23-Jan-2009 (2 comments)
Millions of people everywhere have woken up feeling that the world has changed. What those of my age perhaps felt we would never see in our lifetime has happened. America... >>>
20-Jan-2009 (11 comments)
The Zoroastrian Scriptures, like those of all the other world religions, contain Messianic Prophecies foretelling the future appearance of a "redeemer".>>>
19-Jan-2009 (5 comments)
در تاریکی بامدادی، آن زمان که هنوز بسیاری از نفوس در خواب بودند، زنگ در خانهء زنی میانسال به صدا در آمد. هراسان گوشی اف‌اف را برداشت. مردی از آن سوی گفت، "از نیروی انتظامی هستیم. منزل >>>
12-Jan-2009 (7 comments)
آیت الله رفسنجانی در نماز جمعه تهران اعلام کرد: در شهري به نام عكا كه بهايي‌ها هم در آن جا زياد هستند عده زيادي از فلسطيني‌هاي قديمي مانده‌اند. نيمي از مردم اين شهر فلسطيني هستند. اخيرا صهيونيست‌ها آنان را آزار مي‌كنند>>>
08-Jan-2009 (10 comments)

As a Parent, one can not but be cognizant of the kind of society our children are growing up in>>>

06-Jan-2009 (2 comments)
The Story of Baha'u'llah's Arrest in 1852 Part 1>>>
31-Dec-2008 (9 comments)
Perhaps the most moving song for New Years...

Turn up the volume.. 

21-Dec-2008 (48 comments)

You may have seen this before...but for those who havent, it is a heartwarming video about a Bahai Family from Iran and the influence of their Persian culture on the locals.


20-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
Season's first snow casts an almost mystical beauty over Manhattan, and with it much joy to the children...>>>
14-Dec-2008 (9 comments)
از آن دسته ازمشاغل شریفی که سالهای سال درمیهن عزیزمان ایران سابقه داشته است>>>
10-Dec-2008 (122 comments)
You don't have to be a News freak to be oblivious the unfolding chaos around the world; from the financial crisis, to cholera outbreaks in Southern Africa, to bomb attacks, and piracy>>>
05-Dec-2008 (2 comments)
Coexistence in Iran>>>
A Creative way to express in human terms ,what one will never know on this earth, about Life after Death...>>>

In the !970s Seals and Crofts made world wide hits with Summer Breeze and Humming Bird..timeless songs and lyrics that resonated with the spiritual hungry youth>>>

Ahmadinejad's again repeated his Hypocritical speech about God, Love , Justice etc... none of which exist in hIs life or the life of the people who rule Iran.>>>