Iranian Oppositions and the Status Quo


Dr. Mansur Rastani
by Dr. Mansur Rastani

A few days ago I received an email introducing a new website mainly for English-language users, entitled “” , and asking people to join by registering and signing in on the website and start publishing articles. A familiar name, Hassan Dai, was noted as the chief editor of the website. Being familiar with Hassan Dai’s two other websites and his protracted work in dealing with NIAC, my initial reaction to this email was to respond it with the same impression, I have had subjectively from most oppositions in the Iranian diaspora in regard to their vain struggle in untying the hard knot of their dilemma of status quo. My ultimate blame however has always gone to Western Powers’ dirty politics that have been manipulative among the Iranian oppositions and effective in derailing their efforts on securing democracy in Iran.

Regardless, the purpose of this article is to open up a different angle of criticism on the subject matter, Iranian Oppositions and the Status Quo, for a constructive review. Hassan Dai is known among Iranian public for his efforts on investigating National Iranian-American Council (NIAC) and more specifically Trita (Non-)Parsi, and divulging its IRI-lobbying mission in Washington to public. According to an article in Iran-Ghalam by Mohammad Sobhani, a former MKO member, Hassan Dai is considered a member of MKO, while Dai himself denies the allegation but admits that his brother and sister are among the current MKO members who are living in Ashraf Camp in Iraq. According to his website Dai left Iran and settled in France at age 24. After 20 years in France he moved to United States in 2001. Since 2005 he has started collaborating with two independent Iranian journalists inside the country focusing on the Iranian Regime’s lobby in US.

In May 2008 Dai has created and registered two nonprofit organizations, each with its own board of directors, one called “In Search of Truth”, and the other labeled as “Progressive American-Iranian committee”, PAIC for short. Both organizations have identical contents on their websites and 95% of their subject matters are devoted to investigation on NIAC. Among the goals of the PAIC organization, beyond exposing the intents of IRI-lobbying networks, are enumerated as to strive on gaining support of the US government and international organizations for the real democratic forces inside Iran, and also to promote everlasting friendship among Iranians and Americans. Interestingly, the means of achieving those goals are listed as follows:

Mobilization of the Iranian-Americans in taking an active role in the American politics.

Seeking the support of the American people and different institutions and associations involved in social, political and cultural affairs.

Seeking the support of the legislative branch of the government and the high ranking political authorities.

The use of American media to reflect our demands.

Judging from these objectives it is obvious that Hassan Dai’s ambition has been to introduce a cluster of Oppositions as the legitimate “Iranian lobbyist” group in Washington that could replace NIAC. Obviously accomplishing such goal entails more efforts from Dai than just disgracing NIAC in the eye of the politicians in D.C. It also requires him to show to those politicians his superiority in legitimacy, quality and strength of his group over NIAC. As an advocate, Hassan Dai has been expected to walk the halls of the Congress and Senate speaking for the Iranian American community. Presumably it necessitates for him to express his alternative views of the Iranian-American in Washington D.C.

We’ve never seen him to object when the congress was passing a bill prohibiting visas to all Iranian applicants’ after 9/11. Hassan Dai never started a campaign to protect the Persepolis artifacts from lawsuits. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to Iranians’ welfare in Congress/Senate and Washington he has never been there to represent their voice, on the contrary he has been distant from the U.S. political authorities in Washington for that matter. Instead all we’ve seen from him was his task of divulging the IRI-lobbying network, too busy within the context of web-text journalism.

By placing all his focus on disgracing NIAC, Hassan Dai has literally taken the risk of putting all his eggs in one basket. In short, the objectives that have been set for his non-profit organizations at the beginning of their establishment in year 2008 have not met yet. A brief on the new website of “” indicates that the primary purpose of the site is to allow for Iranians to express themselves and lets their views known to decision makers in the United States and beyond.

Quickly a question comes to mind that has the purpose of creating this new website been initially aimed at recovering the missed opportunities of walking the hall of Congress in Washington during the last 3 years? In other word, has this website been considered as a substitute template to bypass the practice of Iranian lobbying in Washington? If so, then we should expect witnessing few more years of status quo with no results, since the kind of required experience in Washington will not be achieved through the context of web-text journalism. When someone knocks at the office door of a U.S. decision makers in Washington, the bureaucrat hardly wants to see him, how can one expect those officials to refer to this website on their freewill to find out what Iranian demands are!?

The reality behind the fact that some groups such as NIAC are unjustifiably have managed to get their message across to the Washington and illegally represent themselves as the voice of Iranians is merely due to their superior communication skills and perhaps problem solving ability. What could have possibly gone wrong that after three years nothing more than divulging the IRI-lobbying network has been accomplished by Hassan Dai? What has been the reason that has kept him distant from Washington? At some point of time I personally had the opportunity to have an individual judgment of Dai’s work on NIAC dilemma and to my surprise I noticed that among two choices he picked the one that represented the status quo of ineffective situation over the smart approach, which required the collaboration of team members in doing something much more bigger and efficient. Could his lack of communication skills or management abilities, which I refer to intellectual blocks, be the answer to these two questions?

In most of his research works Hassan Dai has made use of semi-classified (if not classified) materials, which can only be retrieved by a professional team who are fluent in English language and has tie to the Government intelligence office, and apparently he had in his access such manpower. Besides he has benefited from the Neo-Cons’ support of his views in regard to NIAC dilemma and also on publishing his writings. Hi work of investigation on NIAC has been produced not only through articles in his websites but via audio and video clips all over the internet and also through short documentaries in LA based Iranian Satellite TV Stations. To my surprise none of these versions of his work has been shown in main-stream media and American TVs to get the message across the nation, or at least no claim for attempting such measure has been heard.

More strange to me has been the fact that I haven’t be able to find a trace of an audio or video clip anywhere that shows Hassan Dai being interviewed in English Language by some foreign media, or participated in some foreign panel or meeting that he has spoken or presented an article in English language. If so, could his lack of English proficiency be the answer to the above-mentioned two questions?

Or maybe we have to find the answer among the dirty politics and deception of Western Powers that for 32 years have tended to create distraction among the Iranian diaspora whom are forced to impede the process of earning democracy for their country.

Mansur Rastani, PhD




more from Dr. Mansur Rastani

Mr. Rastani: It is precisely the matter of agreeing to disagree

by Bavafa on

but apparently you can not comprehend that.

I first thought to quote sections of your article and how it is really geared towards Israel but then again I thought, if you already not seeing this, I don't think any amount of quotes and info will convince you otherwise. I am sorry I visited your page or attempted the conversation.

I am sorry I stopped by your page

Good day

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 


Dr. Mansur Rastani

Bavafa, It is not a matter of agreeing to disagree

by Dr. Mansur Rastani on


It is not a matter of agreeing to disagree, you either comprehend the fact or can't, it is like 2x2=4.

If you have any question about this article here come back, otherwise any further discussion on the same subject seems illogical. 



Mr. Rastani: lets agree to disagree

by Bavafa on


'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 


Dr. Mansur Rastani

Bavafa, you are confirming my point

by Dr. Mansur Rastani on

Mr. Bavafa, by listing the articles here you are actually confirming what I wrote in my prior email.

The following two articles are not related to Israel,

A Coming Storm? Prospects and Implications of UN Recognition of
Palestinian Statehood


As I said in my prior email the above article is mainly about the UN Recognition of Palestian Statehood on coming September, it also discusses the consequences and possible problems in the region. This is a big topic, for the first time UN recognizes Palestine as an indepent state, it never happened before. 


[Murdering Israelis is
not Terrorism] Tehran Anti-Terror Conference Ends Work with Final Statement


 Also as I said before, the above article is about the Anti-Terror conference that was hold in Tehran, the statement in reference to Israel is the output of conference, for more details refer to this site again and read the very end paragraph of the article.

Hope this clarifies things for you. 



Mr. Rastani: my apology if my comment had offended you

by Bavafa on

But the misreading may not be all mine.

1- I did make a direct and relevant comment about the content of your blog. In fact I praised it.

2- The majority of articles in your blog are about Israel (4 out of 11) in contrast ONE is about the crimes of IRI vise a vie Iranians and two others about Iran in relation to US and ME.

I do understand that in each article the name of Iran, Syria, Egypt, etc may have been mentioned but you surely not implying that they are not mainly about Israel?

Here are the title of each blog entry with links to each of them.

I look forward to your next and balanced blog on IC.

Israel's Palace Coup Plotters


A Coming Storm? Prospects and Implications of UN Recognition of Palestinian Statehood //

Israel's Vice PM Speaks about Iran and the UN Recognition of Palestinian Statehood


[Murdering Israelis is not Terrorism] Tehran Anti-Terror Conference Ends Work with Final Statement



'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 


Dr. Mansur Rastani

Mr. Bavafa, the problem is all yours

by Dr. Mansur Rastani on


Mr. Bavafa, your question is irrelevant to the article here, however since you raised the question, here are the answer for you.

Unfortunately, the problem is all due to your misreading.

First, on that page of website, out of 11 postings there are
only one article and one video clip in regard to Israel (you need to go back there and recheck it out, but carefully this time, for example there is an article about the anti-terror conference in Tehran that delivers a statement about Israel and obviously that article is not about

Second, the one article about Israel in that page is not
speaking in support of Israel; on the contrary it talks about the differences and disagreement within the Israeli government among the cabinet members and the resulting chaos that the author resembles it to what has been compared to a palace coup. Also In the video clip the Israeli political authority talks about the recognition of Palestinian State by UN Security Council on coming September 2011 and also about the Iran nuclear threat in regard to recent IRI missiles maneuvers.

Aside from Arab spring, three critical spots in the region are
Palestine, Israel, and Iran. As time goes by, turmoil in Middle East is hitting boiling point, who knows, perhaps this coming September the whole region including our country will explode in fire. So there is a need to keep an eye on that region to stay alert.

Hope that would answer your question.



Maryam Hojjat

Great Point to notice

by Maryam Hojjat on

May Mr. Dai changes his course of action if he is serious.


A great read, nice and valuable info about Hassan Dai

by Bavafa on

However, after visiting Aghaye Mansur Rastani blogspot page, I am baffled as why majority of articles are about and in defense of Israel, yet the main logo reads "Defending Iranian Democracy"


Wouldn't be more accurate had it read "Defending Israel policy"

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 
