboon e dahanet! nobody could have said it any better!

Paymaneh Amiri

Dear David

by Paymaneh Amiri on

I'm glad you decided to stay.

Unless I am imagining things, I have noticed an increasingly angry tone to your comments and blogs lately.  As an experienced activist, I expect a lot more of you in the way you carry yourself and address others.

The nucleus of you blog argument is flawed.  Just because Cameron likes to write poetry for, does that mean that he has no other interests or causes that he follows passionately in his life?  Does he have to report all those interests and causes to us?  If after writing poetry forever, one day he shows up appalled and agitated and passionate enough about a cause to write about it, must he seek authorization from bona fide activists on the site before he can proceed?  Is there some type of entrance exam, or "gozeenesh" which the person must go through before they are seen fit to express a political opinion?  By whom?  The Guardian Council of 

An activist's job is to educate and encourage and lead the society about what ails humanity.  An activist's job is never to shame anyone into action.  Most certainly an activist's job is not to question why someone is feeling passionate enough to express his or her outrage.  Sorry for this critical comment.  You know I do hold you in highest respect for all that you have done and accomplished in your work.


David Et. Joon, Fadat Sham!

by Ghazvini (not verified) on

Harfeh khoobi zadi!

David ET

I know Niloufar

by David ET on

I have been told that for 30 years for one reason or another and I still haven't complied..

peace indeed

Niloufar Parsi

David khan

by Niloufar Parsi on

your timing with this one is awkward.
