Ahmadinejad: Veni, Vidi, Vici

Ahmadinejad: Veni, Vidi, Vici
by Farah Rusta

Well, well, well! Now President Ahmadinejad can claim to speak with the voice of the people - a mandate granted to him by the nation. The elections in Iran are over. What a relief! But not on Iraniandotcom. We are now back to the same old and enjoyable territory wherein we feel most comfortable: conspiracy theories. For weeks if not for months to come, pundits on Iraniandotcom, and there are multitudes of them, are going to debate the results and accuse the other side of, among other things, foul play. It is easy now to say: Well I told you, didn't I? But I am not going to
tell you this. It is always too easy to be a smart ass after the event. The events will now speak for themselves.

With all the excitement and pretentions to a new democractic rise in Iran to reject the hardliners and embrace the reform, now President Ahmadinejad can claim massive poplular support for his plans and policies. If he is to stay true to his claims in his TV debates, that the reform candidates and their chief supporters are corrput to the core, he must now put his words where his mouth is and prosecute them. Similarly, if the three defeated candidates truely believe that they were cheated, they should not remain silent and accept the defeat with dignity. If neither of these happen then I would like to see the faces of those who claimed voting can make a difference!! After all a new revolution may be in the offing :o))

But back to Iraniandotcom, its unreal world of its own, and its army of "experts". For now, I am going to sit back, watch and enjoy the fight with glee. You know what is the funniest accusation I have been hearing since yesterday:  irregularity!!!


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Farah Rusta

At least Jaleh believes in the regime figures :)

by Farah Rusta on

Now that you believe their election figures, be adviced that 24 milion voted to keep the hejab (LOL)


I see your dilemma: defeated with eyes wide open :o))


I can only laugh at you



That was sooo funny :-) :-)

by Jaleho on

"برو یه گوشه به حال ربع پهلویت گریه کن "


Indeed, the one group who REALY LOST were the boycotters and funny Shahis who just REFUSE to live in the present!

The 13 million youngsters who voted for Mousavi are a BIG part of the spectrum of Iranians who WON by their participation, in sending a message to foreign ill-wishers of Iran. Furthermore, their numbers was so HUGE that the next government is FORCED to take their concerns into account, or else it is toast!! 

Methinks, the first effect of the huge opposition number would be a rapid improvement of Iranian women's right. That issue can never be as fast as we wish, but it will become much faster than the turtle pace of the last 30 years, singularly thanks to Mousavi's massive base.

Farah Rusta

Fouzul joon :o)

by Farah Rusta on

and guess what? 65% of them voted for Ahmadi (LoL)




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Bacheh Naneh (not verified)

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Fouzul Bashi

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Fouzul Bashi

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