Right Cause; Wrong choice!

Right Cause; Wrong choice!
by Farah Rusta

Have you heard this expression: "Iranians know what they don't want but they don't know what they want." The events of the last few weeks leading to the controvertial election on last Friday, are a testimony to this claim. Thirty years ago Iranians did precisely the same thing.  The knew what they did not want but out of desparation and ignorance they welcomed with open arms the most backward and brutal of regimes. Thirty years on, hardly anything has changed. They are, for a number of reasons, fed up with the government of Ahmadinejad and don't want it anymore. They are seeking, political and personal freedoms, respect for human rghts and democracy. In their desparation to find a refuge from this calamity, they are falling for one of the founding fathers of the very regime that has brought them misfortune and misery for the last three decades: Mir Hossein Moussavi, a man whose term of office, as the most lasting prime minister of the regime, presided over some of bleakest era of the regime's abuse of human rights, widespread corruption of the ruling elite and a devastating war of attrition with Iraq that ended in horror and humiliation.

Can a man with such record be the savior of the nation? The younger generation who were dancing around him until a few days ago and are now running away from the electric botton charges of the regime militia cannot be fully blamed. The full blame lies with the generation who do remember and do know who Moussavi is but remain sheepishly silent. No doubt, Moussavi will shed crocodile tears over the injuries and beating, if noth mortalities suffered by his crowd. But he is the same man who remained silent, and stuck to his premiership while a generation before these youngsters were tortured, raped and massacred by his Imam's infamous decree.

Thirty years on and our nation has hardly learned the lesson.


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mostafa ghanbari

To all of you

by mostafa ghanbari on


Thank you for taking this article under your serious considerations; but I think in order to get the main  message within this article, which is a very significant message, you should  be a little bit scrutinizing and of course brave. I have already gone through all of your feedbacks and responses to this article; but what really is amazing for me is the ways which almost all of you have chosen to approach this message. The outstanding point of this article is hidden in its title. This plaintive message are backed with numorous and indisputable historical evidence which have been created by our own hands. My dears, we had to be brave and confess to having been a nation of degrading infatuations with anyone who has introduced himself to us as a savior..My dears we had to be brave and never ever try to deny or skew our past.

And to those who believe there has not been another alternative for Musavi or the figures alike as the heralds of our new movement, I should say, my dears, there  are great men and women in that God-forgotten country who can run the whole world; it is not exaggeration, it is a bitter truth, bitter for us, the killers of our elite, human, and truly scrupulous children. It is true that unfortunately we have already run out of  the pure Iranian zeal, morale and equity; but surely we have not run out of our memories. Thereby According to our history, we have been a nation of supporting the devils, the pimps, the louts and the masters of hypocrisy and fraud; and on the other hand, we have also been a nation of handing our most capable and brightest children to the butchers. For instance, although our revolution in 1979 was a big and ugly mistake, but surely our memories can easily help us to remember that within the group of revolutionaries, there were highly informed figures who could lead us to a much much better destination had they had our support; but we left them alone and got infatuated with the our so-called divine leader, Khomeini and gained sorrow after sorrow.

And lastly, of course we are in need of some  changes as we have been going the wrong rout for three decades; but what kind of changes? changes for good or for bad? Or perhaps we just want some changes! No matter for good or for bad!!

Farah Rusta

Thank you Sir

by Farah Rusta on

Dear Mr Ghanbari 

Thank you for your kind words. It is great to know that there are compatriots of your calibre who can see the facts from fictions. I have no claim to anything, as many of our compatriots on this site appear to have, and as a matter of fact I am among the most, if not the most, unpopular person(s) on Iranian.com. But I will speak my mind for as long as I am allowed to do so here. 

With best regards


mostafa ghanbari


by mostafa ghanbari on


FARAH RUSTA, this name will be with me forever, as it gave me a sense of  the truth which is  so bitter and devastating. Dear Farah what you have mentioned is exactly what I have been thinking about it for twenty years. Salt is salty, and sugar is sweet; as simple as that; but in our taste( I mean Iranian taste) it has always been the salt which has been ridiculously obliged to impart the sweetness in our Arab-Islam-stricken minds. Therefore, I have no reason not to believe that we are badly affected by the long-term religious games which have been imposed on us in order to turn us from a wise and civilized nation with great quests and notions, into a submissive, daft, haughty and impetuous nation.

Dear Farah, unfortunately we are not brave enough to face with our problems in a rational manner. So, we have always been getting our fingers burnt; we have always been jumping from pan into the fire.

I am extremely grateful to you for opening such an important matter which unfortunately has no place in the frozen mind of our nation. I want to ask you, if I may, to continue with this vital issue to a much more comprehensive and emphatic extent.

I wish you the best of all.

sabzrang ashena

manzouram har insa-ne

by sabzrang ashena on

droud bar shoma neda, droud bar rou-he pakizeh tarin dokh-te IRAN va ham-ye as jan gosashtega-ne rahe watan man ba in yava saraeiha ke flan ke boud va che kard mokhalefam, zira har ins-ne nkhoubi momken ast rouzi bad shavad va har insa-ne badi rouzi behtarin bashad man ba refrandom aazad si-re nazare chand keshva-re bitaraf va sasm-ne melal mowafegham aasd va payandeh bad IRAN


Mousavi fires from the same hip

by javaneh29 on

He wanted reform .... well we are past that now and and Iran wants freedom from Islamic dictatorship. Mousavi was a tool and he has done his job. He was an alternative to Ahmad and for that reason he became the green hero. Its gone past that now

I also remember him from the past and yes people change.... but present day Mousavi wasnt advocating any more than mild reform.


Farah Rusta

Thank you Souri khanom

by Farah Rusta on

 That was a good article indeed.



a good article

by Souri on

There's a very good article in the news section, which is not featured. Maybe this will shed some lights on that matter:



The daftest question/logic

by KB on

What do you mean what change? how do you people propose to chnage Iran? Boycotting what?

You are not in Iran living under those conditions so do not stand on the sidelines questioning peoples desire to change their habitat socially, politically and economically in the only way they can.



by Neda A. (not verified) on

Here is my recollections of the revolutionary days:

- Daee jan Napoleon show had created an atmosphere of Choopan-e Doroughgoo by advocating, " Engilissa darran meean!".
- Some local and foreign media had made a mockery of Shah, and a progressive and darling of A.Khomeini.
- Young people demonstrating on the streets and having fun, not going to school, with no repercussion. Government employees participating in demonstrations (instead of going to work), and getting paid at the end of the month!
- Lefties Todeh activists (Sympathizers of the IRI and clergy), confessing they made big mistake during Mossadeg era, but saying: "We know what we are doing this time. These akhunds will clear our way to the power like bulldozer, by killing our rivals!"
- People like Mehdi Bazargan, Ayatollah Taleghani, Bani Sadre, Soroush, Ghotbzadeh, etc. were put to the showcase. Soroode Ey Iran replaced soroode shahanshahi. Pahlavi st. renamed Mossadeg St., but changed the name to Vali-asre St. a year later that IRI took complete power, when Ayatollah Khomeini pushed his referendum for an "Islamic Regime" with no alternative (nah yek kalameh kam, nah yek kalameh ziad), refusing to accept Bazargan's proposal for an added alternative choice of "Democratic Republic" in the referendum.
- Foreigners ( Media, businessmen, experts, tourists, etc.) left shortly before final days of revolution, and returned shortly after it, this time Soviet and lefties visitors added to them.
- Iraq-Iran War started in August 1980. Iranians forgot other priorities, defended their country with bare hands and their lives, despite a broken army whose leaders were massacred by the revolutionary Gard. They won the war in a few months. Saddam accepted the defeat, ready to pay for the war damages (backed by Saudi A). But IRI refused to accept the deal, continued the war for 8 more years, during which time one million Muslims on each side were killed. After 8 years, Ayatollah Khomeini announced, " Although this war was an amen (mohebat elaahi) for us, but we have to end the war and drink the bitter poison!"

After 30 years of Islamic Regime in power, Iran has become more dependent on the East and the West, politically and in material needs of people, such as food, gas, and other necessities of life. Its money has been devaluated from 70R/$1 to 9200R/$1. It has gained more unemployed, prostitutes, and addicts. It has lost thousands of engineers, medical and science experts, entrepreneurs, managers, and bright youngsters (as part of the brain drain), to other countries. It has gained a terrorist related image, and its leaders are a mockery of the world.

During this period, the elections have proved to be a tool of the regime to keep people busy with the false hope for democracy, and to extend the dominance of the regime. More of the same is not the answer.

What is the alternative? Today, about 70 percent of the Iranian population is below 30 years of age, and did not vote in the referendum of 1980 for the IRI. Their parents did, and paid the price.

For those of you who live outside Iran in democratic countries, have access to media and technology, analyze the events, give conflicting and confusing signals to the brave young people of Iran who, like other citizens of the world, just want freedom, opportunity for a better life, and the rule of law:

Why don't you unite in advocating a new referendum in Iran, under the supervision of UN, and unbiased representatives of countries like India, Japan, Canada, Scandinavia, Australia, Brazil, China,etc.; to choose between 3 choices: Islamic Republic, Democratic Republic, Mashrooteh Monarchy ( something like England, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, etc.).

I am sure you are smart enough to spread the word, if you want to and believe in it, have no bias, and have no common interest with those who are now in power. Future of Iran will be shaped by the brave, experienced and thoughtful people who live inside the country, as well as those experts who live outside, who love and care for the country, and will go back to rebuild their motherland.

Payandeh Iran


Ali P.

by MiNeum71 on

This was 20 years ago, calm down. It doesn't matter to me, what he did in the 80s, to me it's important for what he stands today. History books are full of people who had chosen the wrong path before they changed because of whatever.

Who do you want to impress with 20 years ago ...?


Farah Rusta

To those who say, who was the alternative:

by Farah Rusta on

The question that should be asked is not WHO but WHAT was the alternative. And as some of you already know, it was one word: boycott. 

The people who did not beleive in the legitemacy of the Islamic regime and yet voted, are those who must feel the most defrauded by Ahmadinejad. They played into the hands of the regime by provding them with the much needed currency of legitimacy: the attendance. Now Ahmadinejad has not only, in their owrds, 'stolen' their votes but is claiming a fully participated election - something noboday has rejected. The difference could be that Ahmadinejad's presidency would have been illegitimate without a single shot being fired. Now, the illegitimacy of this regime may be exposed at a huge cost as the demonstrations are getting bloody and messy. To those of us who are distant and have nothing better to do than blogging and commenting, the so called e-protestors  (myself included) this might seem like an exciting movie. A movie which we can be part of without being physically there. But there are real people out there who get injured and may soon get killed, The worst conclusion of this crisis for those who may lose their lives would be a resumption of the Ahmadinejad's presidency or the appointment of Mousavi as the next president of the Islamic regime. The best outcome would be a total collapse of the regime.




Has ever Mousavi said I bow

by Just coming (not verified) on

Has ever Mousavi said I bow to the call of Khamenei for accepting the election results? Has he distance himself from the cry of people for justice in order to save the IRI? Instead he went to the heart of people and responded them by his presence among them today. And showed that the Reformist movement has not died yet and can lead the youth generation. This is the best and most viable strategy to start from the within and it has been so far so successful. IF MOUSAVI HAD NOT SUCH BACKGROUND, YOU WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO SEE WHAT YOU ARE SEEING RIGHT NOW IN THE STREET OF IRANIAN CITIES, SO GET REAL AND STOP NAGGING. Mousvi didn't issue the order of mass execution, it came from the upper levels without his direct involvement.Instead he was involved in war with Saddam and defending the nation, when you were sitting in your lazy asses abroad. what you expected from him,what planet are you from?
I wonder what Iranian opposition in Diaspora (including you bankrupted monarchy-lovers) have done to move these people? I don’t care about Musavi’s background, and if i do, I see it CLEANER that your stinking political tendencies which relies on 2500 years of tyranny, corruption and ignorance!. Other alternatives are no better.


Down With Theocracy

by t (not verified) on

One slogan used outside of Iran was "We want democracy, not theocracy". I hope that they would chant the same in Tehran because as one writer wrote previously, the root of all problems in Iran is Islam. Be it Mousavi or Ahmadinezad, we need that to fall.

Darius Kadivar

One Dead in Riots (French Report)

by Darius Kadivar on

Un manifestant a été tué par balles et plusieurs autres ont été blessés lundi à Téhéran lors d'un rassemblement de centaines de milliers de partisans de Mir Hossein Moussavi, candidat malheureux à la présidentielle, qui contestaient la réélection de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.



Farah Khanoom,

by Jaleho on

Opposition got a HUGE 13 MILLION VOTES, because its leader was Mousavi, who has been a revolutionary leader.

If the choice that YOU CALL RIGHT were to run against Ahmadinejad, then Ahamdinejad would have gotten 40 million, and YOUR choice still would have gotten the same number it got: the pathetic number of boycotters: few thousands against 40 million!!


and what change please?

by Souri on

"One can not argue with people who question Musavi’s past, but in
the absence of an alternative, Iranians did the only thing they could to bring about a change."

Wheather you walk or you run or you dance inside of the same circle, do you call it a walk away movement? Is that a change? Change of what? Changing the bad with the worse? Unless you were happier under the Mousavi's era, I don't really understand this need for change, which will in fact cost us a few (read many) lives.


Were you not a proponent of inaction/No Vote?

by KB on

The results of this election, regardless of who won or lost, are the best outcome we could have hoped for.


Just before I started writing, I read the latest about Iran on the BBC. Millions of people are in the streets demonstrating and the  “establishment” is just frozen and are staying wall back. People have been shot and the atmosphere is really charged.


The “Genie is out of the bottle” and whatever happens in the short term, because so many lines have been crossed, we will witness a changed Iran. And this is all thanks to people who voted, because inaction says you are content and the people in Iran are not. Had the millions who voted for Musavi not bothered to vote, it would be business as usual for the MA camp.

 One can not argue with people who question Musavi’s past, but in the absence of an alternative, Iranians did the only thing they could to bring about a change.


Root cause is Islam

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Dear Poster Farah,

So very well said. Thank you.

Get rid of Islam in Iranian politics and 80% of problems will go away; overnight.





by Princess on

with the majority of the comments here. Wrong choice, but what is the alternative option?



by ali kasra (not verified) on

Moussavi is probably not the ideal choice and he might have been a hardliner in the 1980's. From what I know he had a reputation for being a good manager. Most of the time people have to settle with what they have instead of their ideal. Moussavi's dignfied manners will help to restore Iran's image in the world. Also, with no Ahmadinejad to kick around anymore, Israel and the neoconservatives on Fox News will have a tougher time demonizing Iran. I have to say I really admire the courage of the Iranian People during the past few days. I am really proud of being an Iranian at this point.


No doubt

by MRX1 on

that moussavi is not a right choice, but absense of any viable opposition leader (dead, assisnated, rotting in prison, exiled with no tools to be effective) leaves no choice. For a time being if he can be used to put pressure on the regime it's better than nothing. Down the road, when IRI is gone, then take folks like him to proper court and find out how much their hand is soaked with the blood of inocent people... 


Mob Rule....ready for it?

by Kurush (not verified) on

Good point: my advice to whomever is listening to work within the system & to try to evolve it overtime. Violent mob-ruled events have never produced any beneficial system that might last. Do not rock the boat, cause once the boat is capsized you are out on your own in the big ocean of ruthless international power politics dominated by the Western thugs; in short, everyone for himself/herself in a very very callous & unforgiving world.

I will go over a few points quickly to provide historical perspective:

1-All forms of ’democracy’ sooner or later degenerate into mob rule until a strong man establishes order by utter ruthlessness. The Roman Republic which was used by the so-called America’s Founding Fathers as a paradigm had this fate. In the Roman Republic every year the magistrates were elected. The magistrates were the aediles who oversaw the public works/games, the queastors who were the taxmen/ treasurers, the praetors who were the lawyers/prosecutors and the ultimate office the Consules. All these were elected yearly and everything was fine until the military campaigns of 1st century BC produced commanders who held their command, for years without election,, granted by the Senate. Thus right before the Roman Civil War, the Roman commanders Julius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus, Crassus formed the triumvirates, the yearly elections were corrupted by graft & bribes, and the institutions of Roman Republic degenerated by internal strife. The Roman Civil War put an end to the Roman Republic and Augustus, by sheer ruthlessness, emerged as the Emperor. No more elections only a dictator-Emperor who ruled with iron fist. The US is going through this degenerative disease now , and Iran’s current mob rule is the symptom of the same disease. Recall that the remarkable highly democratic Weimar republic was fertile ground for Hitler’s rise as the mob rule intensified in the 1920s/30s. The mob rule we are witnessing in Iran will weaken the central government & institutions & elective processes, chaos will result. It is still not too late. Let’s look at other aspects.

2-The Greeks in the Trojan War fought for 10 years to conquer Troy. Troy fought them back and matched them on the battlefield with valor. The Greeks, tired of 10 years warfare, faced with internal dissent , understood they could not win on the battlefield. So they came up with the Trojan Horse ruse, pretended they are leaving , and left the ‘goodwill’ ‘gift’ to the Trojans. The Trojans, who should have known better, ‘trusted’ the Greeks, their mortal enemies, and took the ‘gift‘. We know what happened to Troy thereafter Iran is the West’s/America’s Troy. For 30 years, Iran defied the West. Then Obama came along with smile and offered his hand of friendship. What happened, 30 years of hostility towards Iran, and now all of a sudden friendship?!!! Do you believe them.(Khatemi did)? Well the Trojans did. Will the Iranians? Can we be a little smarter than the Trojans, less trusting at this crucial point in our history when there is so much at stake, with our neighbors , Iraq & Afghanistan, reduced to wastelands by the same forces which are offering their ‘hands of friendship’ and we are supposed to ‘trust’?

To idealize bunch of 20-something to guide Iran through this crucial maze in our history when we have just become truly independent is sheer folly. I can bet you that every single one of these young men & women has not read a book about the West’s colonial history, the American slavery, knows nothing about the elitist plutocratic regimes that rule the West under the guise of so-called democracy

Iran’s leadership has every right to suppress this mob rule. If young mobsters take arms against our national government, it would be an act of treason & sedition.. They must be treated harshly. I will not advocate swift executions, rather, create chain gangs and put them to work to build roads & bridges & schools & hospitals for the country they are unwittingly bringing to the brink of chaos. If Iran’s leadership gives in, there will be no stopping the mob-ruled democracy which will be brought about. Finally, When at last a strongman wielding a bloody hatchet emerges, it will be a Western appointed dictator./hatchetman



by t (not verified) on

Right cause, wrong choice but there is no other option. Mousavi is being used. He is the excuse for being able to protest. Let's use the opportunity. As I mentioned in my other comment, listen to the slogans. They all relate to domocracy not Mousavi.

Where is my vote?
Death to dictator.


Ahsant Ali jan!!

by Souri on

You said it all: Great cause...but poor choice!!

Darius Kadivar

The minimum is to demand an Investigation

by Darius Kadivar on

I have no particular resentment for Moussavi nor sympathy and I could not possibly Vote in this hoax of an election within a Regime that I abhore and oppose.

But before accusing him of any crimes I would simply demand to see the results of a serious and independant investigation on Moussavi's possible responsibilities in the massacres of 1988.

A Similar investigation on the candidates record would also be welcome not to say also for anyone who has been occupying offices of responsability in this regime.

But Justice in the true sense of the word also should allow these people to also have lawyers to defend their case.

Something they never offered to the likes of Rahimi, Hoveida ... or the poor Farrokhro Parsa to name a few.

As for the real debate which is reform VS regime change ... my view is best summarized by the late Shahpour Bakhtiar here:

Bakhtiar on a Future Constitution to be drafted after Regime Change and the conditions for a Free and Fair Elections on the future democratic state of choice :


He also mentions Rafsanjani, and what the Role of the West should be in relation to the regime.

5 august 1989, Hamburg


Ali P. I agree...

by shifteh on

But, i am so emotionally torn apart to see the eary images of what is happening in the streets of Tehran.

And, as Farah Rusta says, the youth do not remember the hypocratic nature of this socalled reformist.  Then, again, how would they know.  Those of us who remember have left the country.  Look around you and count the Ph.Ds; the Mds; the CEOs; the CFOs; etc.  We were the managers, the leaders, who were supposed to guide, teach and lead.  But, we are all here...

I remember 79 and 80s; and the desperate attempt of some older seasoned TODEH supporters; not the very active ones, but the ones who were sympathizers; done some rallies; and got punished for the act later, yet, lived their quiet middle class, semi-intellectual lives.  They pessimistically were caustioning the youth.  But, no one was listening; because they were sounding too much like Daee jan Napoleon...

I also think I personally have given up the right to caustion our youth when i left my motherland...

Ali P.

That was my question

by Ali P. on

...and I wished somebody in one of those debates had asked him. (Oh, never mind...who was going to ask him about the mass executions of the 80's? Mohsen Rezaie, or Mehdi Karubi?)

 The man who claims to have come to stand up for the rights of Iranian youth, Iranian women, Iranian civil rights, why didn't he do that in 1988 when they massacred tens of thousands?

What was his stand then?

What is his stand now?

A 22 year old today may not know much about that. But I, and many in my generation, have lost friends who, at the time were younger than 22.

These kids today don't know Mr Mousavi. We do.

Great cause,...poor choice.


Absence Of democracy

by ali_UK on

In the absence of domocracy ( now and 30 years ago ) what else is there to do?

This is waht I post today to someone elses comments who did not approve of the action that the masses in Iran have taken.


" I believe that if there is a crack in a wall you are trying to bring down , you drive a wedge through it. 

If this wedge happens to be called Mousavi , then so be it.

..................  ""